
The party flag is flying, fighting the epidemic together, and building a "red" fortress together - the party members of Yuanlong Company actively do a good job in the prevention and control of the epidemic in the project

author:Daily Gansu

A branch is a fortress, and a party member is a banner. Recently, the epidemic situation in the province has been fierce. The vast number of party members and cadres of Yuanlong Company actively responded to the call, played the role of a fighting fortress and a pioneer model, took the initiative to attack, worked in practice, carried out the practice of "I do practical things for the masses" in the frontline of the fight against the epidemic, let the bright party flag fly high on the front line of epidemic prevention and control, and protect life and health with practical actions.

The party flag is flying, fighting the epidemic together, and building a "red" fortress together - the party members of Yuanlong Company actively do a good job in the prevention and control of the epidemic in the project

Pioneers lead, build responsibility. In order to better play the party organization function of the project, let the party flag fly high at the forefront of epidemic prevention and control. The company branch organized the Qingfu and Fu Ku projects to quickly set up a pioneer team of party members and party member responsibility areas for project epidemic prevention work, and effectively did a good job in a work area, a field station, and a project epidemic prevention and construction, so that the party flag flew high on the front line of project construction.

The party flag is flying, fighting the epidemic together, and building a "red" fortress together - the party members of Yuanlong Company actively do a good job in the prevention and control of the epidemic in the project

The party branch of the Qingfu second standard project deployed the arrangement overnight, and the party members and cadres of the project took the lead in the battle, took the initiative to dock, took the lead in completing the first nucleic acid test and sampling of all employees, and sounded the epidemic prevention and collection number of party members for the company organs and other projects. "As a party member, in the face of the epidemic, we must act quickly, take the lead in epidemic prevention, and take the initiative to participate, so that the party emblem can shine," said Wu Decai, project manager. Since October 20, 10 party members of the project have taken the initiative to take the lead in their respective regions, and Wu Fengjiang, a project weigher, has worked part-time as a part-time epidemic prevention inspection post while doing his own work, timely and standardizing the itinerary inspection and disinfection of the drivers and equipment entering the site, ensuring that the materials and epidemic prevention work are carried out at the same time, giving full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members.

The party flag is flying, fighting the epidemic together, and building a "red" fortress together - the party members of Yuanlong Company actively do a good job in the prevention and control of the epidemic in the project

Volunteering to help is an obligation. Epidemic prevention is urgent. Fu Ku project is in the project construction requisition and relocation work, the project in cooperation with the higher management requirements, adhere to the masses to mingle, in the territorial government epidemic prevention stage, the project department to Gaolan County Jiuhe Town 6 epidemic prevention testing points to donate epidemic prevention materials, and cooperate with the local government to do a good job in the project department, field station epidemic prevention work.

The party flag is flying, fighting the epidemic together, and building a "red" fortress together - the party members of Yuanlong Company actively do a good job in the prevention and control of the epidemic in the project

To guard the homeland, party members go first. Lin Bairu, deputy director of the company's quality and safety department, made the company's project epidemic prevention video inspection notice, and returned home from work for the last time that night. On the way home, I was moved to see the street community volunteers holding their posts in the cold night. The next day, he volunteered to join the community volunteer service team of Yannan Street in Chengguan District and cooperated with the community to organize residents to conduct nucleic acid testing and sampling in an orderly manner. An armband and a loudspeaker are the responsibilities of our party members. "This is nothing, as an ordinary person should participate in epidemic prevention", a simple sentence shows our sense of responsibility and service consciousness of Party members in Luqiao, and eternal faith. Guarding the homeland and fighting the epidemic, we road and bridge people are in action.

The party flag is flying, fighting the epidemic together, and building a "red" fortress together - the party members of Yuanlong Company actively do a good job in the prevention and control of the epidemic in the project

Highlight the key points and do solid support. From the beginning of its establishment, the fu ku project party group acted quickly, timely formulated the project party group contact with the masses system, insisted on ensuring that there are party organizations at key moments, party members in key positions, and resolutely implement the responsibility for epidemic prevention and control. This project party group composed of 8 party members has built a strong anti-epidemic fortress for the project, effectively forming a "chess game" situation of overall linkage, coordination and orderliness, cohesion and efficient operation. Zou Xujun, head of the project party group, said, "In the sprint stage of the project, there are difficulties in epidemic prevention and construction, which is also the time to test our party members, and the project party team will lead the project party members and workers to take the initiative in the epidemic prevention and control work, and build the "fortress" at the forefront of prevention and control." The project party members take the identification of party members as the basic requirements of the work, and the person in charge of the project materials receives the requirements of the epidemic prevention notice, contacts the merchants of epidemic prevention materials, prepares sufficient project epidemic prevention materials, and does a good job in ensuring the project epidemic prevention materials. Project manager Zou Xujun took the lead in going to the scene to explain the epidemic prevention knowledge and safety to the labor service personnel, and strengthened the project safety management, so that the project labor service personnel could clearly understand the epidemic prevention situation. Chen Xi, director of the Project Comprehensive Office, divided the red line of the meal in a timely manner, and insisted on supervising the "one meter" distance at the entrance of the canteen every day until the end of the meal and the last meal. Chen Shidong, a party member of the project, combined with the relocation work, took the initiative to dock with the epidemic prevention points in the surrounding villages and towns along the station, and Chen Xi and Chen Xi worked non-stop for 36 hours to complete the tasks of all the project personnel investigation, information verification, and government docking work.

The party flag is flying, fighting the epidemic together, and building a "red" fortress together - the party members of Yuanlong Company actively do a good job in the prevention and control of the epidemic in the project

Party membership is an identity, but also a responsibility. The party members of the project are not only the vanguard and vanguard of construction and construction in the frontline, but also in the epidemic prevention work, they use their firm faith and strong will to practice the original intention and mission of party members, and they have no complaints or regrets on the journey of building a bridge and stick to their posts. The party flag is flying high, under the guidance of the "red fortress", in the battle of epidemic prevention and control, the party members of Yuanlong Company are leading the way, not afraid of tiredness and hardship, practicing the oath of the communists with practical actions, contributing to the security and stability of the company, and building a "firewall" for comprehensively winning the epidemic prevention and control battle.

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