
"Warner Brawl" game screen exposure Wonder Woman vs Gandalf

author:Nomad starry sky

Today, foreign media DSOG exposed the "Warner Brawl" game screen. According to the screenshots, we can see that this game is inspired by "Nintendo Star Brawl", the game's combat methods include 1V1, 2V2, there are Wonder Woman, Gandalf and other well-known characters appear, and the battle stage also reproduces the classic screens of Rick and Morty.

"Warner Brawl" game screen exposure Wonder Woman vs Gandalf
"Warner Brawl" game screen exposure Wonder Woman vs Gandalf
"Warner Brawl" game screen exposure Wonder Woman vs Gandalf

Previously, some netizens exposed the selection interface of this work, and classic characters such as Batman, Superman, Joker, Rick, Tom and Jerry were all unveiled in the selection interface. I believe that Warner will soon announce this game, and we will continue to pay attention to the follow-up news.

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