
Three warnings from aesthetic scholars to China: Don't underestimate the brutality of the United States, it will not allow China to rise

author:Rainbow after rain

John Mearsheimer, a renowned scholar of international relations, has had an impact far beyond academia. He is not only a professor of political science at the University of Chicago, but also a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Mearsheimer is best known for his theory of "offensive realism", which has attracted wide attention and discussion in the field of international relations theory in China.

At the heart of Mearsheimer's theory is the anarchy of the international system, i.e., the absence of a unified authority between states to maintain order. In this state, the state must constantly pursue the maximization of relative power for the sake of its own security. This pursuit often leads countries to adopt offensive tactics, which provoke conflicts and wars. Millsheimer argued that competition between the great powers was inevitable because they all sought to dominate the international system.

Three warnings from aesthetic scholars to China: Don't underestimate the brutality of the United States, it will not allow China to rise

Back in the late 90s, Mearsheimer foresaw a potential challenge to US hegemony from China's rise. He predicted that with the rapid development of China's economy and the increase of its military power, China will inevitably seek to establish its own sphere of influence in the Asian region. The expansion of such spheres of influence will directly challenge US interests in the Asia-Pacific region and may even trigger confrontation between China and the United States.

Mearsheimer's view has had a profound impact on American academia and policymaking. In the late 90s, the U.S. crackdown on China can be traced in part to the influence of Mearsheimer's theory. The U.S. government has begun to pay more attention to China's development and has taken a series of measures to contain China's rise, including strengthening ties with allies in the Asia-Pacific region and flexing military power in regions such as the South China Sea.

Three warnings from aesthetic scholars to China: Don't underestimate the brutality of the United States, it will not allow China to rise

However, Mearsheimer's theory has also received some criticism. Some scholars argue that he places too much emphasis on competition and conflict between countries and ignores the role of international cooperation and institution-building in reducing tensions between countries. In addition, Mearsheimer's theory has been accused of having an American-centric tendency, that is, focusing too much on the national security and interests of the United States while ignoring the legitimate concerns of other countries.

Despite the controversy, Mearsheimer's theory still provides an important perspective for our understanding of international politics. It reminds us that in an anarchic international system, national security and power pursuits are key factors in driving international relations. At the same time, it also prompts us to think about how to promote international cooperation and peace while safeguarding national security.

Three warnings from aesthetic scholars to China: Don't underestimate the brutality of the United States, it will not allow China to rise

Mearsheimer's theories have not only been widely discussed in academic circles, but have also had an impact on American foreign policy in practice. For example, in his book The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, he bluntly pointed out the challenge to the United States from China's rise and predicted a fierce security competition between China and the United States. This view has influenced U.S. policymaking toward China to some extent, especially when dealing with China-related geopolitical issues.

In addition, Mearsheimer's theories have also had an impact on the foreign policies of other countries. Many countries also take into account Mearsheimer's emphasis on the pursuit of power and security competition when formulating their own foreign policies. To a certain extent, this has exacerbated the complexity and uncertainty of international relations.

Three warnings from aesthetic scholars to China: Don't underestimate the brutality of the United States, it will not allow China to rise

Overall, Mearsheimer's theory of "offensive realism" provides an important framework for our understanding of international politics. Although this theory is controversial, it emphasizes the importance of state power pursuit and security competition in international relations, which has important implications for our understanding of the current international situation and the formulation of corresponding foreign policy.

John Mearsheimer's theory of "offensive realism" has had a significant impact on American academia and policymaking since the late 90s. This theoretical framework argues that anarchy in the international system leads to the maximization of power in order for the survival and security of the state, and this pursuit often leads the state to adopt an offensive strategy. Mearsheimer's theory emphasizes the inevitability of power competition between states and the preemptive tactics in which great powers may resort to preemptive tactics in order to maintain their position.

Three warnings from aesthetic scholars to China: Don't underestimate the brutality of the United States, it will not allow China to rise

In the late 90s, with the rapid development of China's economy and the implementation of the policy of opening up to the outside world, China gradually became an important player in the world economy. During this period, the United States was worried about China's rise and feared that China's rise could challenge America's global hegemony. Mearsheimer's theory provides U.S. policymakers with a lens to explain China's rise, which as a rising power, will inevitably behave toward regional and even global dominance.

Mearsheimer's theories have influenced U.S. policy toward China, especially in U.S. repression of China. For example, in terms of trade policy, the United States has begun to impose stricter export controls and trade barriers on China to curb the rapid development of China's economy. In terms of security policy, the United States has strengthened its military presence in the Asia-Pacific region, balancing China's influence in the region through military cooperation and exercises with allies. In addition, the United States has also tried to limit China's economic expansion by promoting multilateral trade agreements such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and trying to build an economic bloc that excludes China.

Three warnings from aesthetic scholars to China: Don't underestimate the brutality of the United States, it will not allow China to rise

Mearsheimer's theories also influenced the U.S. strategic positioning toward China. In the eyes of some U.S. policymakers, China is no longer just an economic rival, but a potential military and political adversary. This view has prompted the United States to take a tougher stance on China policy, including on territorial disputes in the South China Sea and other regions, where the United States has more clearly expressed its concern and opposition to China's behavior.

However, Mearsheimer's theory has also received some criticism. Some scholars believe that his theory places too much emphasis on confrontation and conflict between states, and ignores the positive role of international institutions, economic interdependence, and cultural exchanges in easing relations between states. In addition, some critics have pointed out that Mearsheimer's theory may oversimplify the complex realities of international relations, ignoring intra-state factors and the role of non-state actors in international politics.

Three warnings from aesthetic scholars to China: Don't underestimate the brutality of the United States, it will not allow China to rise

Despite the controversy, Mearsheimer's theory undoubtedly provides a powerful analytical tool for understanding great power politics. It has prompted policymakers and academics to pay more attention to the dynamics of power among the great powers and how these dynamics shape the international order. In the current international political environment, with the strengthening of the trend of multipolarization and the rise of emerging powers, Mearsheimer's theory has important implications for understanding power competition and conflict in the international system.

As a global superpower, the United States has long been committed to maintaining its hegemonic status. Historically, the United States has used a variety of tactics to suppress potential competitors who could pose a threat to its hegemony. This repression is not limited to the economic and trade spheres, but also involves political, military, and diplomatic dimensions. As the largest developing country in the world, China's rapid economic growth and growing international influence have naturally aroused vigilance and anxiety in the United States.

Three warnings from aesthetic scholars to China: Don't underestimate the brutality of the United States, it will not allow China to rise

Mearsheimer's theory provides the U.S. government with a framework to explain China's rise, arguing that China's rise will inevitably challenge U.S. hegemony. In the late '90s, the U.S. government began to take a series of measures to contain China's development, including strengthening military cooperation with allies in the Asia-Pacific region, raising trade barriers to China, and diplomatic isolation of China in the international arena. These measures reflect, to some extent, the influence of Mearsheimer's theory of preemptively maintaining US hegemony.

However, the 911 terrorist attacks of 2001 forced the U.S. government to shift the focus of its foreign policy. The United States has devoted its main energy to the war on terror and military operations in the Middle East, which has reduced the pressure on China to a certain extent. China has seized this opportunity and accelerated the pace of its own development. Economically, China has further deepened reforms, expanded opening-up, and actively participated in global economic governance, which has promoted rapid economic growth. Diplomatically, China has strengthened cooperation with other countries, actively participated in international affairs, and enhanced its international status and influence.

Three warnings from aesthetic scholars to China: Don't underestimate the brutality of the United States, it will not allow China to rise

During this period, China's rise did not lead to direct confrontation and conflict with the United States, as Mearsheimer had predicted. Instead, China and the United States have cooperated on many areas, including global issues such as counterterrorism, nonproliferation, and climate change. This cooperation has eased tensions between the two countries to a certain extent and brought common benefits to both sides.

However, as time went on, U.S. concerns about China rose again. The US Government believes that China's rapid development in the economic, scientific, technological, and military fields has begun to challenge US hegemony. During the Trump administration, the United States adopted a tougher policy toward China, including trade wars, technology blockades, and diplomatic pressure. To a certain extent, these measures reflect the United States' concerns about and suppression of China's rise.

Three warnings from aesthetic scholars to China: Don't underestimate the brutality of the United States, it will not allow China to rise

In general, the hegemony of the United States and the suppression of China is a complex historical process that involves the interaction of multiple factors and forces. Mearsheimer's theory provides a perspective on this process, but it does not fully explain all the problems. In the current international political environment, the relationship between China and the United States is still full of uncertainties and challenges, which need to be addressed jointly through dialogue and cooperation.

As the world's only superpower, the United States has always maintained its hegemonic position at the core of its foreign policy. Historically, in order to maintain its global leadership, the United States has used a variety of means to suppress potential competitors, including economic sanctions, military intervention, and political isolation. This repressive behavior is directed not only at countries that directly challenge U.S. interests, but also at those that are perceived to have the potential to threaten U.S. hegemony, including China.

Three warnings from aesthetic scholars to China: Don't underestimate the brutality of the United States, it will not allow China to rise

During the Cold War, the confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union was the dominant pattern in global politics. With the end of the Cold War, the United States began to look for new adversaries in order to maintain its global hegemony. As the world's most populous country and a fast-growing economy, China has naturally become the focus of attention of the United States. The U.S. crackdown on China began with the adjustment of its trade policy toward China, trying to contain China's economic development by raising tariff barriers and restricting technology exports.

In addition, the United States has also strengthened military cooperation with its allies in the Asia-Pacific region to build a strategic encirclement of China. For example, the United States has signed a series of military agreements with Japan, South Korea, Australia and other countries to strengthen its military presence and joint military exercises in the Asia-Pacific region as a way to balance China's influence in the region. The United States has also tried to limit China's economic expansion by promoting regional trade agreements, such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership, to create an economic bloc that excludes China.

Three warnings from aesthetic scholars to China: Don't underestimate the brutality of the United States, it will not allow China to rise

At the political level, the United States has also taken a series of measures to isolate China. This includes criticism of China in international organizations and a tougher stance on issues involving China's internal affairs, such as Taiwan, Tibet and Xinjiang. The United States has also sought to influence China's political course by supporting dissidents and nongovernmental organizations in China.

However, these repressive measures of the United States have not fully achieved the desired effect. China's rapid economic growth and the implementation of the policy of opening up to the outside world have made China's position in the global economy increasingly rising. China has continued to expand its international influence through active participation in global governance, such as its accession to the World Trade Organization and its promotion of the Belt and Road Initiative.

Three warnings from aesthetic scholars to China: Don't underestimate the brutality of the United States, it will not allow China to rise

At the same time, China's rapid development in the field of science and technology, especially in the field of cutting-edge technologies such as 5G, artificial intelligence, and quantum computing, has also put pressure on the United States. The United States began to take measures to restrict the development of Chinese companies in the U.S. market, such as sanctions on Chinese technology companies such as Huawei and ZTE, as well as restrictions on the activities of Chinese students and researchers in the United States.

Although these repressive actions of the United States have slowed down China's development to a certain extent, they have also stimulated China's determination to innovate and develop independently. China has increased its investment in scientific research and education, and promoted a series of science, technology and innovation policies to reduce its dependence on external technology.

Three warnings from aesthetic scholars to China: Don't underestimate the brutality of the United States, it will not allow China to rise

In general, in order to maintain its global hegemony, the United States has suppressed China in many ways, involving economic, military, political and other levels. However, China's rise is not easily contained, and its intrinsic development momentum and openness to foreign cooperation allow China to continue to play an important role on the international stage. The United States' suppression of China is not only an inevitable choice for the United States to maintain its hegemonic status, but also a manifestation of great power competition in international politics.

John Mearsheimer, as a representative of international political realism, with his profound realist perspective, put forward three major warnings to China, which not only reveal the determination and possible means of the United States to maintain its global hegemony, but also reflect the challenges facing China in the current international environment.

Three warnings from aesthetic scholars to China: Don't underestimate the brutality of the United States, it will not allow China to rise

First, Mearsheimer warned China not to trust American democratic values. He pointed out that while the United States often conducts foreign policy propaganda in the name of promoting democratic and liberal values, its actual actions are often contrary to those values. The United States has repeatedly intervened in the internal affairs of other countries in its history, even resorting to military means to overthrow regimes that do not serve its interests. Mearsheimer argues that U.S. foreign policy is driven more by national interests than by the promotion of genuine democratic values.

Second, Mearsheimer warned that "if you fall behind, you will be beaten." This viewpoint, based on historical experience, points out that in international politics, weaker countries are often the targets of aggression and oppression by powerful countries. China has experienced a history of humiliation in the past, which proves that a weak country can be bullied by foreign forces. Therefore, Mearsheimer stressed that China must continue to develop and enhance its comprehensive national strength to ensure the country's security and independence.

Three warnings from aesthetic scholars to China: Don't underestimate the brutality of the United States, it will not allow China to rise

Finally, Mearsheimer warned that the United States would not tolerate a threat to its hegemony. He believes that the United States, as the dominant country in the current international system, will take all necessary measures to contain any country that may challenge its hegemonic status. As a rising power, China's rapidly developing economic and military power has naturally aroused the vigilance of the United States. Mearsheimer believes that the United States may use political, economic, and even military means to contain China's rise in order to maintain its global hegemony.

Mearsheimer's three warnings, from a realist perspective, emphasize the politics of power and security competition in international politics. His views remind China that it must be soberly aware of the complexities and uncertainties in the international environment, as well as the possible containment tactics of the United States. At the same time, these warnings also indicate that while pursuing peaceful development, China needs to strengthen its own defense and diplomatic capabilities to cope with possible external challenges and pressures.

Three warnings from aesthetic scholars to China: Don't underestimate the brutality of the United States, it will not allow China to rise

In the current international political landscape, Mearsheimer's theory provides a perspective for understanding great power political competition. While his warnings may be tinged with a certain pessimism, they also provide important strategic thinking for China on the need to be vigilant and prepared for all possible challenges while safeguarding national interests and promoting international cooperation.

John Mearsheimer, an important figure in the field of international political science, with his realist perspective, issued three major warnings to China, which profoundly reveal the complexity of international politics and the challenges that China may face in it.

Three warnings from aesthetic scholars to China: Don't underestimate the brutality of the United States, it will not allow China to rise

First, Mearsheimer warned China not to trust American democratic values. He noted that while the United States often uses the values of democracy and freedom as the banner of its foreign policy, its behavior is often inconsistent with the values it promotes. Mearsheimer argues that U.S. foreign policy is based more on national interests than on the promotion of genuine democratic values. This has been proven many times in history, and the actions of the United States in international affairs, such as intervention and sanctions against other countries, are often motivated by the consideration of safeguarding its global strategic interests. Therefore, when dealing with the United States, China should not simply be fooled by its superficial values, but should pay more attention to its national interests and strategic intentions behind it.

Second, Mearsheimer warned that "if you fall behind, you will be beaten." This view is based on historical experience and emphasizes that in international politics, weaker countries are vulnerable to oppression and aggression by powerful countries. China has experienced a period of humiliation in its history, which profoundly illustrates that a weak country can be bullied by foreign forces. Therefore, Mearsheimer stressed that China must continue to develop and enhance its comprehensive national strength to ensure the country's security and independence. This warning also reminds China that the reality of international politics is cruel, and that only by constantly enhancing its own strength can it safeguard its interests and dignity on the international stage.

Three warnings from aesthetic scholars to China: Don't underestimate the brutality of the United States, it will not allow China to rise

Finally, Mearsheimer warned that the United States would not tolerate a threat to its hegemony. He believes that the United States, as the dominant country in the current international system, will take all necessary measures to contain any country that may challenge its hegemonic status. As a rising power, China's rapidly developing economic and military power has naturally aroused the vigilance of the United States. Mearsheimer believes that the United States may use political, economic, and even military means to contain China's rise in order to maintain its global hegemony. This warning reveals the determination of the United States to maintain its hegemony, and it also shows that China must face external challenges and pressures while pursuing its own development.

Mearsheimer's three major warnings, from a realist perspective, emphasize power politics and security competition in international politics. His views remind China that it must be soberly aware of the complexities and uncertainties in the international environment, as well as the possible containment tactics of the United States. At the same time, these warnings also indicate that while pursuing peaceful development, China needs to strengthen its own defense and diplomatic capabilities to cope with possible external challenges and pressures. In the current international political landscape, Mearsheimer's theories offer a lens through which to understand the political rivalry of great powers, and while his warnings may be tinged with a certain pessimism, they also provide important strategic thinking for China.

Three warnings from aesthetic scholars to China: Don't underestimate the brutality of the United States, it will not allow China to rise

Mearsheimer's three warnings are not only a warning to China, but also a profound reflection of international political reality. These warnings reveal the determination and possible means of the United States in asserting its global hegemony, while also highlighting the challenges facing China in the current international environment.

First, Mearsheimer warned China not to believe in American democratic values. He pointed out that although the United States often preaches values such as freedom, democracy and human rights, in international political practice, the United States often acts at odds with the values it promotes. The United States has repeatedly engaged in military intervention or political pressure in the name of promoting democracy, but its real purpose is often to safeguard its own national interests, rather than genuinely caring about the development of democracy in other countries. This realist foreign policy suggests that the United States may sacrifice the values it promotes in pursuing its national interests, and it is an important reminder for China that when dealing with the United States, it should pay more attention to the national interests and strategic intentions behind it.

Three warnings from aesthetic scholars to China: Don't underestimate the brutality of the United States, it will not allow China to rise

Second, Mearsheimer's warning that "if you fall behind, you will be beaten" is based on the determinism of power in international politics. He believes that the strength of a country determines its position and influence in the international system. The humiliating experiences of China's modern history, such as the Opium Wars, were all caused by external aggression and oppression due to the country's lack of strength. This warning reminds China that only by continuously enhancing its comprehensive national strength, including economic, scientific, technological, military, and other aspects, can it safeguard its national security and interests in the international arena and avoid being invaded by foreign forces again.

Finally, Mearsheimer warned China that the United States would not tolerate any country that posed a threat to its hegemony. As the dominant power in the current international system, the United States has a strong incentive to contain any emerging powers that might challenge its position. According to Mearsheimer, China's rise will inevitably trigger security competition with the United States, and may even lead to confrontations similar to those of the Cold War. This warning reveals the containment tactics that the United States may employ in maintaining its hegemony, including political isolation, economic sanctions, and military threats.

Three warnings from aesthetic scholars to China: Don't underestimate the brutality of the United States, it will not allow China to rise

These warnings reflect the determination of the United States to maintain its hegemony, but also show that China must face external challenges and pressures while pursuing its own development. China needs to strengthen cooperation with other countries while safeguarding its national interests and promoting a more just and equitable international order. In addition, China needs to demonstrate more strategic wisdom and diplomatic flexibility on the international stage to cope with the complex and volatile international environment.

In the current international political landscape, Mearsheimer's theory provides a perspective for understanding great power political competition. While his warnings may have been tinged with a certain pessimism, they also provide important strategic thinking for China. While developing itself, China needs to have a deeper understanding of the realities of international politics, formulate a foreign policy that is in line with its own interests, and play a more active and constructive role in international affairs.

Three warnings from aesthetic scholars to China: Don't underestimate the brutality of the United States, it will not allow China to rise

In the face of long-term suppression by the United States, China has adopted a series of measures to enhance its comprehensive national strength to ensure national security, stability and development. These measures include, but are not limited to, key areas such as the development of science and technology, the enhancement of national defense capabilities, and the enhancement of international discourse.

First, in terms of scientific and technological development, China recognizes that scientific and technological innovation is a key driver of national development. In recent years, China has increased its investment in scientific research and technology development, especially in frontier fields such as artificial intelligence, 5G communications, quantum computing, and biotechnology. Through the implementation of the national medium- and long-term science and technology development plan, China aims to break through key core technologies, reduce dependence on external technologies, and cultivate a number of internationally competitive science and technology enterprises and innovation teams. These efforts have not only enhanced the country's scientific and technological strength, but also provided strong support for economic transformation and upgrading.

Three warnings from aesthetic scholars to China: Don't underestimate the brutality of the United States, it will not allow China to rise

Second, in terms of national defense capabilities, China adheres to the path of peaceful development while strengthening the modernization of national defense and the armed forces. China has ensured the effectiveness and reliability of its national defense forces by reforming the structure of its armed forces, optimizing weapons and equipment, raising the level of training, and strengthening innovation in national defense science and technology. In addition, China actively participates in international security cooperation and works with other countries to address traditional and non-traditional security threats through multilateral and bilateral mechanisms, demonstrating China's image as a responsible major country.

Third, in terms of enhancing its international discourse, China has actively participated in the reform and construction of the global governance system. China is playing an increasingly important role in international organizations such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, and the G20. By proposing multilateral cooperation platforms such as the Belt and Road Initiative, China has strengthened economic ties and political mutual trust with countries around the world. At the same time, China has also made its voice heard in international affairs, advocating multilateralism and democratization of international relations, and promoting the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Three warnings from aesthetic scholars to China: Don't underestimate the brutality of the United States, it will not allow China to rise

In addition, China also focuses on enhancing the country's soft power through cultural exchanges and international communication. By strengthening cultural exchanges with other countries and promoting Chinese culture and values, China has created a more positive and open national image on the international stage. At the same time, Chinese media and think tanks also play an important role in international communication, providing diverse perspectives and voices to the world.

In response to the U.S. repressive strategy, China has adopted a steady and flexible foreign policy. While safeguarding its core national interests, China seeks to resolve differences through dialogue and consultation, and promote the development of bilateral and multilateral relations through cooperation and win-win results. Such a strategy can help alleviate external pressure and create favorable conditions for China's peaceful development.

Three warnings from aesthetic scholars to China: Don't underestimate the brutality of the United States, it will not allow China to rise

In short, through the development of science and technology, the enhancement of national defense capabilities, and the enhancement of international discourse, China is constantly improving its comprehensive national strength to cope with external challenges and pressures. These measures not only help safeguard national security, but also lay a solid foundation for China to play a greater role in the international arena. With the continuous enhancement of China's comprehensive national strength, China will be more capable of safeguarding its national interests and promoting world peace and development.

China's independent attitude in the ideological field is an important manifestation of its national development and the enhancement of its international status. With the rapid development of its economy and the continuous expansion of its international influence, China no longer blindly accepts Western values, but has begun to actively construct and promote a value system that is in line with its own national conditions and cultural traditions.

Three warnings from aesthetic scholars to China: Don't underestimate the brutality of the United States, it will not allow China to rise

First of all, in terms of cultural self-confidence, China emphasizes the importance of traditional culture and is committed to the inheritance and innovation of traditional culture. China has a long history, rich cultural heritage and profound cultural heritage. Through the excavation and modern interpretation of traditional culture, China is building a cultural self-confidence that is both traditional and modern. This kind of cultural self-confidence is not only reflected in the importance and promotion of traditional festivals, art and philosophy, but also in the cultivation and practice of the core values of socialism.

Second, in terms of disseminating values, China has conveyed its values to the world through a variety of channels and methods. With the improvement of China's international status, China's values have gradually attracted the attention of the international community. Through cultural exchanges, educational cooperation, and international communication, China has demonstrated its development achievements and values. At the same time, China is also actively participating in global governance, putting forward initiatives such as building a community with a shared future for mankind, and advocating the common values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom for all mankind.

Three warnings from aesthetic scholars to China: Don't underestimate the brutality of the United States, it will not allow China to rise

Thirdly, in terms of external publicity, China has strengthened its external propaganda efforts and enhanced its international communication capabilities. With the internationalization of Chinese media, Chinese stories and voices are being understood by more countries and people. China has strengthened its international communication capacity to enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of its external propaganda. Chinese media and think tanks are playing an increasingly important role on the international stage, providing diverse perspectives and voices to the world.

In addition, in terms of ideological education, China has strengthened ideological education for young people to cultivate their sense of national awareness and social responsibility. Through education and guidance, Chinese young people have a better understanding of the country's development process, identify with the country's core values, and form a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values. This kind of education not only helps to cultivate generation after generation of young people with ideals and responsibilities, but also lays a solid ideological foundation for China's long-term development.

Three warnings from aesthetic scholars to China: Don't underestimate the brutality of the United States, it will not allow China to rise

In the face of the impact and influence of Western values, China adheres to the principle of independence and self-determination, and does not blindly follow it, but chooses a development path that suits it according to its own national conditions and development needs. China's independent attitude in the ideological field not only helps to maintain the country's cultural security and social stability, but also helps to enhance the country's soft power and international influence.

In short, China's independent attitude in the ideological field is an important embodiment of the enhancement of its comprehensive national strength and the enhancement of its international status. Through the building of cultural self-confidence, the dissemination of values, the strengthening of external propaganda and the deepening of ideological education, China is building and promoting a value system in line with its own national conditions, and making positive contributions to the peaceful development of the country and the harmony and stability of the international community.

Three warnings from aesthetic scholars to China: Don't underestimate the brutality of the United States, it will not allow China to rise

Conclusion: China's Future Development and International Status

In the current complex and volatile international environment, China's future development and international status have attracted widespread attention from around the world. China should not hope for a thaw in U.S.-China relations, but should focus on building its own strength. This is reflected in the 60 Blue Book on the International Situation and China's Diplomacy, which mentions that China has demonstrated its responsibility as a major country, led world cooperation, injected positive energy into a volatile world, and provided new impetus for strengthening global governance. This shows that China is playing an increasingly important role in international affairs and has made positive contributions to safeguarding world peace and promoting common development.

Three warnings from aesthetic scholars to China: Don't underestimate the brutality of the United States, it will not allow China to rise

The Chinese people should understand the national situation, firmly believe in the country's leadership, and work together to make China's re-emergence on the international stage. As mentioned in 61 Xinhuanet, major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics has taken a series of strategic measures and achieved a series of landmark results, and China's role as a major country has won wide international acclaim, and its international influence, charisma and shaping power have been significantly enhanced. This not only reflects China's firm stance and positive actions on the international stage, but also demonstrates China's positive contribution to the reform and construction of the global governance system.

China's development is not only focused on economic growth, but also on scientific and technological innovation, cultural prosperity and social progress. By promoting scientific and technological innovation, China has strengthened its national defense capabilities, enhanced its international discourse, and continuously improved its comprehensive national strength. At the same time, China actively participates in global governance, puts forward initiatives such as building a community with a shared future for mankind, deepens diplomatic layout, builds partnerships, creates cooperation platforms, promotes common development, adheres to multilateralism, upholds fairness and justice, advocates common values, and promotes mutual learning among civilizations.

Three warnings from aesthetic scholars to China: Don't underestimate the brutality of the United States, it will not allow China to rise

The Chinese people should strengthen their confidence, actively devote themselves to the great cause of national development, and make unremitting efforts to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. By continuously enhancing China's comprehensive national strength and international competitiveness, China will play a more important role in the international arena and make new and greater contributions to building a community with a shared future for mankind and promoting world peace and development.

Three warnings from aesthetic scholars to China: Don't underestimate the brutality of the United States, it will not allow China to rise

The article concludes by emphasizing that China should not hope for a thaw in Sino-US relations, but should focus on improving its own strength. This viewpoint is particularly important in the current international political and economic situation. With the in-depth development of globalization and increasingly fierce international competition, a country's comprehensive national strength has become the key to its foothold in the international arena. As the largest developing country in the world, China's development is not only related to its own future and destiny, but also has an important impact on global peace and development.

There are many ways for China to enhance its own strength. First of all, economic strength is the foundation. China continues to promote reform and opening up, continuously optimize its economic structure, and enhance its endogenous driving force and innovation capabilities. Through the implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy, China has made remarkable achievements in the fields of science and technology, manufacturing, and the Internet, which have provided a strong impetus for China's economic growth. At the same time, China actively participates in global economic governance, promoting the building of an open world economy and achieving common development and prosperity through initiatives such as the Belt and Road Initiative.

Three warnings from aesthetic scholars to China: Don't underestimate the brutality of the United States, it will not allow China to rise

Second, the enhancement of scientific and technological strength is also the key to enhancing China's comprehensive national strength. China will increase investment in scientific research, encourage scientific and technological innovation, cultivate scientific and technological talents, strive to achieve breakthroughs in key core technologies, reduce foreign dependence, and improve the ability of science and technology to support economic and social development.

Thirdly, the promotion of cultural soft power is equally important. China has a long history and splendid culture, and through cultural exchanges and international communication, China has continuously enhanced its cultural influence and strengthened its national soft power. Through various cultural exchange activities and international cooperation projects, Chinese stories and voices have been disseminated to all parts of the world, enhancing the world's understanding and recognition of Chinese culture.

Three warnings from aesthetic scholars to China: Don't underestimate the brutality of the United States, it will not allow China to rise

In addition, China is focusing on improving its national defense and military capabilities to ensure national security and regional stability. China adheres to the path of peaceful development, and at the same time enhances the combat effectiveness of its national defense and armed forces through modern military reform, and safeguards national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Finally, China actively participates in international affairs and enhances its international discourse. China is playing an increasingly important role in the United Nations and other international organizations, providing Chinese solutions and contributing Chinese wisdom to solve global problems. China's concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind has been widely recognized and supported by the international community.

Three warnings from aesthetic scholars to China: Don't underestimate the brutality of the United States, it will not allow China to rise

To sum up, China has continuously improved its comprehensive national strength by enhancing its strength in economic, scientific, technological, cultural, national defense, and international discourse. This will not only help China cope with external challenges, but also lay a solid foundation for China to play a greater role in the international arena. China's development and progress will make greater contributions to world peace and development.

The Chinese people should be deeply aware of the complexity of the current national situation and the coexistence of development opportunities, firmly believe in the wisdom and strategic determination of the national leadership, and work together to promote China's re-emergence in the international arena. With the deepening of globalization and the evolution of the international competition pattern, China is standing at a new historical starting point and facing unprecedented development opportunities and challenges.

First of all, the Chinese people should be aware of the achievements of national development and the external environment they are facing. Over the past 70 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, especially since the beginning of reform and opening up, China has made development achievements that have attracted worldwide attention, and achieved historic leaps in its economic, scientific, technological, national defense, and comprehensive national strength. China has become the world's second largest economy and has ranked first in the world in terms of contribution to world economic growth for many years. At the same time, the Chinese people should also be soberly aware that the international environment is becoming increasingly complex, and protectionism and unilateralism are on the rise, which has brought new challenges to the country's development.

Third, the Chinese people should work together to contribute to the peaceful development of the country. Everyone is a participant, witness and beneficiary of national development. In the great journey of realizing national rejuvenation, it is necessary for all Chinese people to unite as one, carry forward the spirit of patriotism, actively participate in national construction, and support the national development strategy with practical actions. Whether it is scientific and technological innovation, economic development, cultural exchanges, and international cooperation, every field requires the active participation and wisdom of the Chinese people.

In addition, China's re-emergence on the international stage also requires adhering to an independent foreign policy of peace, actively participating in global governance, and promoting the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. China has always advocated democratization of international relations, multilateralism and the international rule of law, and opposes hegemonism and power politics. China is playing an increasingly important role in international affairs, providing Chinese wisdom and solutions to solve global problems, demonstrating the responsibility and responsibility of a major country.

Finally, the Chinese people should strengthen their cultural self-confidence and promote Chinese culture to the world. Culture is the soul of a country and a nation. China has a history of 5,000 years of civilization, and its Chinese culture is broad and profound, making indelible contributions to the progress of human civilization. In the era of globalization, China should more actively promote cultural exchanges and mutual learning, so that the world can better understand China, enhance the knowledge and understanding of Chinese culture among the people of all countries, and make new and greater contributions to promoting the world's cultural diversity and the progress of human civilization.

To sum up, the Chinese people should deeply understand the national situation, firmly believe in the national leadership, and work together to promote China's re-emergence in the international arena. This is not only an inevitable requirement for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, but also China's due contribution to world peace and development as a responsible major country.

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