
Come and see the "ugly clothes" of Sister Mei

author:Star Eight Star

Before the Mid-Autumn Festival, Henan Satellite TV invited Shen Meizhuang and Wen Taiyi to play the role, recreating a happy ending between Shen Meizhuang and Wen Taiyi, and then also aroused everyone's liking for Shen Meizhuang when watching "The Biography of Zhen Huan", and many people will also ask how Shen Meizhuang is now?

Come and see the "ugly clothes" of Sister Mei

And understand Shen Meizhuang's actor Huan Xi, found that everyone talked about her, the others are fine, the only thing that will spit is her outfit, unlike her gentle aesthetic in "The Biography of Zhen Huan", Huan Xi's dress in real life is really quite strange, the aesthetic style is difficult to say, every time everyone mentions Huan Xi will unconsciously spit once.

Come and see the "ugly clothes" of Sister Mei

It is precisely that everyone is complaining, making people more curious about The clothes of Huan Xi, what kind of clothing will make people complain so much? Admiring the name, I deliberately went to turn over the wear of Huan Xi over the years, and suddenly understood why everyone would sigh "Sister Mei is good at everything, that is, the clothes are not selected well", this dress is really beautiful, it is indeed an aesthetic that people can't understand.

Come and see the "ugly clothes" of Sister Mei

The daily wear of The Rainbow Xi, such as such a dark blue skirt, the skirt as a whole is a dark blue tone, and this color has a strong sense of visual impact in a large area, and the partial clothes also add a lot of unnecessary details, such as lantern sleeves and large V collars, as well as leopard print patterns that no one can understand, which makes The Color xi ten years older for no reason.

Come and see the "ugly clothes" of Sister Mei

There is such a bright yellow skirt, look at it really makes people cry and laugh, bright yellow is originally a very young color, it is easy to set off the girlish feeling, good guys, this tender yellow skirt chosen by Huan Xi made her several years older, and it will also make people have a kind of "Eyebrow sister Is this in the tenderness?" ”

Come and see the "ugly clothes" of Sister Mei

This kind of clothing everyone thinks that perhaps because the style is too fancy, and Huan Xi has also bought a simple style, and as a result, on the simple style of clothes, full of fancy patterns, once again affecting the appearance of Huan Xi, such a complex pattern with such a dull color, really makes Huan Xi look old.

Come and see the "ugly clothes" of Sister Mei

And looking at these clothes of Huan Xi, I really don't just think that her clothes are not good, but more importantly, a magical feeling: where did Huan Xi find these clothes? Even if you usually go shopping, you should not encounter such a strange design, right? And Huan Xi not only found it, but also bought all these clothes back.

Come and see the "ugly clothes" of Sister Mei
Come and see the "ugly clothes" of Sister Mei
Come and see the "ugly clothes" of Sister Mei

Admiring the name, seeing The clothes of Huan Xi can only sigh a word of admiration, the standard of Sister Mei's choice of clothes is indeed incomparable to me.