
Beef with tangerine peel that can be made at home

author:Ren Yanzhou
Beef with tangerine peel that can be made at home

Dear friends, today I would like to share with you a dish of tangerine peel beef that can be made at home, this dish is a delicious dish for guests, relatives and friends.

Ingredient ratio: beef 500 grams, tangerine peel 15 grams, dried chili pepper 30 grams, peppercorns 8 grams, ginger slices 40 grams, green onion 25 grams, refined salt 10 grams, sugar 15 grams, Shao wine 25 grams, sugar color 3 grams, refined oil 750 grams, sesame oil 10 grams.

First buy a piece of fresh beef cut into slices, mix well with a little salt, oil, ginger, green onion and put in the flavor. Cut the tangerine peel into small strips and soak in wet water.

Heat the oil in a hot pan at 170 degrees celsius and fry the slices of meat into tan to control the oil.

Leave a little oil in 2 pots and add dried chili peppers, fry the peppercorns to bring out the aroma and then add the tangerine peel, ginger slices, green onion strips, and sauté to bring out the aroma.

3 Add fresh soup, beef, salt, sugar, sugar-colored sake over low heat until the beef is ripe and flavorful, then switch to high heat to dry the marinade, pour sesame oil on the plate.

A delicious and delicious beef with tangerine peel is ready, which can be eaten both cold and hot. If you think it's good, you can like the collection.