
This year's Futian is not ordinary? Come and find out, what is the omen of "King Fu"?

author:A bright future


As the temperature gradually rises, the summer heat becomes more and more obvious, and at this time, people will also usher in the hottest time of the year - Futian. And in this year's Futian season, there will be a very special phenomenon, that is, the extreme high temperature weather known as "Fuwang". Such extreme heat weather will have a certain impact on people's lives and work, and we also need to make various preparations at this time to deal with the hot weather that may occur next.

This year's Futian is not ordinary? Come and find out, what is the omen of "King Fu"?

First, the coming of Futian

This year's Futian is not ordinary? Come and find out, what is the omen of "King Fu"?

Futian, as the name suggests, is the hot season of summer, and in the 24 solar terms, Futian is divided into three periods: the beginning, the middle and the end, and these three periods represent the process of gradually rising temperature. The start time of the Futian is closely related to the Geng day, and this year, the beginning time of the first day is on July 15, and after this day, the temperature will continue to rise, entering the real sense of the Futian season.

This year's Futian is not ordinary? Come and find out, what is the omen of "King Fu"?
This year's Futian is not ordinary? Come and find out, what is the omen of "King Fu"?

Second, the emergence of the phenomenon of the king of the king

This year's Futian is not ordinary? Come and find out, what is the omen of "King Fu"?

In the Futian season, people are most worried about the appearance of extreme heat, and in this year's Futian season, there will be a very special phenomenon, that is, the extreme high temperature weather known as "Fuwang". The so-called "Fu Wang" actually refers to the extreme high temperature weather phenomenon at the beginning of the volcant, and this year, the start time of the first volcant is on July 15, that is, the day of July 15 will be the time when this year's "Fu Wang" appears.

This year's Futian is not ordinary? Come and find out, what is the omen of "King Fu"?
This year's Futian is not ordinary? Come and find out, what is the omen of "King Fu"?

3. The influence of King Fu

Once the "Fu King" appears, then in the time after this day, the extreme high temperature weather will continue to appear, and such weather will have a certain impact on people's life and work. For the growth of crops, the extreme high temperature weather will affect the crops to a certain extent, farmers need to make preparations for drought resistance at this time, and also need to pay attention to the collection and storage of grain, so as not to be disturbed by pests.

For people's lives, extreme high temperature weather will also bring certain inconvenience to people's travel and work, and at this time, people also need to do a good job of heat stroke prevention and cooling, and also need to pay attention to sun protection and hydration to protect their health.

This year's Futian is not ordinary? Come and find out, what is the omen of "King Fu"?

Fourth, countermeasures

In the face of the upcoming "Fu Wang", we also need to make various preparations to better cope with the extreme heat weather that may occur next. It is necessary to do a good job of preventing heatstroke and cooling down, try to avoid staying in the sun when going out, you can choose to move indoors or in a cool place, and do a good job of replenishing water in time, drink more cool water to maintain the body's water balance.

You can also use some light foods to clear away heat and reduce fire, such as eating more vegetables and fruits, and eating less spicy and greasy foods to reduce the body's internal heat symptoms.

You can also arrange your work and rest time reasonably, choose to do some outdoor activities in the early morning or evening, and avoid strenuous exercise when the temperature is at its highest, so as to effectively avoid the occurrence of heat stroke.

This year's Futian is not ordinary? Come and find out, what is the omen of "King Fu"?


With the advent of Futian, extreme high temperature weather will also have a certain impact on people's lives and work, and the emergence of the "Fuwang" phenomenon makes people full of expectations and worries about future weather changes. In such a special season, we also need to be prepared for various responses, and we must also pay more attention to climate change, and be aware of the impact of extreme weather on our lives, so as to better adapt to and resist the challenges of extreme weather.