
Chen Sicheng talks about his girlfriend again? Half a hundred Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend traveled to Europe, and his girlfriend was hot and sexy

author:Open-minded grape giA

Text/Open-minded Grape giA

Editor/Open-minded Grape giA

Chen Sicheng talks about his girlfriend again? Half a hundred Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend traveled to Europe, and his girlfriend was hot and sexy

Chen Sicheng's girlfriend traveled to Europe

On June 28, a group of netizens posted photos of Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend Ruan Ju on vacation in Europe on social platforms.

Chen Sicheng talks about his girlfriend again? Half a hundred Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend traveled to Europe, and his girlfriend was hot and sexy

In the photo, Chen Sicheng and Ruan Ju are intimate, and the two have visited Budapest and other cities together, enjoying a romantic trip to Europe.

Chen Sicheng talks about his girlfriend again? Half a hundred Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend traveled to Europe, and his girlfriend was hot and sexy

Judging from the photos posted by netizens, Ruan Ju is wearing a close-fitting knitted sweater, showing her hot figure and energetic youthful atmosphere.

Chen Sicheng talks about his girlfriend again? Half a hundred Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend traveled to Europe, and his girlfriend was hot and sexy

Despite speculation that she may have gained weight due to the abundance of European cuisine, her confidence and affability have not diminished.

Chen Sicheng talks about his girlfriend again? Half a hundred Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend traveled to Europe, and his girlfriend was hot and sexy

Wearing a blue baseball cap and platform shoes, Ruan Ju's steps are steady, walking side by side with Chen Sicheng, and the height difference between the two is just right, adding a harmonious beauty.

The history of the two

The relationship history between Chen Sicheng and Ruan Ju can be traced back to more than a year ago. At that time, the relationship between the two was exposed by the media, which aroused the attention and speculation of many netizens.

Chen Sicheng talks about his girlfriend again? Half a hundred Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend traveled to Europe, and his girlfriend was hot and sexy

Although they have always maintained a low-key way of being in love, they have never denied their relationship with each other. This European vacation is another proof of the stability of the relationship between the two.

Chen Sicheng talks about his girlfriend again? Half a hundred Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend traveled to Europe, and his girlfriend was hot and sexy

Ruan Ju's social software also revealed her whereabouts, and her IP address was displayed in Austria, which showed that she was enjoying a good time in Europe with Chen Sicheng.

Chen Sicheng talks about his girlfriend again? Half a hundred Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend traveled to Europe, and his girlfriend was hot and sexy

Ruan Ju, accompanied by Chen Sicheng, gradually entered the public eye. Although she has not participated in Chen Sicheng's film performances, her presence has undoubtedly added a touch of color to Chen Sicheng's life.

Chen Sicheng talks about his girlfriend again? Half a hundred Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend traveled to Europe, and his girlfriend was hot and sexy

While Chen Sicheng was busy directing new works, Ruan Ju also silently supported him behind the scenes, and the two spent many unforgettable moments together.

Chen Sicheng talks about his girlfriend again? Half a hundred Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend traveled to Europe, and his girlfriend was hot and sexy

Past marital disputes

Chen Sicheng's love life was not all smooth sailing. Before he and Ruan Ju, he had several relationship experiences. One of the most well-known is his marriage to his ex-wife Tong Liya.

Chen Sicheng talks about his girlfriend again? Half a hundred Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend traveled to Europe, and his girlfriend was hot and sexy

The two got married because of their collaboration on the movie "Beijing Love Story", and entered the palace of marriage in 2014. But in married life, Chen Sicheng frequently had scandals, which eventually led to the breakdown of the relationship between the two.

Chen Sicheng talks about his girlfriend again? Half a hundred Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend traveled to Europe, and his girlfriend was hot and sexy

On May 20, 2021, Chen Sicheng and Tong Liya officially announced their divorce, ending their 9-year marriage.

Chen Sicheng talks about his girlfriend again? Half a hundred Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend traveled to Europe, and his girlfriend was hot and sexy

After the divorce, Chen Sicheng and Tong Liya did not become estranged because of this, but maintained a friendly and respectful relationship.

They still care for and support each other in the days after the divorce, and work together for the growth of their son. This mature and rational way of dealing with it has made many netizens sigh.

Chen Sicheng talks about his girlfriend again? Half a hundred Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend traveled to Europe, and his girlfriend was hot and sexy

In the early morning of August 8 this year, Chen Sicheng even posted a post to celebrate the birthday of his ex-wife Tong Liya, and posted a photo of the back of the two. This move once again proves that the friendly relationship between them has not been affected by the divorce.

Chen Sicheng talks about his girlfriend again? Half a hundred Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend traveled to Europe, and his girlfriend was hot and sexy

The development of a new relationship

Back to the relationship between Chen Sicheng and Ruan Ju, although the two have a large age difference, their relationship is very stable. The appearance of Ruan Ju allowed Chen Sicheng to regain the sweetness and happiness of love.

Chen Sicheng talks about his girlfriend again? Half a hundred Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend traveled to Europe, and his girlfriend was hot and sexy

Their time together in Europe, eating and enjoying the sun and beaches became an integral part of each other's lives.

Chen Sicheng talks about his girlfriend again? Half a hundred Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend traveled to Europe, and his girlfriend was hot and sexy


Chen Sicheng's love affair with Ruan Ju is a story full of romance and sweetness. They proved with their actions that age is not an obstacle to love.

Chen Sicheng talks about his girlfriend again? Half a hundred Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend traveled to Europe, and his girlfriend was hot and sexy

Chen Sicheng's friendly way of getting along with his ex-wife Tong Liya also provides a good reference and inspiration for couples after divorce.

Chen Sicheng talks about his girlfriend again? Half a hundred Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend traveled to Europe, and his girlfriend was hot and sexy

What do you think of Chen Sicheng and his little girlfriend? Welcome to comment and leave a message. #陈思诚##佟丽娅##娱乐圈那点儿事##头条创作挑战赛#

Chen Sicheng talks about his girlfriend again? Half a hundred Chen Sicheng and his 23-year-old girlfriend traveled to Europe, and his girlfriend was hot and sexy

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