
Made with tangerine peel beef

author:Chengxu 888

5 kg of beef tenderloin, 40 grams of hoisin sauce, 30 grams of shacha sauce, 70 grams of tomato sauce, a little red oil, 200 grams of rock sugar, white sesame seeds, salt, a little MSG.

Fresh millet spicy 50 grams, green onion, ginger to taste, seven or eight slices of fragrant leaves, 40 grams of tangerine peel for more than 5 years, 4 to 5 star anise, 30 grams of pepper segments, 25 grams of peppercorns, 15 grams of cinnamon, three grass fruits, 150 grams of red yeast rice boiled into red yeast rice water.

The beef tenderloin is slightly frozen, cut into 5 cm thin slices, marinated with salt, monosodium glutamate, green onion, ginger, flower carving wine for a short while, and defished. Boil the water, boil the water, and blanch the beef. Another pot to burn the oil, 60% of the heat down the surface of the beef discolored fishing out, can not be surface charred. Put a little oil in the pot, put the ingredients into the sauté the incense, then add the spices in, then add the tomato sauce, seafood sauce, shacha sauce, add red yeast rice water to boil, add rock sugar, a little salt, MSG to taste. Put the oiled beef into the prepared soup, low heat until the beef is crispy, and then collect the juice on high heat, when the juice is about to dry, pour a little red oil out of the pot, sprinkle sesame seeds.

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