
"Codename: Mountain Leopard": Lin Ruoxin, the leader of the Japanese special high school group, tragically died under the gun of Zhao Wenzhong

author:Beauty Jin small eyes

"There is still a day of restoration for the fall of the country, and there will never be a remedy for the death of culture."

Lin Ruoxin in "Codename: Mountain Leopard" just gave me the feeling of being a properly progressive young student, student hair plus a student outfit, pure and cute appearance, who can think that she is the leader of the Japanese special high school?

"Codename: Mountain Leopard": Lin Ruoxin, the leader of the Japanese special high school group, tragically died under the gun of Zhao Wenzhong

Keiko Yamaguchi (Hayashi Wakami), Head of the Japan Special High School

Today I want to talk to you about the fate of Lin Ruoxin, the leader of the Japanese special high school group, in Zhao Cheng, in order to get the Treasure of China", she did not compromise to mutilate several of the most loved people in Zhao Wenzhong's life, and finally died tragically under Zhao Wenzhong's gun.

First, only know that "tiger poison does not eat children" do not know that "the protection of China's gold treasure is above all else"

The morning after Zhao Wenzhong was placed under house arrest by Miyazawa, Miyazawa brought people to the Zhao family, at this time Zhao's father was already waiting at home, he had a scalpel hidden in his hand, Miyazawa threatened to induce a Chinese proverb "tiger poison does not eat children", in Miyazawa's plan is to put Zhao Wenzhong under house arrest if he does not hand over Jinzang, he will shoot his son, but what he does not understand is that this old father is unyielding in order to protect Jinzang, and has the courage and strategy to stab Sakamoto to death with a scalpel.

"Codename: Mountain Leopard": Lin Ruoxin, the leader of the Japanese special high school group, tragically died under the gun of Zhao Wenzhong

Old Father Zhao held a crane top red in his hand

Lin Ruo was angry and shot at Zhao Xizi, and Zhao Xizi fell. The national hero sacrificed himself to protect China's national treasure, and at the last moment of his life he did not submit to the Japanese, but also relied on his courage to get rid of Sakamoto, the supreme commander of Japan stationed in ZhaoCheng. His heroic spirit can be sung and wept.

Second, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, he prefers to go to the middle of the mountains.

Zhao Wenzhong was released from house arrest, and Miyazawa Daisaku gave Zhao Wenzhong a three-day deadline, while asking the bandit traitor Tonko to bring a letter to Juanzi, the purpose of which was to control Juanzi and force Zhao Wenzhong to hand over the gold treasure.

As soon as Juanzi returned to ZhaoCheng, she was arrested by the detective team and handed over to the Japanese agent Keiko Yamaguchi. In the Zhao family, Lin Ruoxin regarded Juanzi as a thorn in his eye and always wanted to get rid of her.

"Codename: Mountain Leopard": Lin Ruoxin, the leader of the Japanese special high school group, tragically died under the gun of Zhao Wenzhong

Zhao Wenxiao searched for gold treasures

Lin Ruoxin tortured Juanzi again and again, making her speak. This girl who had been favored by the Zhao family since childhood, in order to protect Zhao Wenzhong from beginning to end, Lin Ruoxin took a knife to cut her left arm and sprinkled salt on the wound, and she did not bend into a confession.

Zhao Wenxiao accidentally shot Lin Ruoxin while rescuing Juanzi, and Luo Jiandong, the leader of the Eighth Route Army, arrived in time to take them away. Zhao Wenxiao did not save his life and sacrificed.

"Codename: Mountain Leopard": Lin Ruoxin, the leader of the Japanese special high school group, tragically died under the gun of Zhao Wenzhong

Zhao Wenxiao

The power of love is great, and they can desperately protect the people they like, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains and biased towards the mountains. His sacrifice is not only for the people he loves, but also to protect the integrity of the national cultural relics and the land.

Three, the traitor was found, and one shot was fatal.

Commissioner Li on the way to the security regiment, saw the security regiment Lao Kan leaked the secrets of the uprising to Zhang Jinbao, she did not hesitate to take out a gun and shoot Zhang Jinbao and everyone else, at this time the danger is coming to Li Xiaowan, hiding in the corner Lin Ruoxin saw everything how can she let her go?

"Codename: Mountain Leopard": Lin Ruoxin, the leader of the Japanese special high school group, tragically died under the gun of Zhao Wenzhong

Li Xiaowan discovers the traitor Lao Kan of the security regiment

Zhao Wenzhong watched as Li Xiaowan fell in front of him, and he shot lin Ruoxin.

Lin Ruoxin's end can be imagined, this person she deliberately wanted to get close to finally shot at her, she has no kindness to speak of, and she has lost her conscience and mutilated our Chinese patriots.

"Codename: Mountain Leopard": Lin Ruoxin, the leader of the Japanese special high school group, tragically died under the gun of Zhao Wenzhong

Zhao Wenzhong swore to die to protect the Chinese gold treasure

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, China's national treasures were plundered by foreigners, the most famous of which were the "Forbidden City Cultural Relics" and "Zhao Cheng Jinzang", in order to protect the national treasures, countless Chinese sons and daughters rose up to resist the war, they were not afraid of sacrifice, sacrificed their small families to take care of everyone, and worked together to defend the national territorial sovereignty and protect cultural relics. Today, more than 4,000 volumes of China's treasure,000, the Zhao Cheng Golden Collection, are well preserved, and the madness of the Japanese has also gotten the results they deserve.

There is still a day of restoration for the fall of the country, and there will be no remedy for the death of culture