
The silver ring snake has appeared in a park in Guangxi for 6 consecutive times, which is the most venomous snake in China, what should I do if I am bitten? What is the silver ring snake Silver ring snake how poisonous the silver ring snake bites people what to do if the silver ring snake bites

author:Walnut pupils

Rose Lake Park in Wuzhou, Guangxi Province, is surrounded by mountains and waters, with a good ecological environment, and is a good place for culture, entertainment, leisure, scenic viewing, sightseeing and vacation. But the environment is good and bad, because it attracts a lot of animals, and sometimes snakes come running over. A few days ago, in this park, someone saw a silver ring snake for 6 consecutive times.

The silver ring snake has appeared in a park in Guangxi for 6 consecutive times, which is the most venomous snake in China, what should I do if I am bitten? What is the silver ring snake Silver ring snake how poisonous the silver ring snake bites people what to do if the silver ring snake bites
The silver ring snake has appeared in a park in Guangxi for 6 consecutive times, which is the most venomous snake in China, what should I do if I am bitten? What is the silver ring snake Silver ring snake how poisonous the silver ring snake bites people what to do if the silver ring snake bites

Mr. Lin, a citizen, saw this silver ring snake more than one meter long in the middle of the trail at more than 1 a.m., and finally the snake crawled into the grass on the side of the road, which was the sixth time he saw the silver ring snake. The staff of the park also put snake repellent powder in the park, strengthened the night patrol work, and said that if encountered, it would be driven away in time or captured and handed over to the relevant departments.

The silver ring snake has appeared in a park in Guangxi for 6 consecutive times, which is the most venomous snake in China, what should I do if I am bitten? What is the silver ring snake Silver ring snake how poisonous the silver ring snake bites people what to do if the silver ring snake bites

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > what is a silver ring snake</h1>

The silver ring snake, also known as the white knot black, the money white flower snake, the cross-base gorge, and the silver armor belt, is the most poisonous snake in China, and the fourth largest poisonous snake on land, with extremely strong venom. It is one of the common poisonous snakes in China, and they can often be seen in fields, roadsides, rivers, vegetable gardens and other places. They generally like to be active in the evening or at night, and many friends who fish in the river at night have seen it, and many people have been bitten.

The silver ring snake has appeared in a park in Guangxi for 6 consecutive times, which is the most venomous snake in China, what should I do if I am bitten? What is the silver ring snake Silver ring snake how poisonous the silver ring snake bites people what to do if the silver ring snake bites

The silver-ringed snake is one of the snakes in the genus Ring snake of the cobra family, and its characteristics are obvious, and it has black and white rings all over the body, of which the white ring is relatively narrow, so it can be recognized once seen. They like to eat fish, frogs and rodents, and even other snakes, and Walnut has seen a silver-ringed snake swallow a large frog.

The silver ring snake has appeared in a park in Guangxi for 6 consecutive times, which is the most venomous snake in China, what should I do if I am bitten? What is the silver ring snake Silver ring snake how poisonous the silver ring snake bites people what to do if the silver ring snake bites

Compared with other venomous snakes, the silver ring snake has a more docile temperament and generally rarely takes the initiative to bite people, so the incident of being bitten by it is far less than that of cobras and five-step snakes. However, if they are suddenly frightened or during the spawning period, they will also burst into injury.

The silver ring snake has appeared in a park in Guangxi for 6 consecutive times, which is the most venomous snake in China, what should I do if I am bitten? What is the silver ring snake Silver ring snake how poisonous the silver ring snake bites people what to do if the silver ring snake bites

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="5" > how venomous the silver ring snake is</h1>

When we talk about venomous snakes, we will definitely mention the king cobra, which is the largest snake among venomous snakes, but if we talk about venom, it is much lower than the silver ring snake. The silver ring snake's venom of 1 milligram is enough to kill a person, which is about 10 times that of the king cobra. However, its venom glands are relatively small, so the amount of venom after biting is far less than that of the king cobra, the silver ring snake has a detoxification amount of about 4.6mg per time, and the king cobra can discharge 200-500mg of venom each time. Although the amount of detoxification is small, if it is not treated in time, it can still kill people.

The silver ring snake has appeared in a park in Guangxi for 6 consecutive times, which is the most venomous snake in China, what should I do if I am bitten? What is the silver ring snake Silver ring snake how poisonous the silver ring snake bites people what to do if the silver ring snake bites

The snake venom of the silver ring snake is a neurotoxin that is difficult to detect, which is not only strong, but also paralyzes the bitten person and makes people feel painless, so that people often feel that there is no problem, thus missing the best time for treatment. Then you will feel drowsiness, vomiting, and after a few hours, the silver ring snake's venom can hinder the conduction of nerves, causing the diaphragm to be unable to contract, causing breathing disorders, and eventually suffocating to death in a waking state.

The silver ring snake has appeared in a park in Guangxi for 6 consecutive times, which is the most venomous snake in China, what should I do if I am bitten? What is the silver ring snake Silver ring snake how poisonous the silver ring snake bites people what to do if the silver ring snake bites

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="8" > silver ring snake bite</h1>

There are many anglers who like to go night fishing at night, but the night is the time for snakes to move, and these places in the lake are their frequent places, so night anglers will occasionally encounter some poisonous snakes.

The silver ring snake has appeared in a park in Guangxi for 6 consecutive times, which is the most venomous snake in China, what should I do if I am bitten? What is the silver ring snake Silver ring snake how poisonous the silver ring snake bites people what to do if the silver ring snake bites

On this side of Songshan Lake in Dongguan, Guangdong Province, there was a fisherman wearing slippers when he was fishing at night, he was bitten by a silver ring snake, and the nearby fishing friend immediately asked him to rush to the hospital, and then controlled the snake. Unfortunately, the injured man is said to have died in the end. Only a month later, another fisherman was bitten by a silver ring snake in the Lotus Mountain Reservoir. Therefore, you still need to be careful when you go out at night, and you must take protective measures.

The silver ring snake has appeared in a park in Guangxi for 6 consecutive times, which is the most venomous snake in China, what should I do if I am bitten? What is the silver ring snake Silver ring snake how poisonous the silver ring snake bites people what to do if the silver ring snake bites

Others keep the silver ring snake as a pet. In 2018, a 21-year-old girl in Shaanxi Province bought a silver ring snake as a pet online from a seller in Qingyuan, Guangdong Province, on a second-hand trading platform. Somehow this girl was bitten by a snake, and she also had a big heart, so she only used a band-aid to simply treat the wound, and then she didn't care. Wait until the injury is serious before calling my mother: "Mom, I was bitten by a snake, take me to the hospital." The girl's mother immediately took her to the hospital for rescue. Unfortunately, the rescue was ineffective, and the girl died a few days after the brain death.

The silver ring snake has appeared in a park in Guangxi for 6 consecutive times, which is the most venomous snake in China, what should I do if I am bitten? What is the silver ring snake Silver ring snake how poisonous the silver ring snake bites people what to do if the silver ring snake bites

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="13" what to do if > are bitten by a silver ring snake</h1>

After being bitten by a silver ring snake, you must go to the hospital for treatment at the first time, but before going to the hospital, you must call and ask if there is any anti-silver ring snake venom serum in the hospital, some hospitals do not have this serum, so be sure to ask in advance, so as not to run in vain at the end, and waste the best treatment time.

The silver ring snake has appeared in a park in Guangxi for 6 consecutive times, which is the most venomous snake in China, what should I do if I am bitten? What is the silver ring snake Silver ring snake how poisonous the silver ring snake bites people what to do if the silver ring snake bites

Do not exercise vigorously after being bitten, and do not run because you are in a hurry to run because you have been bitten, so that it is easy to let the venom spread to the whole body with the blood flow. Generally speaking, after being bitten by a silver ring snake, the time of toxin attack is 40 minutes to 2 hours, if not in some remote places, it should be time to rush to the hospital.

The silver ring snake has appeared in a park in Guangxi for 6 consecutive times, which is the most venomous snake in China, what should I do if I am bitten? What is the silver ring snake Silver ring snake how poisonous the silver ring snake bites people what to do if the silver ring snake bites

If it is too far from the hospital, such as in the deep mountains and old forests, then immediately tie the wound with a hand towel, cloth strip, bandage, etc. above the wound (near the heart) to prevent the spread of venom. And do not tie too tightly, too tight if it is easy to affect blood circulation and cause tissue necrosis, it is advisable to be able to force a finger. Some people are very scared after being bitten by a snake, and they tie themselves tightly, and they dare not relax at all, which eventually leads to limb necrosis.

The silver ring snake has appeared in a park in Guangxi for 6 consecutive times, which is the most venomous snake in China, what should I do if I am bitten? What is the silver ring snake Silver ring snake how poisonous the silver ring snake bites people what to do if the silver ring snake bites

At the same time, we can make a longitudinal incision along the tooth marks of 1.5cm, deep into the skin, or make a cross-shaped incision, and squeeze by hand from the proximal end to the periphery of the distal end of the wound, so that the poisonous blood is discharged, and rinse the wound with cold water, soapy water, salt water, etc. If there is 0.05% potassium permanganate solution or 3% hydrogen peroxide, it is better to rinse with these.

The silver ring snake has appeared in a park in Guangxi for 6 consecutive times, which is the most venomous snake in China, what should I do if I am bitten? What is the silver ring snake Silver ring snake how poisonous the silver ring snake bites people what to do if the silver ring snake bites

Remember, don't follow the practice in those film and television works, suck the snake venom out with your mouth, it is very dangerous. If you have wounds in your mouth, the venom is likely to enter the human body along these wounds, which is more dangerous than being bitten by a poisonous snake.

The silver ring snake has appeared in a park in Guangxi for 6 consecutive times, which is the most venomous snake in China, what should I do if I am bitten? What is the silver ring snake Silver ring snake how poisonous the silver ring snake bites people what to do if the silver ring snake bites

Every year from August to mid-November is a frequent period of snake activity, into the autumn, the snake needs to replace a lot of food for hibernation, mainly concentrated in the daytime from 9:00 to 15:00 and 18:00 to 22:00 at night, so we still have to be more careful.

And the silver ring snake is included in the "List of Beneficial or Important Economic and Scientific Research Value of National Protection of Terrestrial Wild Animals", which belongs to the national "three haves" protected animals, so it is best not to harm them when we encounter them, and it is good to call the police to let professionals arrest and release them.

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