
Chef teaches you to make dry sautéed four-season beans, learn this trick, four seasons beans are non-toxic, not raw, spicy and crisp

author:First Chef

Hello everyone, I am Zhang Dalei, the first chef, pay attention to us, there will be more food for your reference, so that your life is more delicious.

Dried sautéed four seasons beans is a local famous dish, belongs to the Sichuan cuisine series, the taste is dry and spicy, appetizing wine, this dish is simple, easy to get started, nutritional value is relatively rich, is a delicious dish with full color and flavor.

Today I will share with you a dry sautéed four seasons beans, learn this trick, four seasons beans are non-toxic, not sandwiched, spicy and refreshing and flavorful, like to try it together.

Chef teaches you to make dry sautéed four-season beans, learn this trick, four seasons beans are non-toxic, not raw, spicy and crisp

[Dried sautéed beans]

First of all, let's prepare the ingredients:

1. Prepare a handful of washed beans, first choose the old tendons, and then put everything in two pieces, put them on the plate and set aside.

Chef teaches you to make dry sautéed four-season beans, learn this trick, four seasons beans are non-toxic, not raw, spicy and crisp

2. Cut half a green onion into horseshoe slices, put into a small pot, cut into ginger slices in a small piece of ginger, and put together with the green onion.

Chef teaches you to make dry sautéed four-season beans, learn this trick, four seasons beans are non-toxic, not raw, spicy and crisp

3. Add a few peppercorns and a handful of red dried peppercorns for later.

Chef teaches you to make dry sautéed four-season beans, learn this trick, four seasons beans are non-toxic, not raw, spicy and crisp

4. A small piece of lean pork, first cut into thin slices, then cut into shredded meat, chopped into meat particles, put into a small basin.

Chef teaches you to make dry sautéed four-season beans, learn this trick, four seasons beans are non-toxic, not raw, spicy and crisp

Once the ingredients are ready, we move on to the next step.

Chef teaches you to make dry sautéed four-season beans, learn this trick, four seasons beans are non-toxic, not raw, spicy and crisp

5. Pour in the cooking oil from the pot, and when the oil is warm to 50% heat, add the beans.

Chef teaches you to make dry sautéed four-season beans, learn this trick, four seasons beans are non-toxic, not raw, spicy and crisp

6. Use a spoon to flip a few times, so that the beans are heated evenly, fry for about a minute, pour out the oil control, the beans through the slippery oil, you can increase the crisp and tender taste.

Chef teaches you to make dry sautéed four-season beans, learn this trick, four seasons beans are non-toxic, not raw, spicy and crisp
Chef teaches you to make dry sautéed four-season beans, learn this trick, four seasons beans are non-toxic, not raw, spicy and crisp

7. Leave a little oil in the pan and stir-fry the meat grains.

Chef teaches you to make dry sautéed four-season beans, learn this trick, four seasons beans are non-toxic, not raw, spicy and crisp

8. Add the shallots, ginger, peppercorns and red dried peppers and sauté over low heat.

Chef teaches you to make dry sautéed four-season beans, learn this trick, four seasons beans are non-toxic, not raw, spicy and crisp

9. Pour in the beans, stir-fry a few times, remove the heat and start seasoning.

Chef teaches you to make dry sautéed four-season beans, learn this trick, four seasons beans are non-toxic, not raw, spicy and crisp

10. Add 2 grams of salt, 1 gram of sugar, 1 gram of chicken powder, 1 gram of pepper, sprinkle with an appropriate amount of white sesame seeds.

Chef teaches you to make dry sautéed four-season beans, learn this trick, four seasons beans are non-toxic, not raw, spicy and crisp

11. Continue to stir-fry for 15 seconds, dissolve all the spices, then turn off the heat and start cooking.

Chef teaches you to make dry sautéed four-season beans, learn this trick, four seasons beans are non-toxic, not raw, spicy and crisp

12. Well, this crisp and tender dry sautéed four seasons beans are ready, learn to try it at home.

Chef teaches you to make dry sautéed four-season beans, learn this trick, four seasons beans are non-toxic, not raw, spicy and crisp

Below are the ingredients and spices used

Ingredients: Beans, green onions, ginger, peppercorns, red dried peppers, white sesame seeds, lean pork

Seasoning: salt, sugar, chicken powder, pepper

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