
"The Fantasy Drift of the Young Pi" After-View: Life is absurd, but please continue to go

author:Parse the movie

Source: Tencent Video

Duration: 2 hours, 6 minutes and 58 seconds

Douban score: 9.1

Film nationality: United States

"The Fantasy Drift of the Young Pi" After-View: Life is absurd, but please continue to go

Core Overview: Still in a confused period of Indian teenager Bensin Meridor Pathel, in the process of family migration, suffered a shipwreck, and finally only himself and a Bengal tiger on the ship survived, one man and one tiger began a long Pacific rafting trip, and finally successfully crossed the Pacific Ocean and was rescued in the Gulf of Mexico.

Main characters: Richard Parker (Bengal Tiger), Pai (male protagonist, real name: Bensin Murraydo Patil)

Note: The translated names of the characters in this article refer to Tencent Video

"The Fantasy Drift of the Young Pi" After-View: Life is absurd, but please continue to go

Movie Viewing Experience:

If you want to summarize the theme of "The Fantasy Drift of the Young Pi" in four words, "life is absurd" must be the best choice. The absurdity of life, I think, people who have experienced life have worked hard to remember.

But how ridiculous can life be? This film may give you a glimpse of it.

"The Fantasy Drift of the Young Pi" After-View: Life is absurd, but please continue to go

The protagonist, Bensin Mélido Patil, according to his own account, derives the name from a French swimming pool, and unfortunately, "Bensin" is pronounced much like "urinate" in English.

For this reason, the protagonist suffered a lot of troubles in his childhood, so he gave himself a new name: Pie, the Greek alphabet that represents pi π.

Pai and his family were originally living happily in India, with a mother who was a botanist, a father who owned a zoo, and an older brother named Ravi.

"The Fantasy Drift of the Young Pi" After-View: Life is absurd, but please continue to go

From the moment he began to believe in religion, the confusion of life ensued. Once, Pai dragged his brother to the tiger prison in the zoo, holding a piece of meat in his hand, trying to feed the tiger.

This crazy move infuriated his father, so he asked him to bring a sheep and show the ferocity of the tiger on the spot, so that Pai could recognize the dangerous nature of the tiger.

In Pie's monologue, he said: "After that lesson, everything changed, the world was no longer so glamorous, boring schools only taught facts, grades and French... I search restlessly for something that will restore meaning to life."

"The Fantasy Drift of the Young Pi" After-View: Life is absurd, but please continue to go

Later, his mother asked him to study music, and during this time he met a girl he liked, named Ananti. He seemed to feel the emptiness in his life slowly becoming full again...

Soon after, due to local policies, my father said that the zoo was almost unsustainable, but the animals were more valuable in Canada, so the family decided to move to North America.

At this moment, Pie lost its involvement with its homeland and also lost Ananti. Leaning against the side of the ship, he looked in the direction of his hometown, his eyes full of mixed emotions. But he didn't know that this was just the beginning of the absurdity of fate...

"The Fantasy Drift of the Young Pi" After-View: Life is absurd, but please continue to go

The Japanese cargo ship HMS Chisan departed from Manila on the fourth day of their voyage, passing through the Mariana Trench. That night they encountered a rare storm, and the waves were higher than the boat.

Pi was attracted by the sounds outside, and a man sneaked outside the boat to admire the torrential rain, which was too fierce, the alarm on the ship was sounded, and things looked serious.

A security officer on the lower deck beckoned him to hurry back to his room, but when a big wave came, he dragged the security officer into the sea, and the light of the flashlight passed away, and then it was engulfed by the darkness of the sea.

"The Fantasy Drift of the Young Pi" After-View: Life is absurd, but please continue to go

Pi panicked and immediately wanted to return to the cabin, but the cabin was already filled with seawater, and he tried to dive in, trying to rescue his family, but he had more than enough and was not enough. He was then taken to the lifeboat by other security personnel.

Because of some accidents, Pai and the lifeboat fell into the sea, and there were several animals in the boat...

During the sinking of the cargo ship, Richard Parker, the second protagonist of the film, a ferocious adult Bengal tiger, was mistakenly rescued into a lifeboat, which began with the legendary "Human Tiger TeamIng Up to Drift the Pacific Ocean".

"The Fantasy Drift of the Young Pi" After-View: Life is absurd, but please continue to go

Pie watched in the water as the giant ship slid slowly into the abyss, the lights in the cabin were still warm, his family still slept peacefully inside, but never woke up again, and he and they never knew each other again.

He wept as he cradled the suspension on the bow of the lifeboat, life exploiting his soul once again, and the few possessions of his life were once again taken away.

The storm of sin has finally passed, and the endless sea is calm with vast despair and loneliness. In order to survive, Pie began to fight with Richard Parker.

"The Fantasy Drift of the Young Pi" After-View: Life is absurd, but please continue to go

Fortunately, the reserves in the lifeboat are still abundant, and with the help of the accompanying sea survival guide, he begins to build his own survival fortress, trying to resist the absurd fate.

Because the lifeboat was already occupied by Richard Parker, he could only use a life jacket and some of the ship's wood to build a floating object that was only enough for one person, and connected to the lifeboat by a fiber rope.

Because tigers are also strong swimmers, Pai knows that if Richard Parker is hungry, he will definitely be his meal, so he has to fish to feed Richard Parker to save himself.

"The Fantasy Drift of the Young Pi" After-View: Life is absurd, but please continue to go

Once, Richard Parker jumped into the sea to try to catch a fish, and sent a boat to jump on the boat, grabbed a small axe, and tried to clear the hidden danger, but he hesitated, but instead rescued Richard Parker back into the boat.

This is understandable, because being swallowed by a tiger is far less frightening than loneliness and despair.

Not long after, they were struck by another storm, brilliant lightning tearing through the sky, and with the majesty of the judgment of life sandwiched in the magnificence, it was a great rain, and Pai and Richard Parker were tossed and turned exhausted, and their supplies were all washed away by the great waves.

"The Fantasy Drift of the Young Pi" After-View: Life is absurd, but please continue to go

The next day, Pai was holding a paralyzed Richard Parker and crying, thinking that their escape was over. Ironically, when he woke up again, he found the boat docked on the edge of a green floating island.

The island was full of foxes, and here they received vital supplies. At first, Pie wanted to settle down, and although isolated, at least the island shielded most of its fears.

At night, Pai rested in the tree, and when he woke up in the middle of the night, he suddenly found that the small pool that had been fresh water during the day had now become the acid that melted the animal corpses, and he found a human tooth in a flower bud on the tree.

"The Fantasy Drift of the Young Pi" After-View: Life is absurd, but please continue to go

The next day, he chose to leave, even at the risk of his life, he would try to return to the world. As he said, "I saw the end of what I had to stay there, to be lonely, to be forgotten, and I had to go back into the world, even if I died, I had to try."

He made plenty of preparations, prepared himself a lot of edible green plants, tied up a lot of foxes for Richard Parker, and then one man and one tiger, continued their unfinished fantasy drift.

The absurdity of life finally got back on track, and they finally drifted to the Gulf of Mexico. Pi clutched the rope of the mooring and slowly dragged the boat towards the beach.

"The Fantasy Drift of the Young Pi" After-View: Life is absurd, but please continue to go

He said: "When we arrived in the Gulf of Mexico, I did not dare to let go of the boat, my strength was exhausted, I was extremely weak, the water was only two feet deep, I was about to be rescued, but I was afraid that I would drown..."

"I struggled to get ashore and fell on the beach, the sand was warm and soft, like clinging to God's cheek, and somewhere there was a pair of eyes smiling and squinting to welcome me"

At the end of the story, Pie is saved, and Richard Parker plunges his head into the jungle without looking back, and disappears into Pi's life.

"The Fantasy Drift of the Young Pi" After-View: Life is absurd, but please continue to go

Yes, the absurdity of life never has a bottom line. The ridiculous fate deprived the pie of nothing, but still did not give the slightest mercy, but fell one after another.

When The Dangpai finally gave up all stubborn resistance and decided to wait for death, Fate inexplicably offered hope and arranged a floating island to appease his soul.

"The Fantasy Drift of the Young Pi" After-View: Life is absurd, but please continue to go

God's grace is to let Pai foresee the end of his stay on the island, and Pai's ultimate luck begins with his courage to dare to sail again to the sea and embrace uncertainty.

Pie has a very common and classic line: Most importantly, don't despair.

"The Fantasy Drift of Young Pi" is just like the epitome of a life, most people are forced to meet the storm of life when they are confused, and few people can be prepared before setting off.

"The Fantasy Drift of the Young Pi" After-View: Life is absurd, but please continue to go

Those who seek something in life, like the faction that longs to return to land, will always be exploited by life to nothing. So, in this situation, do you dare to continue to move forward?

It is not difficult to understand that there is hope only by moving forward, but those who have extraordinary courage and courage are a minority.

More people will choose to keep themselves in place at Midway, and stop moving forward from then on, because they are too tired and the future is far away, although they also foresee the end of the stop.

"The Fantasy Drift of the Young Pi" After-View: Life is absurd, but please continue to go

In life, fate allows us to foresee many inevitable endings, such as being abandoned by the times if we don't work hard, such as having no girlfriend when we are useless, and staying up late is extremely harmful to the body...

But many people laugh at this, after all, that lesson is too far away, the nerve endings of the brain can not be touched, it is better to make yourself comfortable, in order to live up to the youth.

Admittedly, life is too difficult to solve, or there is no solution at all. There are many ills in society, personal problems are continuous, and we are helpless and really helpless.

"The Fantasy Drift of the Young Pi" After-View: Life is absurd, but please continue to go

Of course, there can be no clear answer to unsolvable questions, but there are many ideas that can be used for reference.

Pie chose to rescue Richard Parker when he was able to kill him, because he knew that the most terrible enemies of the drift were despair and loneliness, and Richard Parker's threat to him was able to offset this.

This means that first you have to know who your biggest enemy is, and then find a way to use the resources you already have to do a good job of fortification.

"The Fantasy Drift of the Young Pi" After-View: Life is absurd, but please continue to go

Second, after arriving at Midway Floating Island, because he foresaw the end of what he left, he finally chose to risk leaving, because he knew that the horizontal and vertical were dead, so the wealth was in danger.

It is enlightened that after we see the facts clearly, we must have the determination and courage to make a decision on the spot, and success will always rely on ourselves to find and strive.

"The Fantasy Drift of the Young Pi" After-View: Life is absurd, but please continue to go

Third, Richard Parker left the pie without looking back, although they had experienced ups and downs together, and the pie concluded: I guess life ends up letting go, but it is always the most painful... It's just too late to say goodbye.

Sometimes, people who have experienced it together may not want to go in the same direction as themselves, and when we have not yet arrived, we are together with each other, and when we go ashore, we have not had time to say goodbye, but we have already gone our separate ways.

Sad at the same time, but more should be grateful, if there is no you along the way, maybe I will never arrive, thank you, cherish in the future.

"The Fantasy Drift of the Young Pi" After-View: Life is absurd, but please continue to go

Throughout the story, you can know the general law of life: you will definitely endure hardships, you may have nothing, but life is also full of surprises, as long as you keep moving forward, the ending is always unpredictable.

Words are endless. The above is a combination of my own experience of the feelings, just like the sentence said, a thousand readers have a thousand Hamlets, you go to see this movie for yourself, you may have a different harvest.

"The Fantasy Drift of the Young Pi" After-View: Life is absurd, but please continue to go

Next Saturday: "Truman's World", looking forward to meeting you again~

Classic lines

1, O God, I have given myself to you, I am your container, no matter what the future holds, I want to know, please point me.

2, I can't imagine that a shade can make me extremely happy.

3, Richard Parker's company makes me feel calm, without Richard Parker, I would have died a long time ago, the fear of it makes me vigilant, and meeting its needs gives me a purpose in life.

4) The most important thing is: don't despair.

5, language and writing is my only lifesaver, everything has become chaotic, broken, I can no longer distinguish between daydreaming, sleep and reality.

6, I lost my family, I lost everything, I surrendered! What more do you want?

7, no one has ever seen the floating island again, and nature books can not find that kind of tree, but if I had not docked, I would have died a long time ago, if I had not found the tooth, I would have evaporated from the human world alone.

8 God continues to watch even when it seems to have forsaken me, and even if he does not seem to care about my suffering, God continues to watch, and when there is no hope of salvation, He lets me rest and then instructs me to continue my journey.

9 When we arrived in the Gulf of Mexico, I did not dare to let go of the boat, my strength had been exhausted, I was extremely weak, the water was only two feet deep, and I was about to be rescued, but I was afraid that I would be drowned, I struggled to get ashore, fell on the beach, the beach was warm and soft, like clinging to God's cheek, and somewhere there was a pair of eyes smiling and squinting to welcome me.

10, I guess life is always put down, but the most painful thing is that it is too late to say goodbye.

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