
"The Fantasy Drift of the Young Pi": The most regrettable thing in the world is that there is no good goodbye

author:Missing movies and tv
"The Fantasy Drift of the Young Pi": The most regrettable thing in the world is that there is no good goodbye

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Today I watched "The Fantasy Drift of the Young Pi", to be honest, after watching most of it, my current level of appreciation, I still can't understand the elements that appear in the film, the metaphors contained.

Until the end of the film, the words Pai said suddenly hit me: "Life is a process of constantly letting go, but sadly, I have not had time to say goodbye to it." 」 ”

"The Fantasy Drift of the Young Pi": The most regrettable thing in the world is that there is no good goodbye

Back in our real life, we all feel that the most regrettable thing in the world is not saying goodbye. There is no ritual to label everything that has happened in the past with the meaning you want.

Just like Ennis in Brokeback Mountain, he found out after Jack's death that he loved him deeply and did not have a good parting ceremony with Jack.

The last time they met ended in an argument, if the thought of never seeing Jack again, would Ennis have said goodbye at the beginning, and wouldn't have to look at Jack's clothes for the rest of his life?

In "S Ring", the last sentence said by Wang Jiazhi and Mr. Yi is: Go fast. Mr. Yi loves Wang Jiazhi, he usually does not feel it, when the last subordinate took the pigeon egg diamond ring, he denied that it was not his, he thought of falling in love with Wang Jiazhi at some point, but suddenly stopped.

Wang Jiazhi eventually died at the muzzle of Mr. Yi's gun. Mr. Yi regrets in his heart that this relationship with Wang Jiazhi did not have a good ending.

The final shot of Pi is when the tiger looks in front of him as he jumps into the depths of the jungle, and Pi smiles at it when he's at sea. For tigers, it's a goodbye.

After experiencing so many tribulations, Pai and the tiger walked away without turning back, and Pai felt that at least the tiger should look back at him, or look at the sea, and say goodbye to him, but the tiger's head did not go back, which was not his imaginary farewell.

Pi broke down and cried when he was rescued, thinking that the tiger did not say goodbye to him, that he did not draw a terminator on the journey, and did not have a perfect ending.

Pi regrets not only that the tiger did not say goodbye to him, but also that he could not survive without saying goodbye to his father, without his father's education. He didn't say goodbye to his mother, who gave him love and guidance that allowed him to persevere. Without saying goodbye to his brother, the feeling that blood is thicker than water is difficult to give up.

"The Fantasy Drift of the Young Pi": The most regrettable thing in the world is that there is no good goodbye

Adults later said: It happens, why does it make sense?

In our lives, we will also encounter some people and some things, and we feel very sorry, why did we turn around and leave in the first place, and did not spend more time to say goodbye?

Lovers, loved ones, friends, will always leave regrets because there is no goodbye.

Maybe not saying goodbye, but feeling that the future can be expected, feeling that there is still time, still meeting, and still meeting. But the world is impermanent, tomorrow and accident, I don't know which one comes first.

Please take every parting seriously and say goodbye well, so that there will not be so many regrets in the days of looking forward to the reunion.

"The Fantasy Drift of the Young Pi": The most regrettable thing in the world is that there is no good goodbye
"The Fantasy Drift of the Young Pi": The most regrettable thing in the world is that there is no good goodbye
"The Fantasy Drift of the Young Pi": The most regrettable thing in the world is that there is no good goodbye

Tit-for-tat that day, love today. (Image source network, infringement deleted.) )

"The Fantasy Drift of the Young Pi": The most regrettable thing in the world is that there is no good goodbye

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