
Does the flower of the underworld in the novel actually exist? Strange flowers in the deep mountains and old forests!

author:DS Wind Clear Video

In novels, movies and other works of art, there will always be a variety of poisons, poisonous weeds, poisonous flowers that make people awe-struck just by listening to the name, such as broken intestinal grass, other shore flowers, piranha grasses, mandala flowers, etc., and we also know that art often comes from life, these mysterious poisonous weed poisonous flowers really exist, so today we will talk about a mysterious plant - "the flower of the underworld".

Does the flower of the underworld in the novel actually exist? Strange flowers in the deep mountains and old forests!

Flower of the Underworld, just listening to the name makes people have an inexplicable sense of mystery and fear, in the martial arts novelist Liang Yusheng's "Yunhai Jade Bow Edge", the Flower of the Underworld is a flower that can release a soft aroma that makes people feel crisp and soft, when people smell this fragrance, they will immediately be like drunk, losing the ability to resist and let others slaughter; In other martial arts novels, the flower of the underworld has become a kind of crystal clear immortal grass, and as long as people drink a small cup of juice made from it, their skills will increase by leaps and bounds, becoming a profound master!

Does the flower of the underworld in the novel actually exist? Strange flowers in the deep mountains and old forests!

This kind of god-like flower of the underworld does exist in reality, its name is Crystal Orchid, as the name suggests, this plant is crystal clear like crystal, it generally grows in the inaccessible, altitude of 1650 to 3200 meters in the mountain forest. It is a different kind of plant, unlike other plants, it is white all over, there is no chlorophyll in the body, it cannot photosynthesis, so it is crystal clear. Unable to photosynthesize, crystal orchids grow on decaying leaves and sustain life by absorbing nutrients from rotten leaves or other dead creatures.

Does the flower of the underworld in the novel actually exist? Strange flowers in the deep mountains and old forests!

Crystal clear crystal orchid in the humid and dim environment, growing on top of dead creatures such as rotten leaves, emitting a seductive white light in the dark, like a ghost, it looks very strange and mysterious, as if it does not belong to our world, so people call it "flower of death" or "flower of the underworld". In various novels, the flower of the underworld is either a highly poisonous flower or a fairy herb, but in fact, the crystal orchid is a non-toxic plant and a good medicine that can cure the body's weakness and cough for a long time.

Does the flower of the underworld in the novel actually exist? Strange flowers in the deep mountains and old forests!

Crystal orchid this flower of the underworld is very, very rare, only exists in the inaccessible mountains and old forests everywhere, have you ever seen this kind of "ghost flower" with rich and mysterious colors?

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