
Novel serialization (16) "Open the Iron Door, the Sun Strands" (author Liu Ling)

author:Bed on a dark cloud

"I can't figure out how you could have made that choice."

The bombing and assassination turned my father into a frightened bird. The abundance of knowledge brought him disaster. Left-leaning ideas made him taste soldering irons, spicy water, and tiger chairs in Kuomintang prisons. Later, the factional struggle tore open the scars on his body again...... Mom was furious and divorced him.

"Leave and leave."

"It's better to draw the line sooner."

"Let's go! In this way, everyone is quiet. ”

After Dad returned to the city from the place where he was evacuated, he went to beg Mom again...... She turned and fled, running as hard as she could. Tang Xiaoni's mother had no idea what direction she could flee from?

"Where am I going?" She asked.

She ran through many unfamiliar streets and alleys that she did not name, and ran towards the river. She has been familiar with the river that doesn't look very turbulent since she was a child, but it is actually surging underwater. Mom rushed to the bridge in one go, and everyone could immediately remember the crimson soft cigarette case. She slowly put one leg on the railing of the bridge, grabbed it with both hands, and threw herself out. Tang Xiaoni and her father stumbled towards the guardrail, reaching out but not grabbing it. Pedestrians around her were shouting and crowding, and her dad had a wasp buzzing in his ear. My mother's body was recovered two kilometers downstream.

He sat on the wet concrete floor with his back against the bridge guardrail. Tang Xiaoni's father was later sent to a psychiatric hospital by the neighborhood committee and the police station for inpatient treatment. Tang Xiaoni stood at the place where her mother jumped into the river, standing for four or five hours at a time. She survived that time. It was dark, the lights were on, and she stared at the river.

The small grove in the distance jumped with spots. Enveloped.

The street lamps are gray and painted with a fuchsia pattern.

"You're good enough now."

"I'm different, I just lost a job."

"You're only scratching the surface." Tang Xiaoni said.

Zhu Yun asked her if she could smoke.

She nodded. So, Tang Xiaoni saw the smoke.

"That little flame is more interesting." She said.

Now, Zhu Yun is looking for work everywhere. Sometimes, he couldn't find a job for a month, and even eating became a problem.

"Why don't you go back to your father?"

"I just want to live independently and try my own abilities."

"It's not hard to find a job with your dad's connections."

"I didn't think so, I told you the truth."

The strange place where Zhu Yun once stayed, he grew up in a labor camp far away from the earth. The childhood and adolescence he experienced were very strange with each other, and his ideas were too simple to explain. Zhu Yun knew that there was one party that was too lowly.

In the eyes of most people, Zhu Yun is almost the little prince, and he will inherit that power sooner or later. But he felt nauseous, so he escaped. "Do you understand what I mean when I say escape?" He asked the proprietress . "You have to get used to it, to get used to living away from what you take for granted."

"In the dark, the eyes get used to it," she says. ”

"Don't trust the warmth of the veins easily." Zhu Yun replied.

He made himself as cold-blooded as he could, not really because he was timid. I didn't pretend to be high. Fear of being suspected.

"I don't want to rely on my father's relationship." He said.

"Don't you have a friend in that kind of place?" The hotel proprietress asked him. "Like a girl?"

"Once upon a time, older than my dad. Male. ”

"Male?" She was particularly surprised.

"Murderer." Zhu Yun said, "The sentence is about to be completed." But one day he suddenly went crazy and went crazy and wanted to strangle me. ”

Chapter IV

That guy finally made a move on the young Zhu Yun and directly wanted to strangle him to death. Zhu Yun looked very painful. It is not reasonable, these are two naturally opposing classes. In fact, it is impossible for the two of them to have a normal relationship. Making friends is a mistake in itself. Zhu Yun didn't hate him, but he hated himself for being too naïve.

"The real world simply doesn't allow it."

Earlier, Zhu Yun really wanted to make friends with him. Despite the efforts of both parties, no matter what, the two of them just couldn't do it, and their hearts couldn't get close. The murderer felt depressed and frightened. Zhu Yun felt that his surroundings were too indifferent.

"You know that kind of desert?" He asked the proprietress .

There are a lot of people around, but these ghosts have nothing to do with you. The other party clearly sees you and deliberately ignores you.

"Just stay at home."

"Of course, there will be a comfortable nest."

Zhu Yun coughed violently, and he could easily go to the pursuit team. The cart almost picked up the seed, and he told me that it was not uncommon to arrange it this way. "Shiraka, do you think I don't need it?" "It's just that I don't want to be the walking dead," he said. He stayed in that small restaurant and worked part-time.

"Chat is chat, don't be really angry."

"A lot of people misunderstand and think they're weaker."

This identity, in fact, is constantly changing. Zhu Yun has a neighbor's brother, who took the college entrance examination in 1978 and was admitted to medical school. He was, in fact, a taciturn brother.

"Never liked to associate with anyone in the brigade."

Truth be told, how can it be so atmospheric? Zhu Yun left the old prison on the same day as him.

He was doing chores in a small restaurant, and his hand kept saying to the proprietress with his hand.

"You just ran away from your father's house." She laughed.

The neighbor's brother went to the provincial capital to study, Zhu Yun wanted to escape, and he was ready to support himself. So he has been quietly following medical students. Zhu Yun sat for a while, took a breath, and smoked a cigarette.

For Zhu Yun, the neighbor's brother is very mysterious, and he acts strangely behind everyone's back. Throughout his youth, he wanted to crack this secret, and he told me that it was like suddenly opening a door or pushing open a window, and the scenery he saw was completely different from what he had imagined. Zhu Yun cautiously followed his neighbor's brother and walked to his school. When he walked to the school gate, he suddenly stood on the side of the road, turned around and beckoned, and directly called Zhu Yun over. Then, the neighbor's brother lowered his voice and said to him, "Are you still planning to report with me?" I'm going to stay here for two days. Zhu Yun was so shy that his cheeks flushed and the roots of his ears flushed. His expression was threatening, and there was a tendon in his neck that jumped like a moth would come out of a vein and fly away. Zhu Yun was embarrassed, timid, and suddenly stared at the bloodshot half of the neighbor's brother and college student in embarrassment. The color of his eyes was much lighter than most of the usual ones, but the eyelashes were still thick and stiff. The neighbor's brother has a little green eyes, similar to the eyes of the owl in the tree when they were young. So, Zhu Yun remembered that the local legend would release the kind of ghost woman who would be released. She has a pointed head, thin cheeks, a pointed chin, and a hooked nose, which looks like she was cast in the same mold as my co-defendant Xie Zhengxiong. Of course, most of the ghost wives are neither male nor female. At that time, Zhu Yun desperately shook his head at the neighbor's brother, hoping to keep quiet. He continued, "I know why you ran out of that place. Actually, we both have similar ideas, and we both wish to escape as far away as possible. Otherwise, you will be panicked and out of breath for many years. Zhu Yun," said the neighbor's brother, "if you want to come in the future, just be generous." He smiled sadly.

I was in the courtyard, how could I hear that my pores were open, and sweat flowed down my temples on both sides. The thick tendon in my neck continued to jump hard, and I had a premonition that something big was going to happen.

Zhu Yun took a puff of smoke one after another, eased his tone a little and continued: "Later, I didn't go to my neighbor's brother again. It's very strange, he agreed to let me go, but I was afraid to see my neighbor's brother, he and I are not on the same side, his parents are in prison in that place, I don't know what the crime is. After their release from prison, they are required to stay in the stadium according to the policy. ”

Before this, the neighbor's brother had never spoken to Zhu Yun.

At that time, I was resting on the construction site of the canal, and a classmate asked:

"Later, did he die?"

On the canal construction site, due to the high altitude, the sun is warm and cold in early spring. Zhu Yun kept blinking, and there were many millet pimples on the right side of his cheek. He was languishing for a few minutes. I was far away from Zhu Yunzhang, standing next to a huge golden marble tree, peeking at him. I gasped. (How did he drag my co-defendant Xie Zhengxiong and tie him up with his neighbor's brother) He asked rhetorically:

"How do you know?"

"Because," replied the classmate, "Xie Monkey is dead." ”

"What bullshit logic."

"And I don't think you're surprised."

"That's how it all ends, as I guessed."

Zhu Yun even developed a perverted habit, as long as he was free, he would go to the door of the court to read the notices posted. He never knew that he was tired, and the ghost made the gods worse, as if Zhu Yun was enchanted by someone. "I do have a bad premonition." Probably, deep down he never stopped chanting a mantra. Finally one day, Zhu Yun saw the familiar name on the bulletin board of the intermediate court's judgment, and he was greatly relieved. It seems that he has been looking forward to this ending, and Zhu Yun may have guessed that he can only be this outcome. Most likely several years ago, Zhu Yun had already seen through his neighbor's brother. In this cruel game, they are bosom friends. Zhu Yun also knew that it would be impossible for him and his neighbor brother to really sit together and have a glass of wine in his life. Death penalty, carry out immediately! He originally wanted to go and see him off, but Zhu Yun couldn't find the execution ground.

"He's been doing shocking cases."

Zhu Yun said that the neighbor's brother tricked the girl into going near the school, where he rented a farmhouse, anesthetized her, and then vivisection. He killed five people in a row, and he threw the broken bodies in a coal hole in a shaft not far from the bungalow, which had been abandoned for many years. "The two cottages were off the beaten track and the landlord didn't live there. He cleaned and cleaned the scene very cleanly, without arousing the suspicion of nearby residents. Zhu Yun said, "The landlord only goes to collect the rent once every six months." ”

Zhu Yun hadn't made all the ins and outs of the corpse shredding case clear, and the classmates who were resting, sitting or standing next to us were already terrified. The second boy, who pretended to carry the stone to sit on, screamed "oh yo", and the stone came out of his hand and smashed the poor bones of his calf. The landlord of the neighbor's brother was particularly alert, and sensed a strong smell of blood in his neighborhood, and countless green-headed flies flying around, sometimes hitting his forehead and cheeks. So she remembered her experience many years ago and called the police. The case was quickly solved. The neighbor's brother was caught and confessed.

"His end is well known."

He was sentenced to death, and he was taken to the execution ground and shot that year.

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