
Yanbei Vernacular Novels: The Biography of Sanban Oil (18)

author:Mr. Yongsan Dai
Yanbei Vernacular Novels: The Biography of Sanban Oil (18)

Ruthlessly revealing the short words in person, such as "snapping" the big ear scraper directly instigated the big old Wang's face suddenly darkened, his eyes stared at Tian Huoya in a daze, his upper and lower lips touched, and he asked sullenly: "Which eye do you have, see me with forty percent water?" ”

Tian Huoya heard that the words of the eldest king contained anger, turned his face and glanced at it, and hissed sharply: "Ah! I can't hold my face yet! Annoyed? I didn't see it with my eyes, but I heard it with my ears! What happened last afternoon, so quickly forgotten? Why did the old man who pushed the cart and sold the clay pots scold you? Say that you have a black heart, is this selling wine, selling wells to pull out cold water? Drink wine and drink it into the smell of water, saying that you will give you a big face if you pay forty percent, maybe you can't say! It's five-five... Dog's! ”

"You know a ball! That's my begging ghost lady poked recklessly made a mistake, directly poked the altar with a handful of (scooping wine utensils), scooped out the wine jug and served it on the table, and I didn't taste it! That's less than half a jar of cold boiling water, and I haven't poured wine into it yet! The eldest king had a stalk in his neck, and he was annoyed and hateful. Then, with a shake of his head: "People! I don't know the actual situation, so I am arrogant and spread it, and I really think that my big old king is black-hearted, and he is open in four or six! I dare to swear to the sky, just like you Tian Huoya, at most twenty and a half, according to our rules, people! Can't be too damaging to yin and lack morality, see that the ancestral grave doesn't grow grass! ”

"Dog Ball Day! Dog-eat-dog, two-mouthed hair, and pinching the rooster, it's not a good thing! Sanban Oil scolded, shook the wine jug in his hand, and roared at Okita with his teeth: "Old turtle, how much water is this wine?" ”

Tian Huoya was stunned for a moment, and then he "sizzled" again: "This wine has no water, the conscience of heaven and earth, who coaxes you every day, cut off your children and grandchildren, cut off thousands of knives, and die on the pillow......

"Forgive me, you old turtle don't dare! How can I say that Lao Tzu is also half of your brothers' food and clothing! "Sanban oil" whirring, glancing at the big old Wang, and pointing to the big oily paper bag in the corner of the kang: "Take one, the smoked chicken of Sun Kidnapper in the city; Chicken thighs for Feng Xiucai, chicken butt me! ”

"Who's with his brother! I don't have any teeth, and if I go to the wind and leak air, I say that the ball is not smart. The big old king "hehe", pressed the kang with his left hand, leaned over, stretched out his right hand, and grabbed the oiled paper bag......

"Stone feed pigs, you should be something to eat! Who's your brother? The three major oils of the family are talking about my second child, what are you doing? Not afraid to pounce to the death? Tian Huoya was busy with both hands, shoveling the thick porridge in the bowl while panting, "sizzling" back.

"I can't pounce on it, at most I will pounce on my front incisor teeth to no one, hee hee ......", the big old king untied the thin paper rope that tied the oil paper package, and his throat trembled out a series of pleasant "cooing" sounds, like a hen calling an egg......

"Xiucai, eat, let's go back to the residence after eating, rest and wait for the little eye", Sanban Oil "snorted", grabbed the wine jug, tilted his neck, mouth-to-mouth, and sucked again......

"The second shopkeeper is born to be a person who achieves great things! Don't say the words that you recognize, and you don't smoke or drink when you're young, that's amazing! If you don't drink, you will never be confused, and when will your heart and mind be transparent and bright, and the future is immeasurable! Tian Huoya grinned, put a bowl of thick porridge lightly in front of Sanban oil, and then grabbed a bowl and handed it to Feng Xiucai......

Feng Xiucai took it and smiled: "Recognize the text and hyphenation is a ball!" It's not my third brother, I'm not a brick kiln burning bricks as a small worker, working hard to suffer crimes, earning those hard-earned money, and I said that I would live in the hospital for three months for surgery in Niangdatong City! The soup potion water can't be continued... It's not the third brother, I've already become a motherless child! What is the future ahead? I have a ...... heart when I die", tilted his head, and glanced at the three plates......

Yanbei Vernacular Novels: The Biography of Sanban Oil (18)

Sanban Oil suddenly flushed the wine pot to the kang steadily, raised his right arm, wiped the mouth fork on the cuff, "shhhh Mother-in-law and mother-in-law, if you don't save you when you die, you still call someone? It just so happened that I had a big pimple in my pocket (meaning more), eat, eat, let's go back after eating", said, Zheng Zheng shook his head, raised his hand and pointed at Tian Huoya: "Tian Er is sloppy and you are like a ball, and his mother is a small-eyed, thin-skinned, needle-sharpened iron pick-and-search goods, three rotten rafters break the west room and do not lower the rent Lao Tzu accepts his fate, but this year before the summer, the roof must be made tight for Lao Tzu, and then the heavy rain outside the house is dripping with light rain in the house, Lao Tzu wants the rabbit to move the nest!" Spend money to buy sin, Lao Tzu should not be a fool ......"

"My third master, my third master! Your son is standing and talking without backache, the big store with the broken car door is left by my grandfather, and he has survived many yellow winds and black rains, and now he can stand crookedly, broadcasting the words of the woman in the box: It is a miracle in itself! My second child doesn't want to fix it? Don't want to be bigger and stronger? The second child of my family is not that Leng Qiu Gazi, and he has no enmity with the silver ticket, so he can't fix it! The house is old, the old man, not moving and poking like a dog, how much can be raked a piece of two, a year, firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea enough to eat and drink, every three forks and five can eat a meal of fat pork slices; But this move, numb! The old arms and legs, the whole body is pulled out, and even the eighteen rooms in the main room with the east and west compartments are all collapsed! Tian Huoya frowned and "sizzled", and suddenly a pair of small eyes were like thieves, and he glanced at the thick porridge that was being pulled from the bowl, gobbling up the three-plate oil: "Three oils, give my second child a three, five, eight thousand?" Let's push down the heavy cover of the dog in one go? ”

The eldest king laughed, pulled off a chicken claw, hurriedly put it in his mouth, and muttered vaguely: "See the stitches!" This needle is more stable and ruthless than the shiny, white silver needle of the 'ghost sorrowful' little foot Granny Jin, and it is not the eldest grandson of Tian Banchuan... Hey, hey...", in a hurry, Bahuo twisted off the chicken buttocks, put it in the three-plate oil bowl, and twisted the chicken legs to the panicked horse......

"There is no grass in Hanoi, there is no need for a donkey, the smoked chicken can't cover a dung pit mouth, no one will treat you as a mute if you don't speak, fuck you!" , Tian Huoya glanced at the old king and scolded angrily.

The eldest old Wang owed a big belly, poked his left arm and dragged the two chicken legs together in Feng Xiucai's bowl, shook his right hand, and threw the smoked chicken with missing arms and legs into the thick porridge basin, grabbed the wine jug, raised his neck, and sucked a few mouthfuls from mouth to mouth, "poof" a mouthful of wine, grinning and biting the chicken claws while "hee-hee" said: "My uncle-in-law has six terrain, built four houses, a yard two minutes of acres, grapes, apples, plums, peach trees, and more than a dozen cupola poplars that can make coffins and the thickness of mother-in-law's legs, Plus a big locust tree with a baby's waist thick was sold for a whole four thousand, and as soon as your upper and lower lips touched, you would embezzle five or eight thousand, and the money of the third son was not caught by the wind! Instead of borrowing you 8,000, the three sons of the family will buy you together? Dog's! Your yard is not big, and the ruler is loose and eight points per acre, and the ruler is tighter than seven and a half per acre, and as for the eighteen houses that can be knocked down with one finger, they are not counted, but at first they were made of clay tablets. To put it mildly, it's better to use lime cement in the pigsty of Lao Xie's family right now! ”

Tian Huoya listened to the big old king, his two small eyes flickered, he slammed his waist, glanced at the three plates of oil, and at the same time, the second thumb of his right hand poked at the eye socket of the big old king: "Three oils, look at this foodie, you can't listen to the words."

The eldest king watched and listened to all directions, and when he leaned over, his head tilted sharply, and he dodged over, and then, he grinned and widened his eyes: "What... Bite? Why are you still moving? ”

Yanbei Vernacular Novels: The Biography of Sanban Oil (18)

Zhang Mengzhang (Mr. Longshanda) is a member of the Chinese Poetry Society, a member of the Chinese Prose Literature Association, a member of the Shanxi Folk Literature and Art Association, a member of the Datong Writers Association, and an executive director of the Datong Zhouyi Research Association

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