
The Woman Who Was Cheated (Novel)

author:Time cooks rain
The Woman Who Was Cheated (Novel)

As soon as the sky was bright, Linghua heard an ambulance whizzing by, and she was still thinking, which unlucky guy was suddenly ill early in the morning and called an ambulance?

Linghua wanted to tell her husband her doubts, so she turned around and wanted to push him, "This thing is really sleeping, didn't you hear such a big movement?" It's just a pig! ”

"What about people? Where did it go? When did you wake up? "It was only after Linghua turned over that I found out that my husband didn't know when he was gone! And there is no residual heat in his bed, he must have been up for a long time.

Just when Linghua was suspicious, there was a knock on the door.

"Who? This early morning doesn't let people sleep peacefully! Linghua muttered to open the door.

"Sister-in-law, hurry up, bring the money and let's go to the hospital! My brother is sick! "It was my husband's sixth brother who knocked on the door.

"Get out! What's wrong with your brother? Why don't I know? Last night was fine! Linghua obviously didn't believe the words of the sixth brother.

The Woman Who Was Cheated (Novel)

"Really, did you hear the ambulance horn just now? That's where Big Brother is here! He fainted early in the morning next to his wheat field, but fortunately two students who were studying in the morning found him and called an ambulance. As for the specific situation, I don't know very well, you better stop inking, hurry up and go! My brother is still waiting for help! The urging of the sixth brother had to make Linghua believe.

After a series of examinations at the hospital, my husband was diagnosed with fainting and hemiplegia caused by cerebral hemorrhage.

And the amount of bleeding is particularly large, if you send it to the hospital later, it is estimated that you will be worried about your life!

However, although the rescue is timely, it is estimated that it will be enough to recover to the previous one, unless there is extraordinary perseverance and perseverance to adhere to medication and stretching physiotherapy.

Linghua, who had no choice, accompanied her husband in the hospital After a month of treatment in the hospital, she took him home to slowly recuperate.

Since I have been accompanying the hospital during this time, I didn't think about other things so much, and only after I went home did I remember to thank the two students who had the courage to help others. If they hadn't called the emergency number in time, would it be a different thing for my husband to wake up? After all, as long as people live, there is hope for everything, right?

The biggest advantage in the countryside is that the interpersonal relationships within a radius of ten miles are relatively clear, so it is not difficult to inquire about the names and addresses of the two students.

After hearing the name and address, Linghua came to visit with a gift to thank her.

The Woman Who Was Cheated (Novel)

The reason for the matter is that Linghua also got it from the students!

It turned out that that morning, my husband was not strolling in his wheat field alone, but on the phone, and when the phone was halfway through, it should have been high blood pressure caused by emotion that burst the blood vessels.

Then here's the problem! What kind of call does you have to go out into the field? What is the sacredness on the other end of the phone! Make my husband so emotional?

As soon as she thought of this, Linghua couldn't sit still! Hurry home and pull out her husband's mobile phone, and then check the suspicious numbers one by one.

Among them, the phone number that my husband called that morning was the most frequently contacted in his mobile phone address book.

"You still have the face to call me, where have you died these days? It seems that you really don't have me in your heart, and if you have me, you won't be angry with me because of a little money. Linghua dialed the number and dialed it, but the other party's words made Linghua angry, feeling that this woman who didn't know the true face of Lushan was raised by her husband outside! Otherwise, who would talk like this to an ordinary friend in this tone.

Check, you must find out how much money she spends on women, and how many ulterior secrets there are between them.

It doesn't matter if you check this, looking at the sweet words in WeChat that I have never heard in my life, and the dense transfer records, as large as thousands, as small as hundreds, what 520, 1314, everything.

The Woman Who Was Cheated (Novel)

Linghua looked back at her husband, who was six on her left hand and seven on her right hand, with a crooked mouth and slanted eyes, and a harassy voice, and suddenly had an urge to strangle him.

Usually when he has money, he is out wandering, and now he has to take care of himself when he is sick, why? Why is God so unfair to her?

He hated San, and hated her husband even more, so she made another phone call to San, and told her husband's condition and current situation.

But the reality is cruel, after listening to Linghua's narrative three times, he didn't say a word, he put the phone away, and when he called again, it was a busy sound - blacked out.

Linghua has the heart to die! She worked hard and resented for this family all her life, in exchange for her husband's betrayal and the illness and disability that she had to take care of for the rest of his life.

Although my husband is not flexible in his hands and feet, he is sober-minded, looking at Linghua's painful appearance, he regrets it, but is it useful to regret it?

Linghua has cried enough, and her emotions are almost vented! People have to look forward to life, and life must go on.

Since the days have to go on, let's accompany my husband for physiotherapy and fitness, who will let them be husband and wife? Who made him the father of the child?

The Woman Who Was Cheated (Novel)

If you have an idea, you will be motivated, Linghua goes to the hospital every day to accompany her husband for physiotherapy, listening to her husband's heart-rending cry when she stretches, Linghua's heart actually has a trace of pleasure, let your brother-in-law flirt with her, should!

The days passed unhurriedly for more than a year, and in this year's time, my husband made great progress, and he was basically able to get out of the wheelchair and start to walk.

So Linghua kept a rope on her husband's waist, and tied the other end of the rope to the back seat frame of the battery car, and rode an electric car to her husband every morning and night.

When her husband walked slowly, she scolded, trying all kinds of words to scold him to arouse his fighting spirit.

"Linghua, are you going to slip your two-legged dog again?" Sometimes blind dates will joke with her when they see Linghua taking her husband for a walk.

"Yes, you have to slip every day, if you don't slip, I'm afraid he's dead! Where will I find such a good husband when the time comes? Linghua always answered happily.

"Which one is good for you, Linghua or your little lover? If there was samsara, who would you most like to marry? "It's not a big deal to see the excitement, so I flirt with Linghua's husband.

"Get out! Let you, you see my jokes! Whoever is good to me, I will marry! No one is good to me. Whenever this happens, Linghua's husband stammers and answers honestly.

"Haha, this time I know that the fart smells! It's not too late, you're so good! It must be right to Linghuahua, otherwise how can it be worthy of others. "All hearts are good.

"That's for sure! When I'm well, I won't make any more mistakes, or I'll be too inhuman! Linghua's husband looked at Linghua and said seriously.

Reika smiled! Maybe she still has hatred in her heart, but thankfully she loves more than hate. People are not plants and trees, who doesn't have some feelings?

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