
Maslow needed the particularity of hierarchy

author:Gan Yuanrun was single-minded

Let's take Maslow's hierarchy of needs as an example to talk about its particularity, so that the reader can better understand the state of the mind's status.

At the ideal level, the physiological mind (Maslow's physiological needs are called physiological mind in mind science, and other needs are turned into corresponding minds in turn) have the lowest status, the emotions generated after the satisfaction of the mind are the weakest subjective experience; the status of the safe mind is slightly higher; and then through the intention of belonging and love, the status of the respectful mind is raised in turn, reaching the highest status of self-realization. The self-actualized mind is what we most want to be satisfied in our hearts, and when the mind is satisfied, it will produce a very agreeable feeling, and its subjective experience is extraordinary. Although the physiological mind is not the one that we most want to be satisfied in our hearts, it is the easiest to be satisfied and must be satisfied; of course, the subjective experience after the physical mind is satisfied is much thinner.

At the objective and practical level, the status of the physiological mind is the highest, and the physiological mind is the most easily satisfied; the status of the safe mind is slightly lower, and then through the respectful mind, the status of the mind of belonging and love is reduced in turn, reaching the lowest status of the self-actualized mind. The self-actualized mind is the farthest away from objective existence, and at the objective practical level is the mind with low status, and the mind is the most difficult to satisfy. From the perspective of the majority of people in society as a whole, there is a theory equivalent to the "hierarchy of needs" proposed by the famous American psychologist Maslow. The physiological needs in the Hierarchy of Needs are the lowest, the strongest, and the highest priority to be satisfied; followed by the security needs of a slightly higher status and a little weaker strength; and then the need for love and respect; until the highest status, the weakest self-actualization needs arise; the need for self-actualization is the most difficult to satisfy. The state of need for status in the "hierarchy of needs" is equivalent to the state of mind status in the objective and actual level of mind science; the ranking of their status is roughly equal. At the objective and practical level, according to the general situation of most people in society, the physiological mind has the highest status, the most energy, the greatest strength, and the mind is the first to be satisfied. The second is the security mind that has a slightly lower status, a little less energy, and a little less strength. After the heart of love and respect, until the emergence of the self-actualized mind with the lowest status, the least energy, and the least strength, the self-actualized mind is the most difficult to satisfy.

In view of the general situation of the majority of the people in society, the need status of the "hierarchy of needs" is quite consistent with the situation of the objective actual level of mind status in mind science. Here, the author can conclude that Maslow's "hierarchy of needs" is only a special case of the central level of mindfulness—that is, the objective practical level. However, the status of the mind is much more complicated than the status of the need. At different levels of the mind, the status of the mind is different, and it will change with the change of the person's mentality; the status of the mind is not innately inherited, not inherent in the organism itself, it is acquired and developed. Of course, Maslow's assumption of the five needs in the hierarchy of needs has a certain representativeness and typicality in our tendentious psychology, (of course, our tendentious psychology is far more than this, such as the convenient mind, the free mind, the moral mind, the wealth mind, and so on.) )

Here, we will use the above assumptions to talk about the non-validity of these five progressive laws that require status. We know that physiological needs are directly linked to the physiology of our body, and the dissatisfaction of physiological needs directly makes our bodies uncomfortable, such as hunger, pain, fatigue, etc.; such a process we carry out every day, physiological needs remind our consciousness every day: how important it is; the discomfort of the body makes us not despise its existence. As some people say: We can forget anything, but we can't forget it, because when the stomach reaches the scheduled time, it will naturally remind us that it is time for its activities. Thus, there is some truth in putting the physical needs first; but when the physiological mind needs are satisfied, the other minds (such as the mind of security, the mind of love, the mind of respect) seem to be relatively satisfied; at this moment, only the physical mind is the one that most wishes to be satisfied. In the real world, most people are busy all day for material benefits (the intention of material interests cannot be equated with the physiological mind, it can only provide security for the physiological mind), in order to survive, for life. There is a Chinese proverb: the people take food as the sky; the great thinker Engels also wrote: People must first eat and drink, and then they can engage in politics, literature and art... both illustrate the importance of physiological needs. The need for security, the need for love, the need for respect are also in daily contact with us, but they are not directly linked to our bodies, they do not directly make our bodies uncomfortable. Second, the need for security, the need for love, the need for respect are usually in a state of satisfaction, in a state of unconscious satisfaction, in a state of unconscious satisfaction; only at special times can they manifest themselves in the desire to be satisfied. For example, security needs, we have been guaranteed in the usual time security, equivalent to security needs have been met, only in a special time, when our security is threatened, the security needs are obviously expressed, it will appear important, will overwhelm everything else, so that security is guaranteed. The same is true of the need for love, the need for respect, which is invisibly satisfied in ordinary times, and is only evident in special moments; once the need for love, the need for respect, is revealed, it will be very important and can completely exclude other needs; food can be eaten, safety is not needed, everything can be paid for the lover, and righteousness can be done for dignity. The need for self-actualization is often kept at the ideal level for a long time because the goal is too large to be achieved immediately. In reality (the actual level), we can only temporarily take a back seat, but we cannot despise its existence, which invisibly regulates our behavior, governs our actions, and aims to be able to realize ourselves for the sake of self-actualization. From the above analysis, we can know that physiological needs to be able to rank first are very important, very necessary, and very reasonable. However, it does not always occupy the first place, and it is also very important when the need for security, the need for love, the need for respect, the need for self-actualization are all revealed, and they all want to override everything else, and they dominate our actions; at this time, only whoever has the greatest power dominates the action. On days that are usually calm, it's just that there are more opportunities for physical need to be revealed (it reminds us of its existence every day). Of course, the physiological need also has its sword above it - it can directly make our body uncomfortable, which is its advantage. In essence, physiological needs, security needs, love needs, respect needs, self-actualization needs They are on an equal footing, there is no hierarchical arrangement, there is no physiological need must be ranked first (due to the formation of sensory quantity, the status of the physiological mind has a certain height); only when we cross the height of the physical mind status, we will not act according to the physiological mind; when the status of the safe mind is higher than the status of the physiological mind, some people have to endure hunger and endure the pain of physical injury in order to escape When the status of the loving mind is higher than the status of the physical mind, some people can endure hunger and endure pain for love; when the status of the respectful mind is higher than the status of the physiological mind, some people can bear the burden of humiliation, starve to death for the sake of dignity, and are not "eaten by the mouth", such as the literary scholar Mr. Zhu Ziqing. The physiological mind, the safe mind, the loving mind, the respectful mind, the self-actualization mind is at the same level, at the same level, in essence, there is no physiological mind in the first place, the safety need is second, and the need for love is in the third ,...... The need for self-actualization comes last. In normal circumstances, the physiological need comes first, it must have a sword above, it can directly make our bodies uncomfortable, we are ordinary people, we are slaves to the feelings, we have to follow the feelings; the need for security, the need for love, the need for respect, the need for self-actualization there is no second, third, fourth, fifth arrangement. When security needs to be revealed, it is the boss, and everything else is secondary; people would rather starve than have dignity or cause in order to survive and survive. When the need for love arises, it is the boss, it is the first, and the others are second; some people do not want the country, do not want a career, do not want dignity, are not afraid of starvation, are not afraid of losing their lives. When the need for respect arises, it is the first, and some people do not want anything for the sake of dignity, for the sake of face, do not care about anything. When the need for self-actualization arises, some people sleep and forget to eat for the sake of their careers, single all their lives, "sacrificing their lives for righteousness", and so on. What the author wants to explain here is that the emergence of the mind, the manifestation, refers to the mind being clearly reflected in the consciousness, reflected in the state of perception, and showing its importance, and the status of the mind is relatively high. Only in the general situation of most people in society, in reality, according to the statistical way, it is easy to appear that physiological needs are ranked first, and safety needs are ranked second,...... The need for self-actualization is last; the need for self-actualization is last; the need for freedom, the need for convenience, the need for knowledge, the need for beauty, and the need for morality are also very important and play a leading role when they appear; as in the poem of the Hungarian patriotic poet Petofi: "Life is precious, love is more expensive, and if it is for freedom, both can be thrown away." "Illustrates the importance of freedom.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs evolves in waves, which is "a typical pattern, a useful tool for predicting the probability of a behavior occurring." This need classification only illustrates a basic tendency, that is, it needs to have different progressive ways, and the advantages of this level are constantly changing, and when the advantages need to be satisfied, its dynamic role is weakened, and the needs of the higher level are in a dominant position. (Modern Social Psychology: Edited by Shi Ronghua). That is, according to Maslow, "In human development, the needs of the lower than it must be properly satisfied (not fully satisfied) before the latter higher needs have fully emerged." Only when a person's physically urgent needs have been met can he concentrate on ensuring his safety. Only after a basic sense of security is attained can affiliation and love with others attain its full power. A person's modest satisfaction of the need for love, the pursuit of respect and self-esteem can be fully developed. Finally, the need for all the first four levels is reached successively, and the tendency to self-actualize can reach its peak. This is a gradual process, and the peak of the early basic needs must pass before the latter higher needs begin to play an advantageous role. The peak of the early basic needs has not yet arrived or has not yet passed, and the preponderance of the latter higher needs will not be formed. This is also the way people take to round out Maslow's doctrine. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is mainly to express the development process of human psychology, which is a long-term process; some people are still in the first stage even in the "year of confusion"; some people do not marry for the sake of career; this is also a counter-evidence to the "hierarchy of needs". The manifestation of the mind occurs when people are at a specific time, place, on specific occasions and situations, in the consciousness of people at this moment, at the same level of mind; when only one mind appears, people directly take action; when there are multiple minds appearing at the same time, people act according to the high-status mind. When people's safety is threatened, people act according to their security will, it is the boss; when people's dignity is threatened, people are not subject to "food that comes" ,—— this is not absolute, it varies from person to person; what kind of intention people act according to is completely in the internal and external state at that time, and in the relevant intention of people to act at this moment must be the most important intention, the most need to satisfy. There is no hierarchical arrangement of the mind, no fixed pattern, no peak of superiority, no gradual process. To put it bluntly, Maslow's "hierarchy of needs" is difficult to exist in real society, and it is not true in theory; even if it seems simple and clear.

The mind is concrete, flexible and complex.

Second, the change of the status of the mind in the level of the mind

The affected status of the mind will change, so that the status of the mind will be raised or decreased, and this process is realized by the mind in the process of transforming the mind level, and it is mainly completed in the actual level. When the mind rises from one level of mind to another, the mind will be affected and changed, and the status of the mind will change accordingly. At the same level of mind, the status of the mind is relatively stable and is not easy to change.

At the ideal level, the status of the mind is relatively static and unchanging; it does not change with the change of the environment; it does not change with the change of time and place in which the mind is located; it does not differ with the difference of the object; it does not boil with the rise of people's mentality and emotions; in particular, it is more obvious to the mind at the super ideal level.

At the ideal level, the status of the mind will not change easily, it is relatively stable; the status of the mind with a high status will always be high, and the status of the mind with a low status will always be low and will not change easily. For those who give, the status of the mind to give is relatively high, and the intention to give help to others is relatively high, and this is always the case. Selfish people have a higher status of the mind to take, while the mind of giving has a lower status, which is true for a long time. Unless they are taught a new lesson, the high status mind will change.

At the ideal level, the difference in the mind of high status determines the difference between people, determines the difference in people's inner desires, ideals, and fantasies.

One of the most important reasons why the ideal level mind, especially the super ideal level mind, is so stable and unchanged is that it is most consistent with people's educational state, cultivation level, and most consistent with people's inner essence and personality characteristics; and people's educational state and cultivation level are relatively stable and not easy to change once they are fixed. In the process of growing up, due to the difference in social form, economic status, and living space, people have formed their own different educational states and cultivation levels, forming a unique person like himself; once such a person is formed, the corresponding educational state, the cultivation level also tends to be stable and will not be easily changed; the inner essence of people, personality characteristics will not be easily changed; similarly, so that the ideal level of mind that is consistent with the state of education and cultivation will not be easily changed. Unless a person's state of education, cultivation level has changed, and human nature has changed, the ideal level of mind will change, and the status of the mind will change. The correspondence between the status of the ideal level of the mind and the state of education and the level of cultivation is: the higher the level of education of a certain nature, then the higher the status of the mind of the corresponding nature; the education level of a certain nature is relatively low, then, the status of the mind of the corresponding nature is also relatively low, and it is a one-to-one corresponding relationship.

When the mind at the ideal level enters the actual level, the mind will be affected and changed, and the position of the mind will no longer continue to be stable and will change accordingly. In the same way, the operation of the mind at the actual level will also change the original position of the mind. The ideal level of mind is only affected by subjective factors and will be transformed into a subjective actual mind, and the status of the mind will also enter the subjective actual level and change. The ideal level of mind or subjective actual mind will be transformed into an objective actual mind under the influence of objective existence, and the status of the mind will also enter the objective actual level and change. As the mind moves in the level of mind, the change of mind determines the change in the status of the mind. At the ideal level is the mind of high status to the actual level may be the mind of low status. Because the mind at the ideal level is relatively simple; fantasy is often divorced from reality, and the status of the mind is higher; and there are also utopian and unrealistic ideals; and when these ideal levels of mind enter the actual level, because they are derailed from reality, the possibility of being satisfied is quite small, the status of the mind is greatly reduced, and people do not act according to such intentions; unless it is in line with reality. On the contrary, at the ideal level, the mind with low status may be transformed into a mind of high status at the actual level and eventually achieve the goal. The ideal level of the mind enters the subjective practical level, will be affected by our subjective factors and change, as far as possible consistent with our subjective thoughts, the status of the mind will also be adjusted and changed. The ideal level of the mind, the subjective actual mind enters the objective actual level, the mind will be affected by objective factors and change, as far as possible with the objective existence, and the real world is equal, the status of the mind will also be adjusted, and ultimately can dominate our actions and reality. When the objective actual mind reaches the subjective actual level or the ideal level, the status of the mind will also change.

The objective actual mind is the closest to the objective existence and the most consistent with the real world; on the contrary, the objective actual mind is the farthest away from the educational state of man, the nature of personality. So, although the objective actual mind is not the one that our hearts are most willing to be satisfied, it is also what we hope to be satisfied in our hearts, what we most hope to be satisfied in the real world, what is easiest to be satisfied in reality, and what must be satisfied in reality. As an educational state with people, the ideal level of mind that is consistent with the nature of personality is what we most want to be satisfied in our hearts, but it is the most difficult to be satisfied in reality. Limited objective existence, limited time and space, limited physical strength and energy, the ideal level of mind can not be fully satisfied, there are extenuating circumstances; and the objective actual mind must be satisfied, this is the lowest bottom line.

The actual mind is formed and developed on the basis of the ideal level of mind, then, the actual mind is often to serve the ideal level of mind, is to let the ideal level of mind be satisfied as much as possible and formed. Thus, the satisfaction of the actual mind is secondary; the satisfaction of the mind at the ideal level is the most fundamental and primary. For example, on the morning of the first day of the Chinese New Year, eight-year-old Wang Hua hopes that the pressure money given to him by his parents this year is ten yuan. Because just before, he saw that the old age money earned by his partners this year was ten yuan, so that he also hoped to get ten yuan of pressure money this year. Later, Wang Hua got twenty yuan of pressure money, he was very happy, really did not expect. At the practical level (subjective practical level), Wang Hua formed the desire to get ten yuan of pressure money. In fact, Wang Hua got twenty yuan and was very happy. Wang Hua received twenty yuan beyond the scope of the subjective actual intention (the wish to get ten yuan), which not only did not hinder this subjective actual intention, but satisfied the more hidden, important ideal level of the mind- the desire to get more pressure money. At the ideal level, Wang Hua's heart is to hope that the more money he gets, the better (the mind), the actual situation (1. Traditional unspoken rules, 2. Their own family situation, 3. Parental Attitudes, 4. The influence of partners, etc.), hoping that parents will only give ten yuan of pressure money is enough. On the surface, getting twenty yuan is an obstacle to the actual level of the mind, but in fact it is to satisfy the ideal level of the mind. From this, it can be seen that the mind at the actual level serves the mind at the ideal level; the mind at the actual level is derived from the fact that people are satisfied as much as possible under the circumstances of reality, or by allowing the ideal level mind to be satisfied as much as possible, and the satisfaction of the ideal level mind is the most fundamental.

We know that the mental level refers to our subjective mental state, which is a relatively stable psychological state that we produce at a certain time. The ideal level of mental state, which is not influenced by any other factor, is a relatively calm and stable mental state; the corresponding mind is closest to our educational state and is most consistent with our personality nature. Therefore, at the ideal level, the mind that best embodies the essence of our heart is the mind of high status; the mind that is most consistent with our inner thoughts is the mind of high status; the mind that is most consistent with our fantasy is the mind of high status; however, these high-status minds are the most detached from reality, the farthest from objective existence, and the most difficult to satisfy; however, they are low-status minds at the objective level of reality.

The actual level is that our original mental state has been affected by other factors and changed, forming a new relatively stable psychological state. The mind at the objective actual level is closer to the objective reality, especially the objective actual mind with a high status; these high-status minds are the most likely to be satisfied; these objective actual minds with high status are at the ideal level but are low-status minds, and they are relatively far from the inner essence of people.

...... Usually, at the ideal level, the mind with high status is the mind with low status at the objective level of reality; the mind that is low in status at the ideal level may be the mind with high status at the objective level of reality. For example, the relationship between the purpose scope of the earth's mind and the position of the mind is positively proportional at the ideal level, and the larger the scope of purpose, the higher the status of the mind; at the objective actual level, it is an inverse proportional relationship, and the larger the scope of purpose, the lower the status of the mind.

What the author will illustrate here is that several levels of the mind cannot appear at the same time, even multiple levels of the same mind (such as multiple subjective actual levels) cannot appear at the same time, and they each represent different mental states. We can only be at one level of mind, one state of mind, at a certain moment, although the levels of mind within a certain time frame can be replaced by each other.

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