
How to prevent your child's mobile phone addiction?

How to prevent your child's mobile phone addiction?

Hi, nice to meet you!

Hello dear friends, I am the Great God Teacher, I slept early last night, and woke up at six o'clock this morning, so I got up to write something, thought about it, this manuscript has been dragging on for a while, and I am ready to write the manuscript of the last live broadcast.

Speaking of mobile phones, parents hate this, think it is because of mobile phones that cause children to not learn well, I have seen many such cases, parents in order to prevent children from playing mobile phones to play tablets, unplug the home network, or hide mobile phones and the like, but such a method is actually not a cure.

Why do you say this, in fact, we must analyze the problem from the essence of the problem, why should the child play mobile phone.

There is a demand behind playing with mobile phones

Playing with mobile phones satisfies the needs of children to a certain extent.

Let's analyze what the requirements are.

What are kids doing with their phones?

All I know is playing games, chatting, short videos.

I have told you about Maslow's hierarchy of needs before, and today I will review it, Maslow's hierarchy of needs from low to high tells us the necessary needs of a person's life, from low to high, physiological needs, security needs, love and belonging needs, respect needs, and self-actualization needs.

What needs does the mobile phone meet for children?

1. The need for safety, sometimes unconsciously playing mobile phones is actually very relaxing, can alleviate the anxiety brought by real life, many children play mobile phone addiction is actually to escape the real world of various troubles.

2. The need for love and belonging. When playing games, many times it is necessary to team up, some games pay attention to teamwork, children actually have a sense of belonging when playing, not to mention chatting, children and chat partners have established a good relationship, this is the need for love.

3. The need for respect, including respect for themselves, such as a sense of accomplishment, mastery, independence and dignity, when the child brushes the short video to watch the live broadcast room, he will get the respect of others, such as brushing gifts for the anchor, you can get the respect of the anchor, of course, there is a false love. Children will also be respected by their teammates when they play games well, which is also the satisfaction of this need. Winning in the game is the need for a sense of achievement, and many children get a sense of achievement in the game, which is also a need to meet.

Well, analyzing here, in fact, you already know very well why children are addicted to electronic products.

Therefore, when your child is addicted to mobile phones, you have to analyze what is wrong, and the right medicine can alleviate the problems of children, rather than blaming all the problems on mobile phones, in fact, mobile phones only meet the needs of children.

For example, I met a child addicted to mobile phones, and later in-depth understanding found that children like to take the mobile phone to chat, and their good friends to chat until the middle of the night, the reason is that no one in the family can chat with her since childhood, parents divorced, fathers often have time to play cards, put the child alone at home, such a child, how can not be addicted to mobile phones?

So children don't want to learn and play mobile phone which in front and which in the back we must figure out.

Most children are unsatisfied in the real world and move on to the virtual world.

For example, you often criticize your children, but you hope that your children can listen to you, continue to study hard, think in a different position, your boss criticizes you every day, can you still work seriously and steadily? It's hard, but we often let our children do it.

Remember a sentence: criticism and accusation are knives, no child can grow up healthily on the tip of the knife, you want to make your child not tired of learning, healthier, in addition to criticism and accusation, you should give more encouragement and affirmation.

Now think about the mobile phone addicted child in your family, is it that you give a denial more than an affirmation? Are you too busy at work to take care of his psychological needs? Is it that he usually works too hard in reality to relax?

Let's talk about some measures

In fact, mobile phone addiction must be more prevention than intervention.

1. You must create a healthy environment for your children to grow up, and your children should live in a stable, safe and stable family, not in an environment where they quarrel every day or often fight the Cold War. Such an environment can easily make the child insecure, and he will soon find warmth in the virtual world.

2. You and the child must communicate smoothly, you can recall the way you talk to the child, is not often used negative language, if it is, you must remember to change it, with a negative language to use three affirmative words to make up.

3. Do you have a variety of entertainment methods in your family, which can be the whole family watching movies together, the whole family going out together, the whole family exercising together, and the whole family shopping together. If such family-wide entertainment activities are diverse and rich, children are disdainful of indulging in the Internet, because parents in the real world give more love and warmth than in the virtual world.

4. Your child has no unique fulcrum of confidence. Adolescent children are looking for the answer to one question: Who am I? This who I am is not only the traditional sense of the place of origin, name, gender and the like, but also what kind of person I am, what kind of unique identity I have compared with others, here involves the cultivation of a self-confidence. Especially for children with poor grades, he must have a label that is exclusive to himself. So it is very important to cultivate a child's special hobbies, he can be different from others, that different point can be recognized by others, think about it, your child, what unique points can be remembered by others?

5. The child must be supervised. The temptation of electronic products is very large, children can not be unsupervised, some parents have a big heart, mobile phones are bought and thrown to children, neglect management, some parents do not even know where their children's mobile phones come from. In fact, it is difficult for adults to resist the temptation of mobile phones, not to mention children, when you put a mobile phone with a child but put together alone, how many children can manage it? Therefore, as a guardian, we must tighten this string, in addition to building a real world that is friendly enough to children, it is also important to build a defense line against Internet addiction.

What should I do if I am already addicted to my mobile phone?

Of course, some parents asked what to do if their children are already addicted to the Internet, and I also give you a little advice:

1. Don't blindly seize the phone!!!

In fact, if you read the article carefully, you must know at this time that the significance of seizing the mobile phone is not very large, and if the child is addicted to the mobile phone, it is easy for you to go hard to cause tragedy, such as the child's impulsive extreme behavior, which is also a living example, please pay attention to it. Children's brains are immature, and impulsive actions are terrible.

2. If the child is sickly addicted to the Internet, you must first examine your own family problems, and then repair your own family, if you feel that you are really uncertain, please look for the help of professionals, the help of professionals can help you find and adjust some problems within the family. Of course, you have to have the determination to change, I have actually met a lot of such families, it is too difficult to change, parents will have a lot of excuses, such as I am busy at work, we really can't do it, and so on, sometimes, adults change much more difficult than children.

3. Gradually pull the child back to reality. You must try to build a real world that is friendly enough for children, so that children feel that the world is full of good intentions, so that children are willing to return to this world.

Therefore, behind the problem of children's mobile phone addiction is a very large system, you have to analyze what the reasons are, you have to change, have the courage to change.

The adult world is difficult, I know very well, but the child's world is actually not simple, as a parent, you should take on such a responsibility, when your child is addicted to mobile phones, you have to come up with the determination of a hero to break his wrist, in order to get better, hey, unfortunately, there are too few such parents.

PS: Recently, I did something when I was educating the baby: 1. Dad often accompanied the baby to watch TV, from "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and "Water Margin" to "Thirty-Six Plans", "Fengshen Yanyi", or various brainless sketches, the child's spiritual world is very fulfilling. 2. Play with the baby on the weekend, I play badminton with him, dad taught him to play table tennis, recently I am also ready to do his homework at night to take him to the river to run and chat, yesterday I went to run once, it was very good, I myself also smooth exercised. 3. Constantly affirm him, and give him some help, recently his grades in various subjects have risen well, and he is willing to assign me some small homework for him, such as copying a few words in Chinese, learning new concepts in English, I teach him, and spend about 20 minutes if I have time after the homework is done in the evening. He also has a great sense of accomplishment. Mobile phones will also be allowed for him to play, such as he wants to see Ultraman cards, he wants to watch some handmade videos are allowed.

Well, I'm almost ready to wash up and go to work after washing and writing the article, and the good day has begun.

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