
Decrypt the | a pot of authentic wax-flavored pot rice

author:Rongye long-established brand


At night, the street lamps make rice in the evening wind

Splash a body of fireworks, immersed in the human world

Listen to the green leaves of the sycamore, smell the lights of the ten thousand homes

To our appetite for meat and vegetables

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Decrypt the | a pot of authentic wax-flavored pot rice
Decrypt the | a pot of authentic wax-flavored pot rice

The old sand pot meets the open fire

Cover with a half-cut charred handwritten note

It is vaguely possible to distinguish that it is a double spelling of wax flavor

Rice with clear grains in a sand pot

Lifting the lid of the pot is a mighty aroma

Drizzled with soy sauce further stimulates the delicious taste

It is a pot of pot rice with taste and taste

Authentic lao guang knows how to eat traditional wax-flavored pot rice

To go to the old shops in the streets and alleys

It is best to be old enough not even to have a sign to call it authentic

At each meal point, the aroma of rice drifts in the autumn wind

Wax has a wax flavor, rice has a rice aroma, and soy sauce is sweet

Will make you forget the tiredness

Decrypt the | a pot of authentic wax-flavored pot rice
Decrypt the | a pot of authentic wax-flavored pot rice
Decrypt the | a pot of authentic wax-flavored pot rice


dried meat


If you want to make a good pot of wax-flavored rice, of course, you can't help but have a beautiful wax flavor, and the first thing that comes to mind is the huangpu flavor.

How to choose the best flavor of wax? Xiaobian to give you a few tricks.

Decrypt the | a pot of authentic wax-flavored pot rice
Decrypt the | a pot of authentic wax-flavored pot rice
Decrypt the | a pot of authentic wax-flavored pot rice

Look at the color

Good bacon selects high-quality pork belly, neat strips, fat and lean uniform, golden appearance, lean meat is date red, fat meat crystal clear.

The high-quality sausages are bright in color, red and white, and the surface of the casing is smooth without salt and mildew spots, and the texture is dry.

Decrypt the | a pot of authentic wax-flavored pot rice
Decrypt the | a pot of authentic wax-flavored pot rice
Decrypt the | a pot of authentic wax-flavored pot rice

Try the texture

High-quality bacon, elastic, hard and soft, muscle fibers are clear, after pressing with the fingers can be faster recovery, soft and hard moderate. The sausage, on the other hand, has a firm intestine and a bumpy feel to the touch

Decrypt the | a pot of authentic wax-flavored pot rice
Decrypt the | a pot of authentic wax-flavored pot rice

Identify the taste

The high-quality bacon meat is fragrant. It is tough, salty and sweet in the mouth, and the teeth and cheeks are fragrant; authentic Cantonese sausages also have a unique sugar and wine flavor and wax aroma

Decrypt the | a pot of authentic wax-flavored pot rice
Decrypt the | a pot of authentic wax-flavored pot rice





1. Wax-flavored food is a raw meat product, which should be fully cooked before eating

2, wax-flavored food is a pickled product, can not avoid the content of salt and oil, when eating can intentionally choose to match vegetables to adjust the greasy taste and balance the nutritious diet

3. The content of fat, protein and carbohydrates in the wax flavor is rich, and it also contains phosphorus, potassium, sodium and other elements. Proper storage can better extend shelf life, seal the packaging, isolate the air, keep dry, avoid direct sunlight, and store at low temperatures better. When purchasing, if you find a swelling phenomenon, do not buy

Decrypt the | a pot of authentic wax-flavored pot rice
Decrypt the | a pot of authentic wax-flavored pot rice

Long autumn days

Don't waste this unique leisure time

Make a delicious flavor for your family or for yourself

"Spice" the taste buds

Harvest the beauty of stealing half a day's leisure






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