
Summer boiled millet porridge added to these ingredients, clear the fire more health raw materials: method: raw materials: method: raw materials: methods: methods:

author:Qinzhou yellow millet
Summer boiled millet porridge added to these ingredients, clear the fire more health raw materials: method: raw materials: method: raw materials: methods: methods:

This year's summer in the north is later than in previous years, and with the arrival of summer, the temperature begins to rise rapidly, and problems such as "loss of appetite, strength, and gastrointestinal discomfort" also come with the summer. Summer weather is hot, the body is easy to sweat, many people will also be "cold", easy to cause gastrointestinal weakness, so in the summer not only to add more water, but also to eat more fresh vegetables, melons and fruits, cereals.

Summer boiled millet porridge added to these ingredients, clear the fire more health raw materials: method: raw materials: method: raw materials: methods: methods:

Millet, the first of the grains, is rich in a large amount of dietary fiber, as well as other coarse grains do not have carotene, vitamins, can promote digestion, speed up the body's metabolism, but also nourish the stomach.

If you think that drinking millet porridge alone will feel dull, and these few kinds of clear fire millet porridge are recommended to everyone

Qinzhou brand Qinzhou yellow millet lotus seed lily porridge

Summer boiled millet porridge added to these ingredients, clear the fire more health raw materials: method: raw materials: method: raw materials: methods: methods:

<h1>raw material:</h1>

Qinzhou brand Qinzhou yellow millet 50 grams, lotus seeds 30 grams, lilies 20 grams, red beans 35 grams


1, lotus seeds washed, soaked in water for at least 2 hours; lilies washed, soaked in cold water for 30 minutes;

2: Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, put the lotus seeds into the pot and bring to a boil over high heat;

3, boil the water to about 80 °, add Qinzhou yellow millet;

4: After the water is boiled, turn the heat to medium-low heat and cook for about 30 minutes;

5: Add the lilies and continue to simmer for about 10 minutes.

Qinzhou yellow millet lotus seed lily porridge can be eaten out of the pot, clear heat and heat, very suitable for summer consumption.

Qinzhou brand Qinzhou yellow millet green vegetable porridge

Summer boiled millet porridge added to these ingredients, clear the fire more health raw materials: method: raw materials: method: raw materials: methods: methods:

Qinzhou brand Qinzhou yellow millet, oil wheat vegetables, carrots, goji berries, shiitake mushrooms to taste

1, oil wheat vegetables, wash and chop, 2 shiitake mushrooms washed and stalked into small cubes, carrot half a root cut into small cubes, goji berries with warm water to soak soft and set aside;

2, add an appropriate amount of water to the casserole, boil to about 80 ° add Qinzhou yellow millet, and drop a few drops of cooking oil, boil after changing to medium-low heat, about 20 minutes;

3: Add salt after 20 minutes to taste, then add diced shiitake mushrooms, diced carrots and goji berries, stir well and simmer for another 5 minutes;

4: After 5 minutes, add the finely chopped oil and wheat vegetables, stir well and turn off the heat

Note: Do not boil the oil and wheat vegetables for too long, stir well, otherwise it will become soft and rotten, losing its fragrance.

Qinzhou brand Qinzhou yellow millet mung bean porridge

Summer boiled millet porridge added to these ingredients, clear the fire more health raw materials: method: raw materials: method: raw materials: methods: methods:

Qinzhou brand Qinzhou yellow millet, mung beans

1. Soak mung beans with warm water one hour in advance;

2. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, add mung beans after the water boils, simmer on medium-low heat for 20 minutes;

3. Put an appropriate amount of Qinzhou yellow millet under the pot and simmer for about 30 minutes;

Qinzhou yellow millet mung bean porridge can be eaten out of the pot, nourishing the stomach and clearing the fire and delicious nutrition~

Summer boiled millet porridge added to these ingredients, clear the fire more healthy!

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