
After watching the Chinese women's basketball team's 63-78 loss to Belgium, I realized that these three should be eliminated

author:April rains


April rains


April rains

After watching the Chinese women's basketball team's 63-78 loss to Belgium, I realized that these three should be eliminated

The Chinese women's basketball team suffered a setback in its overseas warm-up: the guard line became a weakness, and the defeat to Belgium was a hidden danger

In a high-profile overseas warm-up game on June 29, the Chinese women's basketball team encountered a lot of challenges.

In the matchup with the Belgian women's basketball team, the Chinese team failed to play at its best and finally lost with a score of 63-78, suffering two consecutive defeats.

This game not only exposed the shortcomings of the Chinese women's basketball team at the technical and tactical level, but also highlighted the weakness of the guard line at the critical moment, which became an important reason for the loss of the game.

After watching the Chinese women's basketball team's 63-78 loss to Belgium, I realized that these three should be eliminated

At the beginning of the game, the players of the Chinese women's basketball team showed a strong fighting spirit and desire to win.

As the game deepened, the Belgian women's basketball team gradually took the initiative on the court with its excellent teamwork and individual ability.

Especially at the back, Belgium's performance was even more impressive.

Their fast and accurate passing, sharp breakaways and consistent three-point shooting put the Chinese team under pressure on the defensive end.

After watching the Chinese women's basketball team's 63-78 loss to Belgium, I realized that these three should be eliminated

On the other hand, the guard line of the Chinese women's basketball team, the performance of this game can be described as miserable.

As one of the team's core players, Wu Tongtong (nicknamed "Little Steel Cannon") failed to perform at the level he should have in the game.

She was a little hesitant to break through and project, and missed opportunities many times.

Her mistakes also gave her opponent plenty of opportunities to counter-attack.

Another guard, Li Yuan, as a backup point guard, failed to bring much help to the team in his limited playing time.

Her passing and defending are a bit immature and she can't effectively connect the team's offense and defence.

After watching the Chinese women's basketball team's 63-78 loss to Belgium, I realized that these three should be eliminated

In addition to Wu Tongtong and Li Yuan, Jin Weina's performance was also disappointing.

As one of the team's guards, she made many inaccurate free throws and missed passes in the game.

Her three-point shooting was even more inefficient, and she missed the target on multiple occasions.

On the defensive end, Jin Weina also failed to effectively limit the opponent's attack, and there were many leaks.

Her poor performance undoubtedly took a big toll on the team's morale.

After watching the Chinese women's basketball team's 63-78 loss to Belgium, I realized that these three should be eliminated

In the whole game, the guard line of the Chinese women's basketball team can be said to be completely in a passive situation.

They were unable to effectively link up their team's offense on the offensive end, resulting in the team consistently trailing their opponents in scoring.

Defensively, they also failed to effectively limit their opponents' offense, resulting in frequent leaks on the defensive end.

This poor performance undoubtedly left the fans disappointed and frustrated.

After watching the Chinese women's basketball team's 63-78 loss to Belgium, I realized that these three should be eliminated

Of course, the loss of the Chinese women's basketball team is not just because of the poor performance of the guard line.

Throughout the game, the team had problems on several fronts.

For example, in terms of the interior, although the players of the Chinese women's basketball team have a good height and weight advantage, they are not good enough in confrontation and rebounding.

In terms of three-point shooting, the Chinese team's shooting percentage is also significantly low, unable to pose enough threat to the opponent.

In addition, the team's tactical arrangement and execution in the game were also problematic, and they could not effectively deal with the opponent's attack and defense.

After watching the Chinese women's basketball team's 63-78 loss to Belgium, I realized that these three should be eliminated

However, although the Chinese women's basketball team suffered a defeat in this game, they were not discouraged by this.

Instead, they learned valuable lessons from the game and recognised their shortcomings at the back.

In the future games, the Chinese women's basketball team needs to focus on adjusting and improving the problems of the guard line.

They need to improve the overall strength and coordination of the back line, and strengthen the ability training of attack and defense.

The team also needs to strengthen the training of interior and three-point shooting to improve the overall technical and tactical level.

After watching the Chinese women's basketball team's 63-78 loss to Belgium, I realized that these three should be eliminated

In addition to the adjustment of the guard line, the Chinese women's basketball team will also strengthen the training of the interior and three-point shooting.

They will strengthen the confrontation ability and rebounding training of the post players to ensure that they can form a strong deterrent in the restricted area.

It will also improve the team's three-point shooting rate through repeated practice and increase the difficulty of the opponent's defense.

After watching the Chinese women's basketball team's 63-78 loss to Belgium, I realized that these three should be eliminated

In addition, the Chinese women's basketball team will also strengthen the team's tactical training and execution capabilities.

They will conduct targeted research and analysis on the tactical characteristics of different opponents, and formulate effective game plans.

During the game, they will strictly follow the instructions of the coaching staff to ensure that the team's attack and defense can be carried out in an orderly manner.

After watching the Chinese women's basketball team's 63-78 loss to Belgium, I realized that these three should be eliminated

Although the Chinese women's basketball team suffered a defeat in this warm-up game, they were not discouraged by this.

Instead, they learned from their failures and developed detailed plans for improvement.

I believe that in the near future, the Chinese women's basketball team will be able to overcome the problem of the guard line, improve the overall technical and tactical level, and show more outstanding performance in the international arena.

After watching the Chinese women's basketball team's 63-78 loss to Belgium, I realized that these three should be eliminated

It is worth mentioning that although the performance of the Chinese women's basketball team in this overseas warm-up game was not satisfactory, the fighting spirit and team spirit they showed in the game were impressive.

Whether they are leading or lagging behind, the players of the Chinese women's basketball team are able to remain calm and determined, and continue to contribute their strength to the team.

This spiritual outlook is undoubtedly an important guarantee for the future development of the Chinese women's basketball team.

After watching the Chinese women's basketball team's 63-78 loss to Belgium, I realized that these three should be eliminated

In general, the Chinese women's basketball team suffered two consecutive defeats in this overseas warm-up game, mainly because of the sluggish performance of the guard line and the decline in the form of many players.

Rather than be discouraged and give up, they learned valuable lessons from this game.

In the future games, the Chinese women's basketball team needs to focus on adjusting and improving the problems of the guard line, and strengthen training and improvement in other aspects.

I believe that in the near future, the Chinese women's basketball team will be able to regain its strength and achieve new achievements!

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