
Hubei 21-year-old girl lost contact in the morning exercise for 84 hours, hundreds of people spontaneously searched the mountain, citizens: may not be on the mountain anymore

author:Big River Newspaper

Dahe Newspaper reporter Chen Man

Hubei 21-year-old girl lost contact in the morning exercise for 84 hours, hundreds of people spontaneously searched the mountain, citizens: may not be on the mountain anymore

On November 4, as of 20:00, on the third day of the disappearance of Zhu Tiantian, a 21-year-old girl in Zhushan County, Shiyan County, Hubei Province, the police dispatched police dogs and drones, and hundreds of people ran up and down the mountain, but the girl was still not found.

Hundreds of people spontaneously searched the mountains and found nothing

On the morning of November 1, the 21-year-old girl lost contact during the morning run in Nanshan Park, Zhushan County, after the matter was reported by the media, it touched the hearts of the majority of netizens, thousands of netizens left a message "May peace", for the local people of Zhushan County, this seems to be their own family affairs, hundreds of people spontaneously went up the mountain to search, less than half a meter of waterhole, was stirred up several times by different enthusiastic citizens. If the girl is not found for a day, the people of Zhushan will not be able to feel stable in their hearts.

"I've never heard anything like this in my 84 years." Zhou Dailin, who runs a restaurant in Zhushan County, spontaneously went to the mountain in Nanshan Park on November 4 to search for the missing girl Zhu Tiantian. Zhou Dailin and Zhu Tiantian did not intersect, claiming to be fellow countrymen, there was such a thing to help find it, for Zhu Tiantian's whereabouts, Zhou Dailin said that hundreds of people go up the mountain every day to search, he feels that she is unlikely to be on the mountain. "I walked all the forest paths, people walked everywhere I went, there were uniformed policemen in front of us, and there were drones in the sky, flying very high."

Hubei 21-year-old girl lost contact in the morning exercise for 84 hours, hundreds of people spontaneously searched the mountain, citizens: may not be on the mountain anymore

Nanshan Park in Zhushan County is a park built on the mountain, which is not large, and it takes about an hour and a half around. The vegetation on the mountain is abundant, and nearby residents regard this place as a small attraction, and there is nothing to come and exercise. The mountain is not high, and it can be climbed back and forth in 40 minutes, and it is enough to be faster than 20 minutes. According to the local people, there are more people climbing the mountain in the morning in the summer, and now the weather is cold, and there are more people in the afternoon.

On November 4, a cousin of Zhu Tiantian and several friends went up the mountain to search for Zhu Tiantian, met a police officer with a police dog on the mountain, and learned that it had recently rained and the search work was not smooth.

The girl ran missing in the morning, and her father's two phone calls were only 40 minutes apart

The matter went back to the night 3 days ago, Zhu Tiantian came home from eating at her girlfriend's house and chatted with her father, who had already rested. At 7:41 a.m. on November 1, Zhu Tiantian's father got up early and did not see his daughter, and called to learn that her daughter wanted to lose weight and exercise in Nanshan Park. The father did not know that his daughter had the habit of running in the morning, and gave a few instructions, one after another, and the father and daughter talked for about 2 minutes. Before hanging up the phone, Zhu Tiantian also told her father that she would go back soon. At 8:20, Zhu's father, who had already gone to work, wanted to call his daughter to help get the courier, but found that her phone was turned off, and has been turned off since then.

Hubei 21-year-old girl lost contact in the morning exercise for 84 hours, hundreds of people spontaneously searched the mountain, citizens: may not be on the mountain anymore

Afterwards, the family members found through the police to collect surveillance that Zhu Tiantian went up the mountain alone at 6:47 on the same day, wearing a green sweatshirt, wearing black and white checkered trousers, and holding a mobile phone in her left hand, and there was no abnormality. However, the surveillance did not find the picture of Zhu Tiantian coming down.

Zhu Tiantian had previously lived with her mother in Shenzhen because she had to prepare

The police are searching with all their might

Late at night on November 3, the Zhushan County Public Security Bureau issued a briefing, the following is the full text of the notice: At 22:00 on November 1, the Zhushan County Public Security Bureau Chengguan Water and Land Police Station received a report from Zhu Mou, saying that her daughter Zhu Moutian (female, 21 years old) had disappeared at 7 o'clock on the same day when she went out for morning exercise. After receiving the police, the county public security organ immediately set up a special work class, organized relevant departments to search hard, and the relevant situation will be released to the public in a timely manner.

"The local government and the police are paying great attention, the city has sent police officers and police dogs, and vehicles entering and leaving are also being checked." On the evening of November 3, Zhu Tiantian's father briefed the reporter of the Dahe Newspaper on the search situation, his voice was tired, and he said that there were many phone calls, and almost none of them answered.

As of 20:00 on the 4th, Zhu Tiantian had been missing for 84 hours.

Source: Dahe News Editor: Ding Fenglin

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