
Urgent search! The 20-year-old girl disappeared after morning exercise and has been two days and two nights

author:Beiqing Net

Zhu Tiantian, where are you?

Urgent search! The 20-year-old girl disappeared after morning exercise and has been two days and two nights

Recently, a search notice circulated on the Internet that Zhu Tiantian, a girl from Shiyan Zhushan County, lost contact after morning exercises and was verified by a reporter from Shiyan Evening News

Urgent search! The 20-year-old girl disappeared after morning exercise and has been two days and two nights

On the morning of November 3, the reporter contacted Zhu Tiantian's aunt Ms. Cai through the phone on the search notice, she told the reporter: "The child has been lost for two days, the whole family is very anxious, I hope you can also help find together." According to Ms. Cai, on the morning of November 1, Zhu Tiantian, as usual, got up early to practice in the morning in Nanshan Park, Zhushan County, but has not been contacted so far. Zhu Tiantian is 20 years old this year and is about 1.7 meters tall. Before she disappeared, she wore a green sweatshirt and black and white checkered pants. "We also looked for her in a variety of ways, called the police on the same day, and saw her morning running figure through public video." She first ran along the blocked river in the city, and then talked to her father on the phone and said that she would be home soon, and then disappeared. Ms. Cai said.

Urgent search! The 20-year-old girl disappeared after morning exercise and has been two days and two nights

Zhu Tiantian's public video taken in the public video shows that at 6:47 a.m. that morning, Zhu Tiantian appeared at the foot of Nanshan Park, and at this time, no one else around her appeared. The reporter learned that it takes about 1 hour to go home along Nanshan Park from the side of Zhu Tiantian's ascent to the mountain. The mountain is wooded and sparsely populated, and no public videos are installed. According to calculations, Zhu Tiantian appeared at the foot of the mountain on the other side of the mountain at about 8 o'clock in the morning, but Zhu Tiantian's family checked the video for several hours and did not find the child's figure.

Urgent search! The 20-year-old girl disappeared after morning exercise and has been two days and two nights

Zhu Tiantian is understood that Zhu Tiantian worked in Shenzhen with her mother, and only recently returned to Zhushan County and is actively preparing for the entrance examination. According to her mother, Zhu Tiantian did not fall in love and had no debt disputes due to her young age. At present, the Zhushan County Public Security Bureau has intervened, and the matter is under further investigation. If the public has relevant clues, they can call Zhu Tiantian's mother's phone 15817281259 or her aunt Ms. Cai's telephone 18972466575, or they can dial 110 to provide clues. The family is very anxious that your spread is one more hope for the family! Please help pay more attention!

Source: Shiyan Evening News

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