
August 8, 2021, life cold knowledge and daily tips

author:Read for 60 seconds in the morning

Life cold knowledge

1. Astronauts in space need to sleep near fans so that no carbon dioxide cloud will form in front of them when they exhale, so as to avoid causing suffocation and death.

2. In order to prove to the medical community that the ulcer is not caused by stomach acid, Dr. Barry Marshall took Helicobacter pylori on his own initiative. He developed a stomach ulcer in the following days, was treated with antibiotics, and was later awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

3) Our ears and nose never stop growing.

4. Compared with eating a bag of potato chips every day, living next to a nuclear power plant receives 99% less radiation.

5) Novelist Guy Maupassant once denounced the Eiffel Tower as a "useless and weird" building. But he enjoyed eating in the tower's restaurant because it was the only place he couldn't see the tower.

6, Zhang Xueliang actually listened to Jay Chou's songs. Jay Chou debuted in 2000, Zhang Xueliang died in 2001, according to Zhang Xueliang's housekeeper, Zhang Xueliang listened to Jay Chou's songs on the radio some time before his death.

7, stop believing in the superstition of "left eye jumping wealth, right eye jumping disaster". Eyelid jumping is mostly caused by excessive pressure or excessive use of the eyes, if the eyelids jump for a long time, it may also be eye spasms, and you need to see a doctor in time.

8, winter "frostbite", go to the hospital to hang up the "burn department".

9, Shanghai Oriental Pearl can also live people. Inside a separate sphere 230 meters above the ground, there is a very luxurious hotel hidden, the "230 Sky Hotel". The whole hotel has only one suite, 24-hour full-time butler service during the stay, in which you can enjoy a 360-degree view of the magic capital, and the price of staying one night is 68,000 yuan.

10, there are also scumbags in the snail world, and anyone can ride. The wheel snail is a magical creature, and many seas and varieties of snails can be tightly screwed together.

11. A picture tells you how to prepare an emergency kit? In 2021, natural disasters are frequent, and it is crucial to enhance the awareness of self-protection and take precautions.

August 8, 2021, life cold knowledge and daily tips

1. Recently, CCTV exposed a number of poisonous fans, teaching you to identify: the color of normal fans is slightly yellow, close to the starch primary color, and it is best not to buy fans who are particularly white and particularly bright.

2, the fan is ignited, normal fans should have black charcoal when burning, and how long the fan charcoal should be as long as it is, and the poisonous fan has no charcoal residue when burning, and it will be accompanied by a loud sound.

3, toothpaste washing grapes cleaner! Grapes can be sterilized by soaking in light salt water, but sometimes a white film remains on the surface after rinsing, so you can squeeze some toothpaste, place the grapes between the palms of your hands and gently knead them, and then wash them with water.

4, water dispenser plus lemon to remove dirt! The water dispenser has been used for a long time, there is a layer of white slag inside, take a fresh lemon, cut in half, remove the seeds, put it into the water dispenser and cook for two or three hours to remove the white residue.

5, drink tea has a way! Oxalic acid is easy to combine with calcium to form stones, and tea contains oxalic acid, so daily tea drinking should be thick and moderate and not excessive, especially after eating calcium-containing foods such as tofu and shrimp skin, it is especially not suitable to drink tea immediately.

6, the selection of fluoride toothpaste should be cautious, the use should be more careful, because although the fluoride toothpaste has an anti-caries effect, but long-term use is easy to cause fluorosis, children and the elderly should be used with caution.

7, for women, vinegar in addition to diet, can also be used for beauty, each time after washing hands first a layer of vinegar, retained for 20 minutes and then washed off, can make the skin of the hands soft white and tender.

8, accidentally drop the juice of the grapes on the cotton clothes, washing with soap not only can not remove the stain, but will make its color aggravated, should immediately soak the stain with white vinegar for a few minutes, and then wash it with water

9. The magic of silk scarves! Get your hair done at the beauty salon and you'll be deformed when you wake up! Don't worry, put a smooth silk scarf on the pillow before going to bed, it will not mess up the hair, and the beautiful hairstyle can be maintained

10, the weather is hot to prevent cold! Hot sweating makes people consume a lot of energy, the body's resistance declines, susceptible to colds, should pay attention to drinking more boiled water, a small amount of times, to each time three hundred to five hundred milliliters is appropriate