
There have been many earthquakes in Yunnan, and locals: the body of the car is shaking badly, and it is impossible to stabilize the steering wheel

author:Beijing News

Beijing News Express (reporter Jiang Huizi) On the evening of May 21, there were many earthquakes in Yangpi County, Dali Prefecture, Yunnan Province, with the highest magnitude of 6.4. A hui, the operator of a local farm, told reporters that she was driving at the time of the earthquake, and the body of the car shook badly and could not stabilize the steering wheel. The car has been stopped and the personnel have taken emergency shelter in the open space.

The China Earthquake Network officially measured that on May 21, at 20:56, 21:21, 21:23, 21:37, 21:48, 21:55, 21:56... There have been many consecutive earthquakes in Yangpi County, Dali Prefecture, Yunnan (25.67 degrees north latitude, 99.87 degrees east longitude), and so far, the highest magnitude is 6.4.

The farm operated by Ah Hui is located in Dali Prefecture, Yunnan Province, next to Feng's Rose Manor on National Highway 214, near Shangyangbo Village. Navigation software shows that the farm is 57 kilometers away from the earthquake-stricken Yangpi Yi Autonomous County, and it takes about 1 and a half hours to drive along national highway 214-215-236 national highway from the farm.

At the time of the earthquake, Ah Hui was driving, and at first there was a clear sense of shock at about 21:30, and he was unable to stabilize the steering wheel in an instant. After about 20 minutes, she felt a strong tremor again, and the entire body of the car shook badly, "and suddenly it was like sitting in a boat floating on the waves." "Based on the time calculation, A will feel that this is a strong earthquake caused by a magnitude 6.4 earthquake.

There have been many earthquakes in Yunnan, and locals: the body of the car is shaking badly, and it is impossible to stabilize the steering wheel

Ah Hui and his friends decided to spend the night in a tent and a movable board shed tonight. Courtesy of respondents

At present, Ahui has returned to the farm, and the personnel have taken emergency shelter in the open area of the farm, and there is no earthquake at present. Ah Hui is a member of a public welfare organization, has participated in the earthquake relief work in Ya'an, has a certain knowledge of risk avoidance, and has a good psychological fear of earthquakes. It has been decided to spend the night with friends in tents and playsets tonight.

Beijing News reporter Jiang Huizi Editor Wu Tingting

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