
The pioneer of the road takes the lead, looking at the "mobile Laoshan Mountain" from the pulse of traffic

author:Peninsula Metropolis Daily

Peninsula All Media Chief Reporter Cui Pu Correspondent Wang Zaifeng

History and modernity are intertwined, and the sea and sky share the same color of urban and rural areas. On June 26, the 2024 World Transport Congress opened in Qingdao World Expo City, and the conference will last until the 29th.

Transportation is the vein of the economy and an important part of infrastructure construction. The transportation structure has been continuously optimized, and supporting services have been continuously improved, helping the "arteries" and "microcirculation" of transportation to be smoother and more powerful, and vigorously promoting the construction of a modern comprehensive transportation system.

Go ahead and pick up the beams. Take the lead and be a pioneer.

Transportation is a basic, leading and strategic industry in the national economy. On the one hand, it is necessary to give full play to the basic carrying role of the transportation industry and further enhance the guarantee capacity for regional high-quality development, and on the other hand, it is necessary to give full play to the leading role of innovation in the transportation industry, promote scientific and technological innovation in the industry, promote the application of cutting-edge technologies and innovative ideas, and create new economic growth points.

At the theme forum of "New Quality Productivity Drives Transportation Innovation and Development" at the World Transport Conference, Wang Nini, Director of Laoshan District Transportation Bureau, introduced the "four-level linkage and four-wheel drive" development strategy of Laoshan Transportation Innovation with the title of "Pioneer - Laoshan Practice of Chinese-style Modernization".

Everything is flourishing, the pulse of transportation is getting stronger and stronger, and the "mobile city" is full of vitality. The flow of vehicles to and from trunk hubs is endless, more major transportation infrastructure has sprung up, and the cross-regional flow of people in the whole society has increased significantly......

In Laoshan, focusing on the positioning mission of the demonstration window area of the socialist modern international metropolis in the new era, the transportation work innovatively implements the development strategy of "four-level linkage and four-wheel drive", and is committed to improving the carrying capacity of highway network infrastructure, improving the public transport travel guarantee system of "light rail + subway + bus + N", highlighting the organic integration of "transportation +" multi-format, expanding the new development space of "strong to the sea" and "strong to the sky", promoting the agglomeration and development of modern transportation and logistics industry, and aggregating the new quality productivity of transportation with all factors. It shows the Laoshan practice of the pioneer of Chinese-style modernization, and provides Laoshan solutions for the high-quality development of the transportation industry.

The pioneer of the road takes the lead, looking at the "mobile Laoshan Mountain" from the pulse of traffic
Smooth the way to forge ahead

Smooth the road of forging ahead, adhere to the traffic first, and expand the new space for the development of Laoshan.

For the economy to develop, transportation must come first. The construction of transportation infrastructure is an important support for economic and social development, and plays an important role in "leveraging" and "backing". Laoshan District regards the construction of transportation infrastructure as the basic and leading work of innovation and development, and continuously carries out projects such as trunk road transformation, rural road quality and efficiency improvement, life safety protection, road hardening through households, and rural road lighting, continuously optimizes the layout, structure and function of transportation infrastructure, builds a modern transportation infrastructure support and guarantee system, and lays a solid transportation foundation for the high-quality development of Laoshan District.

Implement the municipalization of trunk roads. Laoshan District has vigorously implemented the municipalization transformation of trunk roads, synchronously laid water, electricity and heating pipelines, added smart transportation facilities, and supported slow traffic systems such as sidewalks, bicycle lanes, and greenways, and successively completed the upgrading and reconstruction of Laoshan Road Phase I, Laoshan Road Phase II, Yushui Road, Jiushui East Road and other highways.

Implement the improvement of the quality and efficiency of rural roads. Adhere to the extension of "village to village" to "household connection", implement the road hardening project, and the hardening rate of rural roads in Laoshan District is 100%. Adhere to the quality and efficiency of rural roads, 134.2 kilometers of rural roads have been repaired and renovated, accounting for 61.2% of the total mileage of rural roads, and many characteristic rural roads with Laoshan temperament and rural charm such as "Wheat Kiln Slow Tour" and "Dengying Cherry Blossom Appreciation" have become Internet celebrity roads and ecological corridors in mountains and seas. Adhere to the "road network coordination" of rural roads, and the construction of rural pipe networks, overhead cables into the ground, rural landscape improvement and other projects are synchronized with the construction and improvement of the road network, and the villagers enjoy the same basic supporting conditions of the modern road network as the city, creating 2 "national beautiful and livable villages" and 19 provincial and municipal beautiful rural demonstration villages, weaving a new picture of the beautiful countryside of Laoshan.

Implement the life safety protection project of rural roads. More than 800 potential safety hazards have been rectified, more than 50 dilapidated bridges and culverts have been renovated, and more than 4,800 meters of masonry retaining walls have been built, effectively ensuring the travel safety of the people in mountainous areas. 2,511 new street lamps with solar energy and wind and photovoltaic complementarity were installed in batches, forming a "county and rural" road lighting network covering 230 kilometers, and the lighting rate of rural roads reached 98%, the best in the province.

Implement an integrated management mechanism for urban and rural areas. The maintenance rate of rural roads is 100%, realizing that "there are roads that must be maintained, and maintenance must be in place", and creating a "smooth, safe, comfortable and beautiful" highway travel environment. Optimize the highway maintenance and management system, adopt the management mode of "human patrol + machine management", organically integrate the road chief system APP and social grassroots governance grid, and unify the "human, machine, and network" inspection of highway inspection.

The pioneer of the road takes the lead, looking at the "mobile Laoshan Mountain" from the pulse of traffic
The road to industrial integration

Integrate the road of industry, adhere to integrated development, and create a new engine for rural revitalization.

Adhere to the idea of integrated development of highway construction and Laoshan cultural tourism, characteristic industries and beautiful villages, open up broken roads, smooth network roads, and improve village roads, so as to realize "where rural roads lead, where the scenery will be extended, and where the industry will develop", and promote rural revitalization with convenient transportation. "If you want to get rich, build roads first" is not only not outdated, but also the highway system has become a booster for the equalization of urban and rural urban and rural green supporting facilities and the equalization of urban and rural social public services, which has given wings to the development of Laoshan's "three rural" undertakings.

The integration of traffic and tourism stimulates new momentum for rural tourism. The 13-kilometer Laoshan tourist road has been intensively renovated, and the six communities along the line that depend on the mountains and seas have used the road as a medium, stringing beads into a chain, and the butterflies have become "online scenery and beautiful points" Internet celebrity industrial villages. The highways of Laoshan, especially the coastal roads, are open to the unique mountain and sea scenery and rural features, and the gorgeous greening, comfortable leisure nodes, and novel fluorescent trails along the highway enrich the connotation of the slow driving experience of "roaming Laoshan" and the integration of traffic and tourism "Highway +", and the rural drainage effect is becoming increasingly strong, creating a unique "Internet celebrity check-in place" with unique mountain and sea charm such as Qingshan Fishing Village, creating 6 provincial-level scenic villages and 36 rural tourism characteristic villages above the provincial level, and cultivating Shazikou along the Qinghe River. Wanggezhuang Yangkou line, Beizhai Jiushui area and other "two lines and one belt" three major homestay agglomeration areas, for the whole area of Laoshan all-season tourism plugged in the wings of take-off.

The integration of delivery and production stimulates new vitality of characteristic agriculture. Combined with the industrial advantages of Laoshan Beizhai cherry, the construction and transformation of industrial roads with the Beizhai Rural Revitalization Demonstration Area as the radiation will be concentrated.

The integration of postal services opens up the "last mile" to get rich. We will make every effort to promote the construction of the rural mail and logistics system, build 255 rural logistics service outlets, with a network coverage rate of 100%, and smooth the "last kilometer" of consumer goods into the village and the "first kilometer" of agricultural products into the city, opening up the "veins" of rural production, circulation and consumption.

The pioneer of the road takes the lead, looking at the "mobile Laoshan Mountain" from the pulse of traffic
Connecting the road to the people

Connecting the road for the people, adhering to green and low-carbon, and building a new scenario for public transportation.

The "quality" of the new quality productivity is largely reflected in green development. Public transportation is the most basic and economical mode of travel for the public, and it is the "blood vessel" of the city's vitality. The implementation of the "public transport priority" development strategy is not only the basic requirement for sustainable and green development, but also an important embodiment of adhering to the fundamental principle of "people-oriented". Laoshan District regards public transport service guarantee as an important livelihood project, unswervingly and deeply implements the priority development strategy of urban public transportation, builds an urban transportation system of "people enjoy their travel, and things flow smoothly", establishes a public transportation service guarantee system of "rail transit as the backbone, ground public transport as the support, and passenger transport taxi as the supplement", and builds a convenient transportation "ecosystem" for low-carbon travel in Laoshan urban and rural areas.

The public transport infrastructure is constantly improving. 3 rail transit lines have been built and 2 are under construction, with an operating mileage of 63 kilometers and 38 stations, forming the backbone network of Laoshan public transportation. In view of the lack of bus station planning in rural areas, 11 stations and 6 U-turn stations were built by leasing community land, and a network node of ground public transportation was constructed. Around 3 rail transit and 16 stations, 102 bus lines have been opened, and the proportion of transfer and connection between Laoshan Metro and bus stations within 50 meters has reached more than 80%, building a public transportation service guarantee network with "rail transit as the backbone and ground bus as the support" and four streets radiating from the main urban area.

The rural community of Laoshan has achieved full bus coverage. By the end of 2023, 80 rural communities in Laoshan will be fully covered by public transportation, and a 30-minute low-carbon travel "ecosystem" will be built in urban and rural areas, so that the masses can take public transportation to the city and the countryside as conveniently.

Create an excellent bus service model. More than 380 bus shelters and more than 180 harbor-style bus stations have been built in rural areas, so that farmers can enjoy the city-like waiting standards. Vigorously promote green travel, and the proportion of new energy buses in Laoshan will reach more than 90% in 2024. Create "bus + subway + cultural tourism" and "bus + subway + park" and other public transport service models, explore and open urban community micro-circulation lines, rural communities to catch up with the bus, tourist bus, school bus and other bus lines with Laoshan characteristics, take bus tourism, catch up with the big market, go to school and so on have become a new travel choice for more citizens and residents.

The pioneer of the road takes the lead, looking at the "mobile Laoshan Mountain" from the pulse of traffic
Connecting the digital road

China Unicom Digital Road, adhere to aggregation and empowerment, and extend a new platform for smart management.

Digital Transportation, Inspiring the Future. Laoshan vigorously promotes the construction of smart transportation, strengthens overall planning and top-level design, deepens the integration of information resources, and builds a "1+7+N" digital management service general architecture, that is, based on one "Laoshan District Transportation Integration Application Platform", supported by seven application systems in different professional fields, and establishes N application scenarios in combination with industry needs, and continuously makes new breakthroughs in "digital intelligence empowerment and digital and real integration", injecting strong impetus into the high-quality development of transportation led by new quality productivity.

The system builds a digital model of intelligent transportation. In-depth integration of transportation, cultural tourism, public security and other related industry information, around the "construction, management, maintenance, transportation, security" five dimensions to build a smart traffic management base, build Laoshan District transportation integration application platform, has built a street lamp remote monitoring, highway governance off-site law enforcement, bridge "cloud doctor" personal health monitoring, highway infrastructure digital management and other subsystems, to achieve transportation infrastructure, vehicles, transportation services multi-level, integrated monitoring, prediction and early warning, smart transportation by the "simulation scenario". The transformation and application of "real scenarios" provides more comprehensive data support for decision-makers.

Comprehensively bring together digital resources of transportation and innovate digital and intelligent transportation application scenarios. In the management of rural highway street lights, the innovative application of "Internet of Things +" technology, the new and existing 2,511 solar street lamps for information transformation, the establishment of Laoshan District highway street lamp intelligent management platform, to achieve remote control, automatic inspection, fault alarm, historical data statistics, real-time data analysis, energy conservation and emission reduction benefit accounting and other functions, and can be through mobile phones or computer terminals anytime, anywhere, remote observation of the operation of the equipment.

The pioneer of the road takes the lead, looking at the "mobile Laoshan Mountain" from the pulse of traffic
Open up the road to butterfly change

Open up the road of butterfly change, insist on seizing opportunities, and lay out a new track for transportation development.

Transportation is the "forerunner" of economic and social development, and it is also an important area for cultivating new quality productivity. Under the new situation, new environment and new requirements, Laoshan, which is located at the forefront of reform and opening up, fully implements the new development concept, based on the development orientation of the demonstration window area of the socialist modern international metropolis in the new era, adheres to forward-looking thinking, strengthens systematic planning, and "strives to be strong to the sea" and "strong to the sky", which has laid a solid foundation for "stability" and accumulated "progress" momentum for the development of new quality productivity.

Vigorously promote the construction of subway TOD. Laoshan District seized the favorable opportunity of subway construction and development, and in accordance with the principle of "station-city integration, industry-city integration, and functional compounding", the Qingtie China Resources City project was initially completed, and the TOD development of Shilao Beach subway was fully launched, and the preliminary demonstration and planning plan research of TOD projects such as Maidao Station were simultaneously promoted, and efforts were made to create an efficient, intensive, comfortable and green urban space integrating travel, business, shopping, leisure, entertainment, education and other functions, build a new landmark for urban development, and accelerate the cultivation of new growth points for the high-quality development of Laoshan.

Accelerate the gathering of headquarters in the modern logistics industry. Under the guarantee of a good business environment, the scale of the transportation industry has repeatedly reached new highs, with a growth rate of more than 18%, forming a high-quality and efficient modern logistics industry chain with a number of national industry leading enterprises such as Dayayshun Supply Chain Technology, Zhongchuang Logistics, and Xinxiehang International Logistics as the main body, with an industrial scale of more than 25 billion yuan, and the ecological highland of the modern logistics industry chain of "intelligent connection of logistics chain, integration of industrial chain, and high-end value chain" is accelerating the formation.

"Map to the sea" extends maritime traffic. The sea is the outstanding advantage of Qingdao tourism. Laoshan is the highest peak in China's coastline and is known as the "first mountain on the sea". In accordance with the three-year action to improve the tourism quality of Qingdao, Laoshan District has fully launched the integrated construction of Wheat Island, Yangkou and Polar West Tourism Wharf, and will launch a "one-way multi-stop" maritime tourism route that effectively connects the coast, bay, island and major coastal scenic spots, build a new track for sea buses, and form a new tourism pattern of "flying with two wings" in Laoshan and the sea and mountains.

Laoshan's transportation industry has always been a pioneer in Laoshan's high-quality development, leading the way in action, making breakthroughs in development, and leading in transportation. At present, we are focusing on cultivating the economic and industrial system of Luyan, promoting the integration of transportation and tourism, modern logistics, intelligent transportation and other industries, accelerating the upgrading of traditional industries and management models, providing a broad innovation platform for new quality productivity, and showing good development prospects.

Liu Ling, deputy head of Laoshan District, said that Laoshan will be based on Laoshan, relying on Qingdao, looking at the whole country and connecting the world, vigorously develop new quality productivity, support the overall planning of independent innovation and open innovation, deepen international scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation, strengthen innovation and collaboration with first-class universities, scientific research institutes and leading scientific and technological enterprises at home and abroad, and provide strong support and create the best conditions for the transformation of more domestic and foreign scientific and technological achievements in Laoshan with the trend of openness and innovation. Seek innovation and development of Qingdao's transportation industry.

At the Qingdao level, Qingdao Transportation resolutely implements the innovation-driven development strategy, takes the construction of smart transportation and green transportation as the starting point, implements the "three major changes" of power, quality and efficiency, vigorously develops new technologies, new models and new forms of transportation, and forms a good foundation and conditions for cultivating new quality productivity in transportation. Taking the opportunity of the World Transport Congress to be held in Qingdao, Qingdao will comprehensively enhance the international influence of an international comprehensive transportation hub city, promote scientific and technological innovation and transformation of achievements in the field of transportation, and provide a strong impetus for accelerating the cultivation of new quality productivity.

Source: Peninsula Metropolis Daily, Peninsula News client

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