
Seeking Development and Promoting Reform The Dongying City Family Planning Association work promotion meeting was held

author:Poster Dongying

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Public Network Poster News Reporter Cui Yawei Trainee Reporter Liu Xiaodong Dongying reports

In order to convey and study the spirit of the Reform Work Conference of the National Family Planning Association and the Seventh Member Congress of the Provincial Family Planning Association, and complete the annual work of the Municipal Family Planning Association with quality and quantity, the Dongying Family Planning Association held a meeting to promote the work of the Municipal Family Planning Association on November 4. Xu Dongmei, executive vice president of the Dongying City Family Planning Association, attended the meeting and made a speech; the executive vice presidents of the county and district family planning associations or the responsible comrades and secretaries general in charge of the work of the family planning associations; the dongying economic development zone, the dongying port development zone (Xianhe town), the municipal modern agricultural demonstration zone, the provincial yellow triangle agricultural high district family planning association vice presidents, and all the personnel of the municipal family planning association attended the meeting.

Seeking Development and Promoting Reform The Dongying City Family Planning Association work promotion meeting was held

At the meeting, the spirit of the Reform Work Conference of the National Family Planning Association and the Seventh Member Congress of the Provincial Family Planning Association was conveyed. All counties, districts, development zones, and demonstration areas reported on the progress of the reform work of the Family Planning Association, the existing problems, and the next steps.

The meeting demanded that we should unify our thinking and understanding, and quickly grasp the implementation of the spirit of the Reform Work Conference of the National Family Planning Association and the Seventh Member Congress of the Provincial Family Planning Association. According to the requirements of the superior meeting, combined with the actual situation of the local unit, the implementation measures are proposed. It is necessary to adhere to the orientation of problems, make a list of the difficult problems and weak links that currently affect the advancement of reform, convene party group meetings and association office meetings to conduct special studies to ensure the smooth progress of the work; it is necessary to highlight the political nature, continue to deepen the results of the study and education of party history, further strengthen the party's leadership over the work of the family planning association, and continuously strengthen party building within the association; we must scientifically grasp the spiritual essence of the central "Decision," thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the central "decision," and give full play to the role of the family planning association in optimizing the birth policy. It is necessary to speed up the pace of reform, orderly promote the change of office, consolidate the foundation of the grass-roots level, and strengthen the organizational system and capacity building of the family planning association; we must make overall plans to promote the "six key tasks", comprehensively improve the level of eugenics and excellent breeding services, continuously improve the ability of reproductive health consulting services, do a good job in the work of caring for and supporting special families in family planning, and safeguarding the rights of the family planning masses, steadily implement the family health promotion action, and continuously improve the sense of gain, happiness, and satisfaction of the family planning masses.

The meeting stressed that the city's family planning association should persist in putting political construction in the first place, earnestly enhance the "four consciousnesses," strengthen the "four self-confidences," and resolutely achieve the "two safeguards." We should persist in organically combining strengthening political guidance with doing practical things, doing good deeds, and solving difficulties for the masses, turn the results of study and education into work motivation and work results, and let the central decision-making arrangements and the requirements of the provincial party committees and provincial governments take root in the family planning associations at all levels. Under the strong leadership of the municipal party committee, the municipal government, and the party committees and governments at all levels, it is necessary to blaze new trails, do solid work, crack the institutional and institutional problems that restrict the development of the cause of the family planning association, comprehensively deepen the reform and development of the family planning association, continuously improve the ability to serve the masses of childbearing age and family planning families, and make positive contributions to serving the healthy Dongying and the construction of a high-level modern and strong city.


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