
In the days when I worked beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book, chapter 3, 1, the working group leader, section 2: adjusting the leadership

author:Temple of Literature Mountain Residence

Chapter 3 1 (2): Adjusting Leadership

(Abstract: The leaders of the Liujiang Prefectural Party Committee considered the work of Mao County and appropriately made individual personnel adjustments.) )

After Huang Dongsheng, secretary of the Liujiang Prefectural Party Committee, took office, he immediately began to arrange the work of more than 10 counties in the whole region, and he also put a lot of thought into the county. When the provincial party committee solicited opinions on the adjustment of the leadership team of Mao County? Huang Dongsheng fully agreed to send Zhong Zhengqing to an African country to be the head of the agricultural expert group. Xie Wenyao will be transferred to the head of the first working group of Mao County, and then officially serve as the secretary of the county party committee after the situation is familiar, and Cai Zhenchuan will be replaced as the director of the regional hydropower bureau.

In the days when I worked beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book, chapter 3, 1, the working group leader, section 2: adjusting the leadership

Dujiangyan in the dry season

Then Huang Dongsheng carefully studied the record of Zheng Guangqing's speech in Mao County in April 1973 and thought that there was nothing wrong with it. Would you say that yourself? Not necessarily. Judging from the actual situation, in the first year after Zheng's speech, the soybean output in Mao County rose from 2 million catties to more than 6 million catties, more than doubling. In the past, the prefectural committee had to work hard to transport hundreds of thousands of catties of soybeans from the northeast to Mao County every year to supply the market. Now not only is it not transferred, but more than 3 million catties of soybeans can be transferred out every year to supply the nearest provincial capital.

Huang Dongsheng further learned about the situation of the fields in the whole region. It was roughly the land reform in 1950, and by 1958 it was the individual race, and then the Great Leap Forward was taken over as a collective. In 1962, when the system was decentralized, the fields were distributed to each household, and the peasants also divided 0.1 acres of land for themselves. Coupled with the decentralization of the system and the establishment of three levels of ownership, millions of peasants in the whole region were rescued from the difficult period of three years (1959-1961) at once. However, in fact, at the end of 1960 and the beginning of 1961, the counties in the Liujiang area divided the peasants into 3 cents, 5 cents, or even 1 mu of self-reserved land. Because of the difference, in 1962, according to the above policy, it was standardized to equal the land of 1 person.

The 1962 "60 Articles on Rural Work" put a stop to unrealistic practices such as brigade accounting, commune accounting, and "one level and two adjustments". On the other hand, it also put a stop to the tendency of the peasants to "divide the fields and work alone" and upheld the socialist collective economy. Later, Tiankan and part of the self-reserved land were taken back because of the Four Qing Movement and a special era. In the years from 1964 to 1969, it was said that the tail of capitalism was cut; First of all, all the fields were collected into the collective, and the self-reserved land was changed from 1 point per capita to 3 cents. From then until 1975, although there was no hunger everywhere as in 1960, the difficulties in the countryside were palpable. The average grain per capita in the rural areas of the whole region is only more than 470 catties, and there is no self-reserved land and land to make up for it. This person's average of more than 470 catties is hard, and the bran and wheat bran should be removed, including the number of red lotus and artichoke. The current reality is that in the rural areas of Liujiang area, farmers have only 3 percent per capita of their own land.

Xiao Zou went through the history of the difficult period: in 1960, when he was in the third grade of primary school, he was led by his teacher to work in the production team near the school. At the end of the afternoon, the captain gave each of the students some lotus white leaves that were not curled. The teacher was heart-wrenching, and the students talked about it behind their backs. The students, including Xiao Zou himself, took the lotus white leaves home and gave them to their parents to cook and eat. Xiao Zou heard from his aunt in the 11th Brigade and 1st Production Team of Xingfu Commune that in the past, it was not possible to feed pigs with this kind of leaves, because the alkalinity was too heavy, and the pigs did not eat it.

The next year, in 1961, my aunt's father's family had some private land, and asked Xiao Zou to carry the lotus white, and he carried it on his back. Walking around, I saw the shade of the forest garden, in a small field. The center of the roll is very tight and the big lotus flower is white, densely and neatly arranged, and it can be calculated that 1 point of land can produce hundreds of catties! He once asked his aunt: Why is the lotus white of the production team still not rolled up in the sunny field? This self-reserved land is in the shade, and the lotus white still grows so good? What does my aunt say? It's up to you!

In 1969, Xiao Zou went to the countryside to the 9th Brigade of the Happiness Commune, that is, the 4th Brigade of the Happiness Brigade. The production team is only allocated 3 centimeters of self-reserved land, and the aunt's house of the 11th brigade is also 3 centimeters per person. The captain of the 4 production team also told that in 1968 a revolutionary committee was established in the county. In order to celebrate the mobilization of the Revolutionary Committee of the Commune, "to expand public ownership and reduce private ownership", only 3 cents per person were allowed to hand over the land reserved for themselves. Xiao Zou Zhiqing once argued with the then director of the Revolutionary Committee Pu in the commune and said the following words. Chairman Mao's "60 Articles on Rural Work" promulgated in 1962 included a clause that peasants should have one share of land for themselves. However, Pu explained that because it was voluntarily handed over by the masses, it was not considered a violation of Chairman Mao's policy, and Director Pu also said that it was uniformly arranged by the county revolutionary committee.

It didn't take long to hear that Director Pu and the cadres should not go home to grow vegetables. The new director of the Revolutionary Committee of the Commune was Zhong Zhengqing, who had been a member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee and deputy county magistrate before the special period. Xiao Zou was in the city and on the highway passing through the Happy Commune, and met Director Pu several times who carried the vegetable pick. I heard him say that if he is a cadre for a month, he will have more than 30 yuan and a lot of trouble; It is much more free to go back to grow vegetables and sell them, and some farmers say that Pu is a master of growing vegetables. Xiao Zou himself has lived as a young man for two years, and he has planted eggplant, sea pepper, lotus white, etc. in the 3 centimeters of self-reserved land, and they have also grown very well. After the reform and opening up, Director Pu also implemented the policy and treated things as a retired cadre.

In the days when I worked beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book, chapter 3, 1, the working group leader, section 2: adjusting the leadership

Spring to Dujiangyan

In 1975, Huang Dongsheng, secretary of the prefectural party committee, approved and forwarded a material to each county. It was forwarded by the Guang'an County Party Committee after being reported to the provincial party committee and the prefectural party committee. It is said that in January 1975, the secretary of the county party committee of Guang'an went to Beijing to visit Comrade Xiaoping, who presided over the work of the Central Committee. The secretary of the county party committee in Guang'an suggested that Xiaoping go back to his hometown to take a look? Comrade Xiaoping left home at the age of 16 and went to France for work-study; After returning to China, he has been engaged in party work and has never returned to Guang'an.

Xiaoping said that I wanted to come back and see it for a long time! But what to watch? Speaking of only one item of grain, you can only share 300 catties of grain equally. I haven't even eaten enough, what's there to see? If you want me to come back, you can, as long as you all share 600 catties of food equally, I will come back to see you! 600 pounds per person? Huang Dongsheng thought that the Liujiang area is the province's agriculture, and the most advanced area is only 470 catties. Guang'an is a poor place with less than 400 catties, and some grain must be supplied by the state warehouse, and the bar is guaranteed to 400 catties! To meet the requirements of Comrade Xiaoping, 600 catties has a long way to go! (In Mao County, the materials of the secretary of the Guang'an County Party Committee were signed by Secretary Cai Zhenchuan and sent to all units above the commune.) Qin Shihai, deputy director of the county party committee office, handed over to the typing room Xiao Zou to print. )

But there is always a distance between the current reality and people's thoughts, such as the reality of soybean production increase in Mao County, which is extremely inconsistent with people's ideological understanding. Socialist collectives do not allow one family to work alone; But on the issue of fields, it is precisely the family that grows well. Huang Dongsheng researches the situation in Mao County: What methods were not used in the 10 years from 1964 to 1973? The fields are still not well planted, and they will be distributed to each household within a year.

Tiankan Matter, Guangmao County, a county, increased the output of several million catties of soybeans a year. This account is good for calculating 300,000 acres of paddy fields in Mao County, and the fields of one acre of paddy fields produce 20 catties of soybeans. There are also corn and vegetables that are interplanted in addition to the intercropping, and there are 6 million catties of soybeans throughout the year. In the past, the collective planting of one acre of fields only yielded 8 catties of soybeans, and the annual output was more than 2 million catties. There are no other interplanted vegetables and corn at all! Zheng Guangqing, the former secretary of the Liujiang Prefectural Party Committee, did a great thing to more than 10 counties and millions of rural people in Liujiang on the Tiankan issue!

As for the Jiangkou Canvas Factory, Xie Wenyao, director of the Revolutionary Committee and secretary of the Party Committee. In 1962, he was appointed secretary of Wujin County, and from 1962 to 1971, he worked for 10 years. Although he was inevitably shocked and criticized, he did not say anything or do anything wrong. After the party was reorganized, it was transferred to the industrial front and led a large state-owned enterprise with more than 2,000 workers, more than 1,000 family members, and a total of more than 3,000 people. Still doing it handy, overcompleting the plan year after year. There are just a few provincial and local enterprises in Mao County, and sending Xie Wenyao to Mao County can take care of both industry and agriculture.

Regarding the plan of the three cadres of Mao County, Zhong Zhengqing, Cai Zhenchuan, and Xie Wenyao, Huang Dongsheng repeatedly considered it for a period of time, and finally believed that it was mature and feasible. He proposed it at the standing committee of the prefectural party committee and was approved, and after it was submitted to the provincial party committee for approval, he handled it accordingly. Next, we must do a good job of Xie Wenyao, transfer him from the Jiangkou Canvas Factory, and send him to Mao County in the name of the leader of the working group. After a period of time, Cai Zhenchuan will be transferred from Mao County to the prefectural committee. The current director of the regional water and electricity bureau is almost 70 years old and lacks energy and should be replaced. Although the country has not yet implemented a retirement system, 55-year-old Cai Zhenchuan should also be arranged as the director.

In the days when I worked beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book, chapter 3, 1, the working group leader, section 2: adjusting the leadership

Spring brings revival to all things and flowers are splendid

Xie Wenyao, mentioned by Secretary Huang Dongsheng, was a high school graduate of Huaxi Middle School in the provincial capital of Qingcheng Mountain when he was about to be liberated. At that time, he was rescued by the underground party organization, the Taoist people and the mountain people in Qingcheng Mountain, which will never be forgotten. He lived in Qingshan Township, Qingcheng Mountain, Deng Baoshan's house for more than 10 days, and waited until the major middle schools in the provincial capital opened. At this time, the People's Liberation Army had forced into the provincial capital from Chongqing, Mianyang, and Leshan.

At this time, the generals Liu Wenhui, Deng Xihou, and Pan Wenhua, who commanded the 100,000 Sichuan Army, telegraphed an uprising in Peng County and resolutely stood on the side of the people's revolution. Liu, Deng, and Pan vowed to lead their troops and fight with Chiang Kai-shek, Hu Zongnan, etc. to the end! forced Jiang and Hu to abandon the army and flee one after another. Having learned from the Xi'an Incident, Chiang hurriedly took a plane to Taiwan. Hu Zongnan first took a plane to Hainan Island, and then was ordered by Chiang Kai-shek to go to Xichang to insist. Several corps of Chiang's army in Sichuan, among which Li Wen's corps broke through at the risk of death; Trying to flee Xichang to Yunnan, more than 50,000 people were annihilated in the Battle of Xinjin. The rest of Jiang Hu's corps, armies, and divisions revolted on the battlefield one after another, and threw themselves into the liberation of western Sichuan and Sichuan of the People's Liberation Army.

At the beginning of liberation, everything was in ruins, and manpower was needed in all aspects. Xie Wenyao did not go to university, but in 1950 he directly participated in the work in the provincial capital and was assigned to Wujin County. Xie Wenyao first went to the front line of the most urgent grain collection work at that time. Collect food for the rebels of the People's Liberation Army and the Kuomintang Army, and those left behind by the old regime. He experienced the "Second Five-Year Plan" rebellion throughout western Sichuan and participated in land reform. In 1953, he went to the countryside to serve as the secretary of the district party committee, experienced the unified purchase and marketing, and the cooperative movement of mutual aid groups, and in 1956, he served as the deputy director of the office of the land transfer commission.

In the days when I worked beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book, chapter 3, 1, the working group leader, section 2: adjusting the leadership

A place where flowers bloom in Dujiangyan City

In 1962, Shanxi proposed one, the 24-year-old secretary of the county party committee, Zhou Mingshan, and all provinces across the country followed suit. Xie was appointed secretary of the Wujin County Party Committee at the age of 32, and in 1971, at the age of 41, the party was reorganized; He was transferred to the Jiangkou Canvas Factory and served as director of the Revolutionary Committee and secretary of the Party Committee. Xie Wenyao felt that Wujin and Jiangkou were doing a good job in both places. Now that the prefectural party committee has sent him to Mao County, he believes that he will also live up to his mission and do a good job in the work of Mao County. (Confucian Temple Mountain Residence)


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