
【Work dynamics】Party branch of the Organization Department of the county party committee: carry out theme party day activities

author:Zhaozhou release
【Work dynamics】Party branch of the Organization Department of the county party committee: carry out theme party day activities

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, on June 29, the Party Branch of the Organization Department of the County Party Committee, the Party Branch of the Veteran Cadres Bureau of the County Party Committee, and the Party Branch of the Party School of the County Party Committee organized Party members and cadres to carry out the Party Day activity with the theme of "Remembering the Original Heart and Welcoming July 1st" at the former site of the Zhao County Special Branch of the Communist Party of China.

【Work dynamics】Party branch of the Organization Department of the county party committee: carry out theme party day activities

Pursue the red memory and feel the power of thought. Under the leadership of the commentator of the Party School of the County Party Committee, we visited the former site of the special branch of the Communist Party of China in Zhao County, and learned the historical story of the establishment of the first party branch in Zhao County by watching the pictures on display, browsing the text and historical documents, and felt the touching deeds of Zhang Xiyan, Ge Yongsheng and other revolutionary ancestors who actively sought the truth of national salvation and devoted themselves to social reform, and further inspired the party members of the ministry to consciously be the inheritors, practitioners and promoters of the red spirit.

【Work dynamics】Party branch of the Organization Department of the county party committee: carry out theme party day activities

Review the oath of joining the party and review the original intention of joining the party. In front of the former residence of the revolutionary martyr Ge Yongsheng, all party members faced the bright red party flag, raised their right hands, solemnly swore an oath, reviewed the oath of joining the party, and reviewed the original intention and mission when joining the party. Through solemn oaths, we should clarify the identity and responsibilities of Party members, keep in mind the obligations and rights of Party members, strengthen our ideals and beliefs, and always maintain the political nature of Communists.

Do a good job in special party classes and build a strong line of discipline defense. The secretary of the party branch of the organization department of the county party committee gave a lecture on party discipline learning and education discipline to all party members and cadres from the four aspects of "learning discipline, knowing discipline, knowing discipline, knowing discipline, and abiding by discipline". He stressed that as cadres of the organization work, they must strictly enforce the party's political discipline and rules, and constantly enhance their ability to self-purify, self-improve, self-innovate, and self-improve. He demanded that party members and cadres in organs should conscientiously study the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", consciously use party discipline and party rules to correct their thoughts and actions, develop the habit of working and living in an environment of supervision and restraint, always tighten the string of political discipline, tighten the cage of party discipline and party rules, strengthen the sense of discipline, temper strong party spirit, and promote the entrepreneurship of officials.

After the event, everyone said that they should take the revolutionary predecessors as an example, take the party discipline study and education as an opportunity, be down-to-earth, take the initiative to take the initiative, and contribute to the construction of a national historical and cultural city and a modern and beautiful new Zhaozhou with more enthusiasm and higher morale.

Source: Organization Department of the County Party Committee

Editor: Zhu Lina

Review: Meng Yi

Producer: Nie Congchao

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