
In the days of working beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book, chapter 3, 1 working group leader, section 3: working group leader

author:Temple of Literature Mountain Residence

Chapter III 1 (3): Working Group Leader

(Abstract: According to the arrangements of the provincial and prefectural party committees, Xie Wenyao moved his family to Mao County.) Xie Ying, the daughter of Xie, was still an educated youth in Wujin County, and she was also adjusted to Mao County. Xie and Secretary Cai began to inquire about all aspects of the situation in Mao County. )

Xie Wenyao and Zhang Guifang were married in 1954, but their original 1950 wedding date was postponed for another three years. Guifang was initially engaged in business management in the provincial capital, and Xie Wenyao was able to mobilize his family after he reached the county regiment level. Xie was the secretary of the Wujin County Party Committee, and Guifang worked and lived with him. When she was in the Jiangkou Canvas Factory, Guifang was responsible for the logistics of the factory, eating, drinking, living, pulling, miscellaneous, shredded, canteen, club, staff dormitory, etc. Doing a series of things seems tedious, but in fact they are related to people's livelihood. Therefore, she is also very shrewd and capable, and she can always show the power of decision when she speaks and acts.

In the days of working beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book, chapter 3, 1 working group leader, section 3: working group leader

Night view of Dujiangyan City

Xie Wenyao's younger brother Xie Wenhe continued to study, and after graduating from university, he taught at the Chinese Academy outside the province, and he also settled in the family that his daughter was a teacher in the same school. Their son was named Xie Zhong, and after graduating from junior high school at the age of 17, he went to the countryside to become an educated youth in Xichang. In 1974, when he was 19 years old, Xie Wenyao came forward to recruit workers to the Jiangkou canvas factory, and also recommended him to study at the municipal industrial school in the provincial capital.

Xie Wenyao and Zhang Guifang have two children, the eldest daughter Xie Ying and the younger son Xie Jun. Xie Ying was born in 1955 and is 20 years old this year, graduated from high school in Wujin County in 1974, and has been an educated youth in Wujin County for one year. According to the policy at that time, after one year, that is, after two years, educated youths can be recommended to study in universities and become workers, peasants and soldiers. Although Xie Wenyao transferred the old relationship between Wujin County and Wujin County after the adjustment of Mao County, it is better to put it directly by his side. Therefore, Xie transferred Xie Ying to Mao County and arranged it in the current Qingshan Commune in Qingshan Township. Specifically, the production team of Deng Baoshan's family also had a separate pot stove in Deng Baoshan's house. The two couples of the Deng family are also a pair of children, the eldest Deng Daqing was 19 years old at the time; The second eldest Deng Minzi is 17 years old and is still the secretary of the Youth League branch of the Bluestone Brigade. Xie Ying and Toshiko live together, sometimes eat at the Deng family, and most of the time they cook by themselves.

Deng Baoshan was the secretary of the party branch of the Qingshi Brigade of Qingshan Commune at the time, and he was very happy to send Ying to his production team and his home. He assured Xie Wenyao that he would take good care of Xie Ying, and asked Secretary Xie not to think too much. When Xie Wenyao named his daughter, he thought of his senior sister at West China University, Mao Yingcai, who introduced him to the party. When she was about to be liberated, she was killed by Kuomintang agents by the 12 Bridge River in the provincial capital, and was one of the 12 Bridge martyrs. The daughter's name Xie Ying can also be regarded as a little memorial to the senior sister of Western University, Sister Ying! is also due to the special era, the youngest son Xie Jun is in the 5th grade of primary school this year, and now Xie Jun also follows his father to Mao County to attend primary school.

In this way, Xie Wenyao, as the leader of the working group, brought his family of four to Mao County. Because the secretary's house lived in Cai Zhenchuan's family, the Xie family lived in the Yuchi Courtyard behind Lu Haiyuan. The office of the county party committee is in the guest room of Lu Haiyuan, which comes out of the back four rooms, and a new kitchen is built in Yuchi Courtyard. Communal water pipes have also been installed in the courtyard, and a laundry table and a sink for washing clothes have been newly repaired. At the entrance of the Jie's house, a flower with a width of 1 meter and a length of 10 meters was built along the wall. There are some herbaceous flowers such as red coral, ground chrysanthemum, butterfly flowers, etc. In the yard, there were several red plums, begonias, and camellias blooming alternately. Several hundred-year-old yellow cypress orchids, osmanthus and crape myrtles, etc., are also flourishing. Yuchiyuan seems to be more vibrant because of the move in of Secretary Xie's family.

There is no bathroom in the rooms of the entire county party committee compound, and there is a public side area shared by the flower hall and Lu Haiyuan outside the small door of the Yuchi courtyard. The housing of the Jiangkou canvas factory was handed over to the leaders of the factory. The secretary of the county party committee in those years was like this, and wherever he went, he was home. In addition to their clothes and furniture, they do not have a private house or any property. In the 70s of the 20th century, the Chinese Communists acted as a proletariat; He led the people's revolution for more than 20 years and was in power for more than 20 years. Due to the inertia of history, the broad masses of party members and cadres, including leading cadres, are still proletarian at this time.

According to Xie Wenyao's intentions, the Organization Department of the county party committee arranged Zhang Guifang to serve as the director of the Commercial Bureau and the deputy director of the county finance and trade office. This job is more suitable for her, and Zhang Guifang has been engaged in this work all these years.

After Cai Zhenchuan arranged Xie Wenyao's these, he also muttered behind his back what kind of working group leader? A person who doesn't even have a team member and brings his family with him? He's here to pick me up! However, Secretary Cai also said that it is the party's work anyway, and it is the same for him to do it to me and whoever does it.

  After the family settled down, Xie Wenyao first asked the United Front Work Department of the county party committee about the Taoist chief surnamed Yi in Qingcheng Mountain? They told them that after the liberation, the warlord secretary and the surname Tong were in charge of the family to participate in the "Second Five-Year Plan" rebellion. At the Qingcheng Mountain Archway Gang (natural picture), he was suppressed because he was holding a machine gun and fighting with the People's Liberation Army. Yi Daochang took over as the head of Qingcheng Mountain, and was also the vice chairman of the National Road Association and the chairman of the Provincial Road Association. Unfortunately, he passed away in 1974 at the age of 80, and there were still many relics in his ashes when he was cremated. Hearing this, Xie Wenyao's heart swelled with bursts of discomfort. He deeply respected this worldly master who saved him at a critical time. I also regret that I have been busy all these years and have not been able to come to express my gratitude in the lifetime of the Taoist!

In the days of working beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book, chapter 3, 1 working group leader, section 3: working group leader

Night view of the city

Xie Wenyao began his own work, and in terms of organizational relations, he represented the prefectural party committee and came to Mao County to guide the work. The status of Xie is the same as that of Secretary Cai Zhenchuan! However, because he still does not understand the situation, in actual work, the leadership team of Mao County still has Secretary Cai Zhenchuan as the squad leader. Xie Wenyao knew that the work of Mao County in 1974 was seriously disturbed by the criticism of Lin and Kong, and there were more than 10 rebel leaders who often came to make noise. After coming to Mao County, Xie Wenyao also learned more about those people, led by Jing Deren, member of the Liujiang Regional Revolutionary Committee, deputy director of the County Revolutionary Committee, and director of the Revolutionary Committee of the County Transportation Society. Feng Jianwei of the county machinery factory and Xia Pengju of the county construction company, these two are Jing's left and right.

The county party committee has a propaganda board on the opposite side of the main street in the Yamen county, mainly to publicize the work of some county party committees. Spring is coming, how to manage wheat and rape, how to prevent insects and cure diseases, how to cultivate seedling fields, etc. When summer comes, how to grab the double grab to put away the rape and wheat, and plant the seedlings. Autumn is coming, how to harvest, how to dry millet, how to plant vegetables and other late autumn crops. How to prepare for ploughing, how to plant rape, sow wheat, etc. In short, it is "9 gourds and 10 wheat winter rapeseeds, Qingming Valley rain seedlings" and the like. Mao County is an agricultural county, and the work of the county party committee is mainly agriculture, and the above ones are indispensable.

Jing Deren and others believed that it was necessary to suppress the revolution with production, and that they should focus on publishing their remarks, views, and articles criticizing Lin Biao and Kong Laoer. There are also quotations on the continuation of the revolution that they copied from the writings of Ma, En, Lie, Si and Chairman Mao. However, the county party committee did not agree to them, and the only way to publicize the issue of eating for the urban and rural people in Mao County was to continue to publicize it.

  Under such circumstances, in 1974, the work situation of the whole county can be imagined, and the industry was less affected, and various plans were basically completed. In 1974, the total grain output of the county was 260 million catties, a decrease of 20 million catties from 1973. Specifically, it is as follows: in 7 communes in the mountain area, the average grain distribution reaches 500 catties of raw grain, which is equivalent to more than 300 catties of corn. Of the 23 communes in Pingba District, only one of them reached 500 catties. The average per capita of the county is only more than 430 catties, of which the 10 communes along the mountains are less than 400 catties, and the county has to sell back part of the grain to make up for 400 catties. Even so, the peasants had no money in their hands, and they had to take credit cooperatives to buy back the grain they had to sell back the grain.

In the days of working beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book, chapter 3, 1 working group leader, section 3: working group leader

Morning glow landscape

Xie Wenyao knew that the statistical raw grain was real in the mountainous area, and every catty of corn was real. In the Pingba area, wheat and rice are in a ratio of about 3:7, that is, 30 percent wheat and 70 percent rice. Wheat can produce 0.8 catties of flour per catty, and rice can produce 0.7 catties of rice per catty. In this way, the grain in the hands of the peasants is actually discounted compared with the amount on the books. The peasants have only 3 centimeters of land per capita, and the area of each mu is roughly 2 centimeters, adding up to only 0.5 centimeters of land per capita. The area of rural paddy fields in Pingba, Mao County, is 1 mu per person. In the case of collective field production, how much can the 5 centimeters of land in the hands of the peasants be worth? Moreover, farmers have to feed pigs and chickens, as well as repair houses, build houses, weddings, funerals, and wedding gatherings! There are also a series of expenses such as children's schooling, sores and diseases, and the peasants' situation can only be food and clothing.

The situation in the cities and towns is not much better, and the monthly food ration is 27 catties for cadres, 25 catties for residents, 30 catties for middle school students, and 30 catties, 35 catties, 40 catties, 45 catties, and 48 catties for workers; The salary is 30 to 50 yuan, and the average is less than 40 yuan. Xie Wenyao saw that in Mao County, Wujin, Liujiang and other places, people in both towns and villages were dressed similarly. The same khaki, labor cloth, is no better than corduroy. Although this place in Mao County is known as a place with more than 2,000 years of water and drought from people, there is no famine year, and I don't know hunger! However, 25 years after the founding of New China, the urban and rural people in the county are still only on the subsistence line. It is much better than before the liberation, but from Comrade Xiaoping, "As long as 600 catties of grain are distributed, I will come back to see you!" "The requirements are far from the same.

Fortunately, at the beginning of the new year in 1975, Comrade Xiaoping presided over the work of the Central Committee, and he loudly proposed "rectification"! "Industry, agriculture, and commerce must be rectified," and those who engage in factionalism must be "adjusted 365 days a year"! Jing Deren, Feng Jianwei, Xia Pengju and others are like cicadas in autumn, as silent as when they encounter cooling. But if the temperature rises slightly, they will call Irivala again .......

In the days of working beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book, chapter 3, 1 working group leader, section 3: working group leader

Semi-mechanized inflammator.

Society is still moving forward at its own pace, and in 1975, a new fire brigade was set up at the entrance of the park. The first brand-new fire engine was placed inside, and a head of the county public security bureau surnamed Hu was appointed as the captain. In the past, the urban and rural areas of Mao County used to manually extinguish fires, such as hand-pressed fire extinguishers, fire hooks, foam fire extinguishers, etc. There used to be diesel pumps in the middle, but they had to be carried by manpower, etc. Now with fire trucks to extinguish fires, all at once it is mechanized and modernized. (Confucian Temple Mountain Residence)


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