
Pickled sour fish in Hunan Channel Dong Autonomous County: a treasure in "Dong family cuisine"

author:China's well-off network
Pickled sour fish in Hunan Channel Dong Autonomous County: a treasure in "Dong family cuisine"

Pickled sour fish (network map)

China Xiaokang net pickled sour fish is a special product of Daodao Dong Autonomous County in Huaihua City, Hunan Province. The Dong family especially loves to eat pickled home-cooked dishes, among which the pickled sour fish is the treasure of the "Dong family dish". The pickling process of sour fish is divided into barrel pickling and altar pickling. The two methods of salting are similar, fresh grass carp or carp are washed and broken, devisited, and salted for three or four days to allow the salt to soak into the whole fish. After soaking in salt, put it in a large wooden barrel. For each layer of fish, spread with sticky rice or sweet lees, sprinkle with sautéed soybean flour, and add the right amount of paprika. Until the barrels are filled, and finally sprinkled with some high-strength liquor, covered with broad leaves of the tung tree, and then pressed with heavy stones to isolate it from the air, and then eaten after a year.

The Dong family uses this method to marinate fish for decades without deterioration, and its fish flesh is ruddy, sour and salty and delicious. A barrel of pickled sour fish is often pickled for three or five years, and some even pickle for one or twenty years, which is a delicious dish that can only be tasted when entertaining guests or encountering red and white happy events. Altar pickling production, altar along the mouth can put water, altar mask in the water, play a role in sealing, access is very convenient.

Dongxiang people are acidophilic, and there is a saying that "Dong does not leave acid". In Dongxiang, in addition to sour fish, there are sour dishes such as sour pork, sour duck, sour shrimp, sour cucumber, and capers. The Dong family is pickled in all seasons: the green vegetables are ripe in March, which is the season for pickling salt; the fish fat in august is the season for pickling fish; the spring festival is also pickled for pigs; and the ducks and geese are also pickled after the summer harvest.

Dong family food can not be away from the acid has its historical origins, Dong area commodity economy was very underdeveloped before, the New Year to kill pigs, eat can not be finished, can not be preserved, pickled up for a long time can not be bad, but also at any time to eat. These ancient pickled utensils of the Dong family are like the "refrigerator" in modern civilized life.