
How much does dragon lice cost for a pound? What are the prospects for farming? (With artificial culture technology)

author:Huinong School

When we play by the pond and the river when we are young, we often find a small insect that is very similar to cockroaches, which not only can climb and fly, but also has a very strong diving ability. This insect is called dragon lice, commonly known as water turtle, is an aquatic insect of the dragon lice family, its adults, larvae live in fields, ditches, streams and other water bodies. Because the dragon lice can rely on the stored fresh air to dive into the water to live, when the oxygen in the air bag is used up, it swims out of the water, re-discharges the exhaust gas, and inhales fresh air, which is also called "latent dragon lice" by the old people. Dragon lice is a common ingredient in the southern region of China, not only delicious, and very nutritious, but also has a high therapeutic effect, known as "water ginseng", the following small series for everyone to introduce the dragon lice this insect.

How much does dragon lice cost for a pound? What are the prospects for farming? (With artificial culture technology)

First, the latest market price of dragon lice

Dragon lice prices vary depending on their species, quality, quantity, market conditions, wild or farmed, etc. The following small editor briefly sorted out the latest price of dragon lice today: Dragon lice 50 yuan / jin in Huimin District, Hohhot City, Inner Mongolia; Anhui Bozhou City, Woyang County Dragon Lice 60 yuan / jin; Dragon lice in Hulin City, Jixi City, Heilongjiang 65 yuan / jin; Dragon lice in Jiutai District, Changchun City, Jilin Province, 50 yuan / jin; Dragon lice in Jiangnan District, Nanning City, Guangxi Province, 50 yuan / jin; Dragon lice in Changzhou District, Wuzhou, Guangxi 53 yuan / jin; Dragon lice in Dingzhou City, Baoding City, Hebei Province, 53 yuan / jin; Dragon lice in Anguo City, Baoding City, Hebei Province, 53 yuan / jin; Dragon lice in Datong District, Daqing City, Heilongjiang 54 yuan / jin; Inner Mongolia Bayannaoer City Urat former flag dragon lice 47.5 yuan / catty, etc., the above prices are from Huinong Network, for reference only.

How much does dragon lice cost for a pound? What are the prospects for farming? (With artificial culture technology)

Second, the breeding prospects of dragon lice

Dragon lice is mainly divided into medicinal and edible two uses, it is different from other foods, unique taste, very high nutritional value, containing the human body necessary vitamins, amino acids, a variety of trace elements and other substances, can enhance the body's ability to adapt to motor load, anti-fatigue has a better effect. Dragon lice are eaten in a variety of ways, the most famous of which is "Washi dragon lice".

In summary, it can be seen that the market price of dragon lice is not low. Most of the dragon lice on the market are captured wild resources, due to water pollution and man-made overfishing, the number has been decreasing, and the current scale of artificial breeding is not large, so that the market is in short supply, resulting in more expensive prices. Therefore, Xiaobian believes that the market prospect of breeding dragon lice is broad and has high economic benefits.

How much does dragon lice cost for a pound? What are the prospects for farming? (With artificial culture technology)

Third, the breeding technology of dragon lice

1. Breeding environment

Dragon lice are extremely adaptable, prefer warm environments, but are afraid of bright lights. Dragon lice is not very strict on the water environment, water body requirements non-toxic and lethal pollution, keep the water depth of 50-100 cm, do not have to change the water frequently, but the water should be odorless.

2. Breeding facilities

Dragon lice are very sensitive to pesticides, fertilizers, oil pollution, etc., and are generally better cultivated in suburban ponds, suitable for living in clear and pollution-free fresh water. Aquaculture facilities can choose small fishing ponds, ponds or tanks, etc., depending on the scale of culture. Choose open-air breeding of dragon lice, the pool side can be planted with some aquatic plants, the pond to plant some aquatic grass, it is best to plant water floating lotus, the four corners of the bottom of the pool put 2 cm thick yellow soil, the pool up and down each set up a drainage pool 1, the water surface should also be added to the anti-fly net.

3. Breeding management

Dragon lice to carnivorous mainly, but also can be plant-feeding and scavengeral, good at capturing small organisms, organic matter and aquatic weeds in the water, artificial breeding is generally based on corn flour, rice bran and sweet fruits, but also can be fed rotten Fushou snails, as well as the rural widespread pig, chicken, cow, duck scraps. Generally, it is fed once a day in the evening, and the amount of feeding is 7% to 8% of the total weight of the dragon lice, and it cannot be fed every other day to avoid mutual cannibalism.

4. Harvesting and preservation

The dragon lice culture cycle is 8 months, and around August of each year, nets are used to fish in the pit pond ditches with more aquatic plants. Adult insects can generally use violet lamps to lure adult insects during the peak period, cover them with a net during transportation and storage, prevent them from escaping, and can also be washed and blanched and dried and stored.

How much does dragon lice cost for a pound? What are the prospects for farming? (With artificial culture technology)

This is all about the dragon lice, which are very good at camouflage, they will hide in the lush water and grass or cover themselves with sand, and once there is prey, they will catch the prey with lightning speed. Xiaobian feels that the cultivation of dragon lice is still relatively simple, and the incidence of disease is extremely low, and now the most artificial breeding is The Phnom Penh dragon lice. Dragon lice breeding cost is low, the market price is very considerable, is a new edible precious aquatic insect in recent years, breeding prospects are broad, but it is not recommended that everyone blindly follow the trend. Is there anything else you want to know about dragon lice? What do you think dragon lice taste like? Welcome to leave a message below to discuss.

Extended reading: What are the characteristic projects in rural areas with low breeding costs? These three are more common! - Huinong Network