
Go to the pet store to buy 4 parrots Both buyers and sellers were caught

author:Information Times

Information Times News (reporter Huang Xideng) The bosses of the buyers who bought and sold parrots were arrested; the WeChat mail order turtles were taken compulsory measures; and the illegal sale of wild animals was criminally detained. The reporter learned from the Guangdong Provincial Forestry Bureau that in order to effectively prevent the new crown pneumonia epidemic and protect the people's life, health and safety, Guangdong has actively carried out wildlife protection inspection and law enforcement actions throughout the province, severely cracked down on illegal and criminal acts of destroying wildlife resources, and strengthened wildlife control.

The purchase of 4 parrots is criminally detained in accordance with the law

Recently, police in Huiyang, Guangdong Province, received clues that some people were suspected of illegally purchasing rare and endangered wild animals. The police then successfully arrested the suspect Wang Mou in a town in Huiyang District, and seized 4 parrots on the spot. According to the identification of the Judicial Identification Center, these parrots have been listed in Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, and belong to China's precious and endangered protected animals.

According to the police, the 4 parrots purchased by Wang were all provided by a pet store in Chaozhou, because it was a small cone-tailed parrot with an original price of about 1,000 yuan during the epidemic period, and Wang only used a unit price of about 200 yuan to buy. At present, the suspect Wang Mou has been criminally detained by the public security organs in accordance with the law, and the pet shop owner has also been arrested and arrested, and the case is still under further investigation.

Illegal purchase of 2 large turtles was taken compulsory measures

On March 10, the police of the Forestry Branch of the Yangjiang Municipal Public Security Bureau found a clue to the illegal crimes involving wild animals during their daily network patrols, and immediately reported it to the Forestry Bureau. The police of the Forestry Sub-Bureau immediately rushed to the scene to investigate, and when a household in Chengbei Street of Jiangcheng District was inspected, 21 live wild animals (articles) were seized at the scene, including 4 rare and endangered wild animals suspected of being under national key protection (1 suspected parrot and 3 suspected turtles) and 17 non-protected wild animals (articles). Arrested criminal suspect Lin Moupeng. After review, the criminal suspect Lin Moupeng confessed that 1 parrot was purchased from others in Shunde during a business trip in October last year, 2 large turtles were mail-ordered from others through WeChat, and 1 small turtle was hatched.

According to the appraisal of the South China Animal Species Environmental Damage Forensic Appraisal Center, 1 suspected parrot and 3 suspected turtles seized at the residence of suspect Lin Moupeng are rare and endangered wild animals under key protection, of which the parrot is the African grey parrot, which is listed in Appendix 1 of the International Convention on Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), and the turtle is a Sulcata tortoise, which is listed in Appendix 2 of the International Convention on Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). At present, the Forestry Branch of the Yangjiang Municipal Public Security Bureau has opened a criminal case for investigation and taken compulsory measures against the criminal suspect Lin Moupeng. The other 17 non-protected wild animals seized have been handed over to the forestry department for harmless treatment.

The illegal sale of parrots two people was criminally detained

On March 10, the Maoming Municipal Public Security Bureau successfully cracked a case of illegal sale of rare and endangered wild animals, arrested two criminal suspects at the scene, and seized 8 live African grey parrots of rare and endangered wild animals under national key protection at the national level, 8 live eclectic parrots of rare and endangered wild animals under national secondary key protection, 3 live honey-sucking parrots, and 1 live parrot of Jardin's parrot.

Since the Maoming Municipal Public Security Organs organized a special campaign to crack down on wildlife-related violations and crimes, the Forestry Branch of the Maoming Municipal Public Security Bureau, in accordance with the unified deployment of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, has comprehensively collected and excavated clues on wildlife-related violations and crimes in the early stage of the operation by strengthening daily inspections, strengthening online monitoring, and mobilizing wildlife enthusiasts, volunteers and other non-governmental organizations and individuals to report. Through the investigation, it was found that some people in Zhensheng Town, Maonan District, Maoming City, used the Internet to illegally sell rare and endangered wild animals - parrot clues. In this regard, the Forest branch of the Maoming Municipal Public Security Bureau attaches great importance to it, and immediately joins hands with the municipal bureau network police, big data center and other departments to study and judge the clue and conduct in-depth operation.

On March 10, after learning that the suspect was preparing to conduct offline transactions with buyers at a gas station in Maonan District, the Forest branch of the Maoming Municipal Public Security Bureau quickly organized an investigation and case handling team and grass-roots elite police forces to arrive at the trading site and wait for round-up. At 14:35 on the same day, when two young men with extremely similar appearance characteristics to the suspected criminal objects known by the investigation appeared at the round-up point riding a yellow electric vehicle, the police handling the case immediately stepped forward to successfully arrest the two people, and seized 2 live African grey parrots suspected of being national key protection wild animals and 2 live honey parrots in the car. Subsequently, in the house of suspect Huang Mouqi, two suspects jointly farmed 8 live eclectic parrots, 6 live African grey parrots, 1 live honey-sucking parrot, and 1 live Jardin's parrot for sale. After interrogation, the two suspects confessed to the illegal sale of wild protected animals.

After identification, the 8 African grey parrots seized are precious and endangered wild animals under national key protection, and 8 eclectic parrots, 3 honey-sucking parrots and 1 Jardin's parrot are precious and endangered wild animals under national secondary key protection. On March 10, the Forestry Branch of the Maoming Municipal Public Security Bureau decided to set up a case for the illegal sale of rare and endangered wild animals to investigate, and on March 11, the suspects involved in the case, Dai Moufeng and Huang Mouqi, were criminally detained. The case is currently under further investigation.


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