
The big star died in his sleep! There are many diseases that cause "this method of death", 3 types of people need to beware that he is the father of "Iron Man", and he is also a famous artist, which diseases are easy to cause "people to die in sleep"? What kind of people need to be wary of "dying in sleep"?

author:Good Words Materia Medica

Death in sleep, for those elderly, should be counted as a different kind of happiness. After all, life itself is a tragedy, to the end of life is what everyone must experience, if you can "pass" forever in the sleep without pain and itch, is not it a beautiful thing, and where is the regret?

The big star died in his sleep! There are many diseases that cause "this method of death", 3 types of people need to beware that he is the father of "Iron Man", and he is also a famous artist, which diseases are easy to cause "people to die in sleep"? What kind of people need to be wary of "dying in sleep"?

For many friends, "Iron Man" is no stranger, but what about his actor Robert Downey Jr.? It seems that it is not very familiar, just as mr. Qian Zhongshu said: If you eat an egg and think it is good, it is enough, why remember the chicken that laid the egg?

Today we are going to talk about the father of the "old hen" who "gave birth" to Iron Man, Robert Downey, who died on July 7 this year at the age of 85. It should be counted as the end of life, and the "walking" is still very peaceful, and it is directly picked up by God in sleep.

The big star died in his sleep! There are many diseases that cause "this method of death", 3 types of people need to beware that he is the father of "Iron Man", and he is also a famous artist, which diseases are easy to cause "people to die in sleep"? What kind of people need to be wary of "dying in sleep"?

Although not a centenarian, although his "life length" is not as wonderful as the "width of life", but this age is also the dream of many people, more than the average life expectancy of men at this stage, but also more than many people of the same age around, presumably Robert Downey's spirit in heaven, will also be grateful for God's care, so whether from his own point of view, or like his audience, he died in his sleep at the age of 85, should be a satisfactory result, not to mention no regrets.

The big star died in his sleep! There are many diseases that cause "this method of death", 3 types of people need to beware that he is the father of "Iron Man", and he is also a famous artist, which diseases are easy to cause "people to die in sleep"? What kind of people need to be wary of "dying in sleep"?

Speaking of this problem, the first thing that comes to mind is cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, yes, blood circulation system diseases are indeed prone to sudden death, not only myocardial infarction or cerebral infarction, many other diseases are very dangerous, such as myocardial ischemia, aortic dissection aneurysm, aortic stenosis and malignant arrhythmia, etc., are the culprits of "people die in sleep".

The big star died in his sleep! There are many diseases that cause "this method of death", 3 types of people need to beware that he is the father of "Iron Man", and he is also a famous artist, which diseases are easy to cause "people to die in sleep"? What kind of people need to be wary of "dying in sleep"?

According to data, the incidence of sudden death from coronary heart disease accounts for about 30%, accounting for almost half of the total mortality rate of coronary heart disease, this proportion is already very large, and even some people have not been diagnosed, do not know their disease, and have not had time to treat the situation, suddenly died of illness.

The big star died in his sleep! There are many diseases that cause "this method of death", 3 types of people need to beware that he is the father of "Iron Man", and he is also a famous artist, which diseases are easy to cause "people to die in sleep"? What kind of people need to be wary of "dying in sleep"?

Pulmonary embolism is also one of the diseases that lead to sudden death of people, according to clinical results, the incidence of pulmonary embolism has a trend of increasing year by year, especially some middle-aged and elderly friends, many people suffer from this disease. This disease is not as easy to be found as the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and some smaller hospitals seem to be helpless to deal with this disease, and even have no means and equipment for detection. In fact, the symptoms of pulmonary embolism are obvious, but it is difficult to be detected by going to the hospital for examination, and even easy to be misdiagnosed, which is one of the main reasons why the disease is frightening.

The big star died in his sleep! There are many diseases that cause "this method of death", 3 types of people need to beware that he is the father of "Iron Man", and he is also a famous artist, which diseases are easy to cause "people to die in sleep"? What kind of people need to be wary of "dying in sleep"?

In addition, gastrointestinal bleeding such as esophageal varices, peptic ulcers and other diseases, sudden bleeding at night caused by shock or vomit blocking the throat caused by suffocation death, as well as necrotizing pancreatitis can also lead to sudden death.

Then there is hypoglycemia, elderly diabetics or people with advanced diabetes, severe hypoglycemia at night can also lead to sudden death.

The big star died in his sleep! There are many diseases that cause "this method of death", 3 types of people need to beware that he is the father of "Iron Man", and he is also a famous artist, which diseases are easy to cause "people to die in sleep"? What kind of people need to be wary of "dying in sleep"?

1. First of all, patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, such as friends with coronary heart disease, cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage and various blood circulation systems, pay more attention to their own diseases every day, if they find problems, they need to seek medical treatment in time The latter is to have relatives around.

2, suffering from lower limb varicose veins, phlebitis or people who have been bedridden for a long time, often like sedentary activity, obese friends, to beware of the occurrence of pulmonary embolism, if there is physical discomfort, as soon as possible to the regular large hospital to do a physical examination.

The big star died in his sleep! There are many diseases that cause "this method of death", 3 types of people need to beware that he is the father of "Iron Man", and he is also a famous artist, which diseases are easy to cause "people to die in sleep"? What kind of people need to be wary of "dying in sleep"?

3, there is diabetics, the prevention of sudden death caused by hypoglycemia, is not a superfluous thing, but a scientific way to prevent diseases.

The big star died in his sleep! There are many diseases that cause "this method of death", 3 types of people need to beware that he is the father of "Iron Man", and he is also a famous artist, which diseases are easy to cause "people to die in sleep"? What kind of people need to be wary of "dying in sleep"?

In short, for the elderly or people with advanced severe diseases, it may be a kind of happiness to get relief in sleep, but for most people, death is a tragic thing, so everyone in daily life, or pay more attention to their own body, pay more attention to their diseases, maintain good health, this is the source of happiness.

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