
Reveal the reasons for the fading popularity of the special film drama "Dinosaur Squad" that year

Reveal the reasons for the fading popularity of the special film drama "Dinosaur Squad" that year

Author: ma

Cover source: The Amazing Squad logo

Everything is in decline, the popularity of the Extraordinary Squad series began to fade after a few years, and the teenagers' enthusiasm for hero specials was no longer there. Even with the hugely expensive film version, the upgraded version of the holster and the CG production of McZord's blessing, it still did not prevent the popularity of the dinosaur team from taking a sharp turn after the third season. In a sense, the film version also failed to achieve the influence expected by the producers, but instead made the TV version of the Dinosaur Squad plot directly bypass the story of the movie version and continue to unfold without being affected. First there is the hype of the movie version, and then there is the TV version of its own way, so that many team fans feel confused, the movie version is like using the original actors to tell a parallel world story, the movie story seems to become a chicken rib.

The team won the ratings championship title for nearly 3 consecutive years, and due to the excessive replay of the dinosaur team, the audience had aesthetic fatigue and lost its freshness for the close-up hero theme. The Goosebumps series, which began airing in late 1995, quickly took the top spot for Dinosaur Squad — a Canadian-American thriller that topped the ratings for children's dramas in the following four years, and the popularity of children's shows shifted from "action heroes" to "thriller stories," the original novel and author of Goosebumps, R.L. Stein. Stine) became famous.

Reveal the reasons for the fading popularity of the special film drama "Dinosaur Squad" that year

Dinosaur Squad Season 2 DVD Cover.

The worrying situation is far more than that, with the shift of audience enthusiasm, it naturally affects the decline in sales of toys around the team, and at the turning point of the Extraordinary Team in 1995, the sales of toys in the entire team fell by nearly 35% compared with the past. This means that the release of the Dinosaur Squad movie not only failed to bring greater peripheral sales, but also lost the original market share, which proved that even spending a lot of money to create a movie failed to stop the decline of the Clan series. Both the production team and the audience realized that the value of the Dinosaur Team seemed to be coming to an end, and the aura given to the Extraordinary Team brand was getting dimmer and dimmer. After the benign impact of the use of the close-up leather case, the system of the dinosaur team has gradually shown its disadvantages, and the audience is no longer satisfied with this unchanging shape, nor with such a lack of freshness in the plot framework. In addition, some fans have also begun to criticize the cheap special effects and holsters of the TV version after seeing the high-quality equipment and uniforms of the film version, and there are signs that the team must undergo an inside-out change to reverse the crisis caused by its own stagnation.

As time passed, a group of children who first came into contact with the dinosaur team also gradually grew, and the older children automatically fell out of the target audience of the team (the established viewing group of Fox Children's Station is mainly 2-11 years old children). In the past three years, the team has developed to glory with the children's heroic dreams, and these former team fans have also bid farewell to the golden audience group of special photographs after stepping into the teenagers, and the audience market of the team has to face the change of the old and the new. The Extraordinary Team must face the harsh reality, the newborn children three years later are no longer as surprised by the close-ups as when the team first landed, and the glory of the first season for the subsequent Team series is no longer there, if the initial success of the Team is only a flash in the pan of new things, then it will not help until the Extraordinary Team really loses its vitality and then comes back to save it.

Reveal the reasons for the fading popularity of the special film drama "Dinosaur Squad" that year

Season 2 McZord Scrap.

Before the introduction of the Team series, As a children's animator, Hayim Saiban knew the importance of innovation to the vitality of the show, and he also understood that a static work was bound to be eliminated by children. In fact, in the past three seasons of dinosaur team episodes, Saipan has tried some changes, but these changes are not as obvious as the replacement of the Japanese version of the team, so that most children feel that the model of the dinosaur team is solidified. Barry Stagg, Saipan's vice president of corporate communications, was the first to see the inadequacies of the Dinosaur Squad episodes, believing it easier for children to notice the more innovative, more intimidating changes, and conveyed the advice to Symbian himself. It was then that Saipan began to think about whether the Extraordinary Team needed change, and even though he hadn't been bold enough to adopt the concept of a new team a year like the Japanese Supers, he realized that continuing to go down such a path to black would make the Dinosaur Team lose its attraction to young people.

The first change was in the second season of the clan, where Saipan replaced the original Japanese villain Queen Lyda with the original American villain Count Chad, rendering the Count of Chad darker and more terrifying in strength and status relative to his old enemies, and secondly evolving the power of the combat mechanic McZod to become the newborn Raiden Zod (Five Star Team King of Dalian). Saipan created a new opening for the second season of Dinosaur Squad, spending three episodes to narrate these nascent elements: new enemy bosses, upgraded powers, and new theme song variations. In addition, Symbian also spent effort to study the dislocation of the Japanese version of the five-star team and the American version of the dinosaur team, cleverly retaining the holster of the dinosaur team instead of the five-star team uniform, and in the second and third seasons, Symbian adhered to this concept to continue the life of the dinosaur team's uniform. On the one hand, Saipan gave himself the proposition of restricting the dinosaur team on the other hand, he also gave the extraordinary team a new vitality, he disguised the right to shoot the original leather jacket battle plot of the American version of the team, so that his dinosaur team and the Japanese version of the first season of the impression were different from the style, creating a leather jacket action fight that belonged to the American version. The Tooth Lian, who originally belonged to the sixth person of the Five Star Clan, was transformed by Saipan into an additional reinforcement of the White Tiger Warriors belonging to the Dinosaur Clan, and joined the Dinosaur Clan to fight together instead of the Japanese Five Star Clan.

Reveal the reasons for the fading popularity of the special film drama "Dinosaur Squad" that year

Original villain The Count of Chad.

Saipan also hides Easter eggs about the plot of the second season in the Team peripherals, and the official theme song of the Dinosaur Clan includes a mysterious trailer about the White Tiger Warrior by Zordon actor Robert Manahan and Alpha 5 actor Richard Steven Horvitz. In this way, Sypan uses this to drive the heat of the surrounding area and the clan series itself, attracting fans' attention to the upcoming new warriors, and the evolution of unexpected members like this and the hype about the potential highlights of the series are the magic weapons for Sybian to maintain the high ratings of the second and third seasons of the Dinosaur Squad.

Reveal the reasons for the fading popularity of the special film drama "Dinosaur Squad" that year

The White Tiger Warrior is Saipan's first attempt to change the holster image of a team member, although this is only a new inheritance of power for the character Tommy in the play, but the image of Tommy's green warrior has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and replacing the green dragon god warrior with a white tiger warrior is actually a bold experiment. Before the content of the series was made public, the identity of the White Tiger Warrior was created with a unique sense of mystery, and there was no channel to spoil the identity of the new warrior in advance, so that the first few episodes of the White Tiger Warrior received the attention of countless clan fans. Although the final mysterious identity was expected, the White Tiger Warrior was given to Tommy, played by Jason, but at first Symbian did not consider having Jason David Frank inherit the role, but instead had actor Brad Hawkins join as a new member of the team. Jason David was scheduled to leave the Dinosaur Squad crew to star in another Saipan-owned special-up show, Vr Troopers, a brand new adaptation of the Japanese version of the Metal Heroes Universe Criminal Series (the original title of the American version was cybertron, which was also the name of the script that Jason originally took over, and the script was changed several times to be named "Vr Warrior"). In the end, because of Tommy's super popularity among the fans of the team, he was retained, but Brad starred in "Vr Warrior" instead of Jason David, and Tommy played by Jason experienced the twists and turns of the plot of the second season before becoming a White Tiger Warrior. After this series of twists and turns, Tommy's status gradually surpassed that of the Red Soldier, and Saipan simply transformed the team into a new structure led by the White Tiger Warrior, with the remaining five as team members.

Reveal the reasons for the fading popularity of the special film drama "Dinosaur Squad" that year

VR Warrior cover.

In the months after the release of the film version in 1995, the impact on the TV version began to emerge, and just when most people thought that the TV version would follow the film version of the setting, the TV version threw a plot smoke bomb at the audience. The TV version acknowledged the setting of the ninja uniform and even the ninja Zod in the movie, but on the other hand, it abandoned the film version of the origin of the ninja power, and the original natural ninja Zod could not directly transfer to the hands of the team, but the TV version independently produced four episodes of the plot about the ninja power to reinterpret the story. Durssy, the key character who guides the clan in the film, is also hidden, replaced by the original character ninja ninja (ninjor) in the Japanese version of the ninja clan, and used this to promote Bandai's ninja clan related toys.

Reveal the reasons for the fading popularity of the special film drama "Dinosaur Squad" that year

Great Ninja Man and Ninja Zod.

In the third season of the Dinosaur Clan, the only scene that actually uses the Japanese version of the Ninja Squad is the Colossal Post Ninja Zod (Japanese version of the Three Gods General), and the simultaneous development of the film and TV versions also makes the movie version of the plot skip the origin of the mechanical Zod Beast Ensemble and directly introduce the fully integrated version of the Ninja Zod (Super Hidden General). Later in the story, with the addition of the Great General Zod (The Invincible General), the team's mechanical strength is further enhanced, and Tommy's White Tiger Warrior is also succeeded as the summoner of Falcon Zod. The third season also has a twist that makes the old team obsessed, and the pink warrior Kimberly eventually quits the team, ushering in a new pink warrior Kate (kat) who replaces her. Along the way, the dinosaur team has also shortened sharply in the overall number of episodes in the third season (only 42 episodes in the third season), the third season has become more loose and fragmented in terms of story content, and there are fewer and fewer clips available from the Japanese version of the team, and the production team facing the dilemma of declining ratings can only rack their brains to add original plots to the team. The new content makes the team more and more Japanese elements and lacks passion, at the request of the American version of the children's drama review, the film added a variety of funny and funny content, and even deliberately reduced the film's action scenes to calm the public opinion about the violent tendencies of the team.

Reveal the reasons for the fading popularity of the special film drama "Dinosaur Squad" that year

Symbian was overwhelmed by the series of teams in front of him, and he seemed to foresee that the continuation of such a model would make the Extraordinary Team say goodbye to the TV screen once and for all, and he wanted to regain the passion of the bloody battle that belonged to the Super Team to regain the vitality of the Extraordinary Team. Saipan came to Japan again to see the new generation of Super Team "Super Force King Lian" (Super Force Team オーレンジャー), and he was determined to abandon the existing American version of the original mode and return to the U.S.-Japan integrated combat story mode, and change the holster of the current team. The first thing to do is to completely end the long era of dinosaur squads and change the status quo of the US version of the clan, Symbian chose to semi-abandon the development of the old clan members in the plot, let the alien rangers come to Earth to incarnate the stealth holster instead of the original dinosaur clan, and use the combat fragments of the Japanese ninja squad as the plot material of the extraordinary squad to improve the boring action scenes before the US version.

Reveal the reasons for the fading popularity of the special film drama "Dinosaur Squad" that year

Super Force Team King Lian.

The slump in ratings and popularity bid farewell to the stage of history with the withdrawal of the Dinosaur Team, while the return of the Japanese version of the concept emphasized by Saipan heralded a new era of The Amazing Team, and the next issue continues to tell the story of the Zeo Team adapted from the Super Team and its subsequent strong return.

Reveal the reasons for the fading popularity of the special film drama "Dinosaur Squad" that year

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