
Rampage Hero: Is it worth getting started with the "Civilian Party Divine Skill" Dragon Battle in the Wild? 2W attack power measured

author:Small dried fish game

Krypton gold does not run wild, the hero all rely on the liver, hello everyone, I am the "burst liver hero" small dried fish, this issue of small dried fish to share with you today's feelings about the dragon battle in the wild!

Rampage Hero: Is it worth getting started with the "Civilian Party Divine Skill" Dragon Battle in the Wild? 2W attack power measured

Unconsciously, the small fish dried "into the pit" has been two months old, but he only charged a 6 yuan charge, and even the chivalrous order was not purchased, so all kinds of things are definitely not as good as those kryptonite big guys, not even a decent move, or use the gang free to send the seven-star sword array and drunken immortal wangyue. Except for the previous month enough liver, there are no other advantages.

But today, the rampage hero finally put on the shelves the "civilian party magic skill" dragon battle in the wild, and the small fish dried was not hesitant to start decisively. In fact, Dragon Battle Yuye was on the purchase package before, the first was 1888 jade leaf, a day later suddenly changed to 2888, this time on the shelves became 1888 jade leaf.

Rampage Hero: Is it worth getting started with the "Civilian Party Divine Skill" Dragon Battle in the Wild? 2W attack power measured

If you are the first time to start the dragon battle in the wild, then the move level is the first level, the damage of the dragon battle in the wild level is 300% attack damage, with an additional 2500 damage, the small fish take himself as an example, his own attack power is 20184, roughly calculated as 20000, the damage is 20000 * 3 + 2500 = 62500 points.

So how does it perform in real combat? Xiao Yugan chose the level of the elite Ming Sect, because the effect of the dragon battle in the wild boss is not as good as the drunken immortal Wangyue, Huashan is definitely not good, and the Tang Men spawn monster is wave after wave, the dragon battle has to wait for the CD, and it is very unpleasant to fight.

Rampage Hero: Is it worth getting started with the "Civilian Party Divine Skill" Dragon Battle in the Wild? 2W attack power measured

The picture on the left is the situation of the 1~19 level dragon fighting in the wild, and all the monsters disappear in an instant after a skill. In terms of internal strength, as long as there are more than 5 monsters in a level, you can ensure that the recovery speed keeps up with the consumption speed, that is, the skill is infinitely released, consuming 30 internal forces to put a dragon battle, and can restore more than 30 energy, so the first 20 levels of the Ming Sect, the small fish dried in addition to the first two levels and bosses, directly as soon as you go in, you can put the skill to instantly clear, perfect seconds to pass the level.

The picture on the right is 21 ~ 29 levels of damage, normally speaking, 20,000 attacks on a dragon war can not directly clear out the mobs, there will be a trace of blood left, but if you click the "pour out" skill, 2 seconds before entering the level to increase the damage by 15%, you can drop in seconds, so if you want to use the dragon war to quickly brush the map, there is "all your strength" must be clicked.

Rampage Hero: Is it worth getting started with the "Civilian Party Divine Skill" Dragon Battle in the Wild? 2W attack power measured

31 ~ 39 levels, a dragon battle down about a quarter of the blood, 41 ~ 49 levels is about half of the blood, it can be seen that at this time the dragon war has been relatively weak, but in general, there is a dragon war and no dragon war difference is still very large, time and difficulty dropped by more than half, the first 20 levels are seconds, the back only need to slightly repair the knife to pass.

But this is only the case of the Ming Sect, the applicable map of the Dragon Battle in the Wild is actually still on such a 50-level map, it is not as good as a few dopp attacks if it is used to fight bosses, and the multi-wave monster map like Tang Men is also very poor, and it is also waiting for cd, and the actual use is very small.

Rampage Hero: Is it worth getting started with the "Civilian Party Divine Skill" Dragon Battle in the Wild? 2W attack power measured

Comparing the skill of serial bursting, you will find that the damage of the dragon battle in the wild is the same as the serial burst, but the dragon battle in the wild is full screen, and the serial burst has to be catapulted one by one, so which is stronger? The answer is to look at the number of mobs, if there are 5 mobs in a level, the dragon can only deal 1 damage in the wild, while the serial burst can deal twice to each mob by ejection.

That is to say, in the case of the level behind the Ming Sect above, it is assumed that there are 5 mobs, and they can all be collected with serial bursts, but the Dragon Battle will each kill half of the blood. If there are more mobs, the total benefit of the Dragon War is greater.

Rampage Hero: Is it worth getting started with the "Civilian Party Divine Skill" Dragon Battle in the Wild? 2W attack power measured

So the comparison map should be Xiangyang City, Xiangyang City mobs a lot, dragon warfare with a variety of "explosive techniques" can quickly pass the level, other maps, really not as good as serial bursting or thousands of miles of ice, dragon warfare is just too cool, in fact, the effect is not big.

And to tell the truth, we are now opening up the wilderness, basically are stuck by the boss, not the monster, at this time thousands of miles of ice, red dust like a dream these skills are much better, small fish dry to buy the dragon battle in the wild, has some regrets.

Rampage Hero: Is it worth getting started with the "Civilian Party Divine Skill" Dragon Battle in the Wild? 2W attack power measured

So that's all there is to it! Finally, thank you for reading, you pass by the heroes to give the little dried fish a little attention to it~

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