
GO GO POWER RANGERS! Dinosaur Squad Chronicles Review (Part 1)

author:Game Time VGtime

The "Power Rangers" series of "American dramas" is believed to be one of the childhood memories of many domestic post-80s and post-90s. I believe that many people still remember the theme song of "go go power rangers", and the TV only played the 6th season of the excitation team, and finally the story of the protagonist and his party in space was no longer known to the friends. In fact, the series has not been finished, it has been played for more than 20 seasons, today let's take stock of what fighters and highlights there are in the past 20 years!

GO GO POWER RANGERS! Dinosaur Squad Chronicles Review (Part 1)

There were already 18 teams in the 20th anniversary of the series in 2013

The series was adapted from the American company Saban purchasing the Japanese "Super Sentai Series" (スーパー戦隊シリーズ), and the first season was released in 1993. At that time, when the movie "Jurassic Park" was at its hottest, both Japan and the United States set off a "dinosaur fever". In 1992, Japan's Toei's "Super Sentai Series" latest work "Dinosaur Squad Beast Chain" (竜戦ジュウレンジャー) was born in this context, and saban also changed to the American version of "Power Rangers" based on this film.

GO GO POWER RANGERS! Dinosaur Squad Chronicles Review (Part 1)

Dinosaur Squad Beast Raiders

In order to save costs, the AMERICAN version uses a large number of Japanese version of the battle shots, the most common is the battle scene of each summoning robot "Big Beast God", and friends who look closely can clearly see Japanese architecture and even Japanese billboards. Even so, the American version in the character portrayal and martial arts action is still remarkable, both versions also have a fixed fan base, this article is mainly based on the American version of the team review inventory, but also hope that everyone can discuss harmoniously.

It is said that the first season of "Dinosaur Squad" was introduced to China in 1996, which brought a different feeling to me who was accustomed to watching "Ultraman" at that time. Although it was not clear what was called "close-up" at the time, it was clear that the two belonged to one type of film. I can't help but sigh: It turns out that not only Japan has many disasters and difficulties, but the American people are also choking enough...

The story begins with two astronauts accidentally unsealing the moon, and the evil queen Lida and her men are able to escape (a bit like The Gourd's routine). They established bases on the moon and attempted to occupy Earth. At this point, the alien Zordon and his assistant robot Alpha gathered 5 Angel Jungle High School students and gave them "energy coins", allowing them to transform into a "dinosaur team" capable of using the power of 5 primitive animals and compete with Lida.

GO GO POWER RANGERS! Dinosaur Squad Chronicles Review (Part 1)

The first season was very popular as soon as it was broadcast, although many of the battle scenes after the transformation came from the Japanese version, but the American version paid more attention to the shooting before the protagonists changed. All the team members in the American version have a solid foundation in martial arts or gymnastics, so it is often seen that they have opened up with the villains before they transform. One of the most classics is probably the "Green Warrior" Tommy, who appeared from episode 17, and the most memorable thing at that time was his signature 3 consecutive round kicks. (The story about Tommy will be introduced separately later)

Tommy debuts, from the b station up master one by one jk uploaded collection

As soon as Tommy appeared on the scene, his popularity skyrocketed, and the state of good and evil at the beginning and the subsequent addition became the topic of everyone's talk. Perhaps because of Tommy's super popularity, the first season almost revolves around the clues of his gain and loss of strength, and when he joins the team, the limelight even overshadows Jason, the red warrior who is the captain.

GO GO POWER RANGERS! Dinosaur Squad Chronicles Review (Part 1)

Tommy and his Dragon Flute were simply what all the boys aspired to at the time

In addition, the american version of a pair of fat skinny boulk and Skall is also a favorite of many people. In each episode, they will come out to "die" and add some comedic elements to the protagonists' campus life.

GO GO POWER RANGERS! Dinosaur Squad Chronicles Review (Part 1)

These two will also change as the protagonist grows, and the only thing that remains unchanged is "comic ratio"

It is worth mentioning that due to the "political correctness" of the United States, two female players appeared in the team, and there must also be Asian and black players, and this tradition has been preserved until now. The yellow-clad warrior is male in the Japanese version, while the American version is female, but the American version quotes a lot of Japanese combat footage, so the yellow-clad soldier does not have a skirt like the pink-clad warrior. However, in the later "Power of Heavenly Signs", the yellow coat was added to the skirt.

GO GO POWER RANGERS! Dinosaur Squad Chronicles Review (Part 1)

Originally, there were no skirts

The first season was a success in the form of a light-hearted school drama + close-up combat, and after shooting 60 episodes, it quickly transitioned to the second season. The second season can be said to be the magic stroke of the American version, not only adding a completely original new villain character "Sir Chad", but also focusing on Tommy's love affair with the pink warrior Kimberly, and what is more powerful is that the American version boldly added the "White Tiger" (from the five-star team) who originally did not belong to the "dinosaur team" to the play.

GO GO POWER RANGERS! Dinosaur Squad Chronicles Review (Part 1)

A five-star team that was supposed to appear

Because the second season is a remake of the "Five-Star Team" after the Japanese version of "Dinosaur Squad", but the American version is not willing to give up the old style that has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so it only joins the white warrior. However, in order to be able to use the combat scenes of the Japanese version of the robot, the American version of the plot allowed Sir Chad to blow up the "Great Beast God" of the previous generation of "Dinosaur Squad", and Sato gave the team members a more powerful "Zod the God of Thunder" from "Five Star Squad". So this season, you can also see the dinosaur team driving the five-star body "through" screen.

GO GO POWER RANGERS! Dinosaur Squad Chronicles Review (Part 1)

The handsome and charming villain Sir Chad

Because of this, the solo shooting part of the second season has increased significantly, and the plot has almost completely departed from the Japanese version of the setting and entered a new dimension. Tommy briefly breaks away from the team after losing the energy of the Green Warrior, but within a few episodes he returns as a new "White Warrior", with more strength than ever before.

Tommy returns

After the return, Tommy completely replaced the leadership of the red warrior Jason, and the red, yellow, and black soldiers also ushered in a change in episode 28 (rumored to be due to salary issues). The new warriors are as "politically correct", unlike the previous ones who replaced the black clothes that were originally black with yellow, while the Asians changed from yellow to black. The new black-clad warrior Asian Adamu is handsome and has also won a lot of popularity.

GO GO POWER RANGERS! Dinosaur Squad Chronicles Review (Part 1)

Tommy returns as a white-clad warrior

GO GO POWER RANGERS! Dinosaur Squad Chronicles Review (Part 1)

New Black Warrior Adamu

And about Adam's actor Johnny Yong Bosch, in fact, everyone is not unfamiliar. He is the voice actor and motion capture of Nero in Devil May Cry 4. I am not only handsome, but also a martial arts master, and I have also participated in the shooting of many B-grade action movies. In addition, he is also well known in the European and American voice actor circles, and most of the popular anime characters are voiced by him, such as Lulu Xiu, Kurosaki Kazugo, fuji Shusuke and so on. In addition to Nero in terms of games, Sanada Yukimura of Sengoku basara is also him. It can be said that it is a brother in the British matching world.

GO GO POWER RANGERS! Dinosaur Squad Chronicles Review (Part 1)

That's right, it's all him

Probably because the campus drama for 2 consecutive seasons can no longer satisfy the audience, the third season can be described as a sudden change and various changes. First of all, in the first episode, "Guan Gong Zhan Qin Qiong" was ushered in. The American version actually moved Kamen Rider into the plot, although it is only a short cameo, and the story has nothing to do with the Japanese version, but it can still make fans who love these two works excited. (During this period, Saban also filmed a theatrical version, which was very bad in quality, so it was ignored)

The first episode of the third season brought the team to Battle Masked Superman

Because the team of that year was "Ninja Squad", the American version also followed the pace, once again making the team members lose their bodies and strength. The team members need to go deep into the mountains to find the legendary Guardian God Great Ninja with ninja powers to help them. After the trials of the Great Ninjas, the team members regained their strength again. However, the American version once again followed the shape of the dinosaur team, but added a normal state of ninja suit before the team members transformed.

In this season, fat and skinny Huobao participated in the training of the police academy and passed it smoothly, and made a lot of new jokes with his boss 3 people.

GO GO POWER RANGERS! Dinosaur Squad Chronicles Review (Part 1)

The normal state of the ninja suit

In episode 25, Kimberly gives the power of the Pink Warrior to newcomer Katie because he needs to participate in the International Gymnastics Competition, and breaks up with Tommy in the story later. Now it seems that it can be understood as a problem of actor schedule and salary, but at that time, it was really a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and the most favorite couple actually died like this.

GO GO POWER RANGERS! Dinosaur Squad Chronicles Review (Part 1)

Kimberley, the most perfect pink warrior in the minds of many people

I don't know whether it is the reason for the ratings or the intentional arrangement of the plot, the players in this season have encountered changes again. The new evil forces turn the team members into children, during which time they can only be fought by alien teams invited to Earth from aliens. However, the alien team's transformation form is the ninja team that has not been used before...

GO GO POWER RANGERS! Dinosaur Squad Chronicles Review (Part 1)

Alien squads

However, the plot during this period is more chaotic, I don't know if it is because of the intention to cater to children, the whole plot is similar to "Little Devil Is Home", and after the monster comes out, it will be hastily ended by the alien team. However, during this time, Billy, the blue-clad warrior, unexpectedly returned to normal and has since moved to logistics, working with Sato and Alpha as an auxiliary to the team. In the end, the players all returned to their original age and found a new "Theo Power".

GO GO POWER RANGERS! Dinosaur Squad Chronicles Review (Part 1)

Billy the Blue Warrior

At the end of the season, the base was attacked and exploded, leaving a huge suspense.

Perhaps everyone is really tired of the same look, and finally ushered in a change in the fourth season. Although the base exploded, the "Theo Power Crystal" was intact, and the base also had a self-healing system. In this way, the players ushered in a new evolution. Series "True Protagonist" Tommy inherits the Red Theo Crystal and once again becomes the leader of the new team. Billy, on the other hand, gave up the Blue Crystal and threw himself entirely into the logistics support.

GO GO POWER RANGERS! Dinosaur Squad Chronicles Review (Part 1)

Team Theo

This season's story returns to the route of a light school drama, and Tommy has a relationship with katie, a new pink warrior, and the overall feeling is back to the style of the first season. The fat and thin two living treasures and the boss together to do the work of private detectives, still made a lot of jokes.

In terms of villains, since this season corresponds to the Japanese version of "Super Force King Lian", the Japanese version of the villain is set as a powerful "mechanical empire", driving Sir Chad and others out of the moon at once. This season's warriors will be the main enemy of the "Mechanical Empire".

The biggest attraction of this season is the mysterious golden warrior, who thought that Billy would take over the new power, but did not expect that it would be a more familiar face returning.

"Golden Return" old acquaintances return, thanks to the upload of b station up master you741

Someone returns and someone leaves, and Billy, the "glasses brother" who accompanied us for 4 seasons, left later in this season. The Golden Warrior finally lost his strength again and left the team. Officials have not forgotten the identities of the protagonists' students, and everyone has won graduation in this season.

GO GO POWER RANGERS! Dinosaur Squad Chronicles Review (Part 1)

Powerful golden warrior

The fifth season was the last season introduced in China at that time, and it can also be said that it was the end of the traditional "Dinosaur Squad" mmpr (mighty morphin power rangers) story. Familiar players, including Tommy, left the team in the middle of the season, replacing a new cast, and causing many people like me to hardly watch it in the later stages.

GO GO POWER RANGERS! Dinosaur Squad Chronicles Review (Part 1)

The composition of the early stages of the excitement team

After team Hio, Sanban still followed the Japanese version of the team to start "Radical Squad" (adapted from the Japanese version of "Radical Squad Che Lian"). In fact, at the beginning, "Radical Squad" debuted in the form of a theatrical version, and was not introduced in China, resulting in the first episode of the TV version when it appeared, so that many viewers felt a little abrupt.

This time, the theatrical version is not as inferior as the first one. It's still the rhythm that TV should have. The story begins with Locke (blue theo warrior) falling in the back and having to leave the team in hospital. The team members still use the power of team Theo to perform missions early in the story. Perhaps in order to take care of the sense of substitution of young audiences, the plot of joining the little friend Justin to gain a new "radical power" became the new blue warrior. Jason and Kimberley were also invited to make cameos in the film.

GO GO POWER RANGERS! Dinosaur Squad Chronicles Review (Part 1)

Movie version poster

However, he was still fiercely complained about

In this season, Lida and Sir Chad have no sense of presence, but the new enemies are still in the same pattern as before, and there is not much newness. In the middle of the period, all 4 players except Justin left the team, ushering in a major change of blood. The plot suddenly wins a small climax in the later stages, Sato is captured, and the team members begin to march into space. After that, the country was not introduced, and we were like Justin who stayed on Earth, watching the spacecraft fly into space...

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