
"Volleyball - 100 People" 21 issue ∣ Peking University second setter Song Da Why did he support campus volleyball for free


The third UVCB Capital University Volleyball Championship Invitational Tournament has not dissipated, and the first UVCC College Championship has set sail, but neither UCCB nor UVCC can leave a person - Song Da.

He is a master's student on the Campus of Peking University, the owner of Boncake Cake Company in the Beijing business community, and the main second pass of the Peking University men's volleyball team on the volleyball court.

"Volleyball - 100 People" 21 issue ∣ Peking University second setter Song Da Why did he support campus volleyball for free
"Volleyball - 100 People" 21 issue ∣ Peking University second setter Song Da Why did he support campus volleyball for free

If Chinese campus volleyball is not hot enough, then Song Da is using his own strength to add the hottest fire to it. What's going on with this fire — hundreds of thousands of unpaid support for every UVCB, UVCC Championship.

Being able to do so much for campus volleyball only stems from the word "love", but the beginning of love comes from an accidental injury.

"Accidents are also doomed fate"

"I started playing volleyball in high school, and I actually liked to play football, but because of a serious accident, the doctor advised me not to do physically confrontational sports. Because I used to practice goalkeepers to react faster, the teacher suggested that I play volleyball, and that's when I started to play volleyball. When I was in high school, I was playing and did not go through professional training, until I went to college and became more and more fond of playing volleyball and paying more and more attention to volleyball. Song Da recalled.

"Volleyball - 100 People" 21 issue ∣ Peking University second setter Song Da Why did he support campus volleyball for free

Regarding why he chose the second pass, Song Da explained: "At the beginning, because I had a foot injury, I couldn't jump all the time, and my left leg basically couldn't exert power but could only rely on the right leg to support, so it was difficult to make a slam action, so the position of playing the second pass was more suitable. ”

"Volleyball - 100 People" 21 issue ∣ Peking University second setter Song Da Why did he support campus volleyball for free

"I think the position of the second pass is very important, and it also plays a central role on the field. No matter how you pass or how the attacker plays, the second pass is the core of the entire team series, whether leading or trailing the second pass must be stabilized. After all, the second pass is the brain of the team, and I also play the position of the second pass, so I will try to do the best. Song Da added.

The composition of the amateur volleyball team stems from love, and Song Da always takes the initiative to take on the responsibility of organizer.

Teammate Ni Dongqi said: "He really loves volleyball, is particularly responsible in the team, if the coach is not there, he will take the initiative to organize everyone to train together." ”。

Hearing this evaluation from his teammates, Song Da modestly said: "I just did what I should do. After all, each of our team members has their own academic and life, internship, work or research. In fact, it is more difficult for the team members themselves to get together to train, so if the requirements for the team members are particularly high, it will lead to everyone losing enthusiasm because the sense of oppression is too heavy. But if everyone doesn't take it seriously every time they train, the team will lose its vitality slowly. My point is that if you don't practice, if you practice everyone must be fully engaged in it, so that everyone will feel the improvement of the team, and at the same time, the cohesion of the team will come up. My philosophy is that everyone can not have much training time, but they must be efficient. ”

"Helping Campus Volleyball"

If Song Da's volleyball story began with an accident, the experience of studying in Europe laid the seeds for him to fund the development of campus volleyball. Song Da said: "I used to study in France, and the development of volleyball on campus there is particularly good. Like a campus volleyball game in Europe, the teams of various countries together are like holding a big party, not only the competition on the field, but also eat and play together after the game, this atmosphere is particularly good. It is not that this game must be so exciting and how high the level is, but it is particularly successful to promote volleyball and people-to-people exchanges. But the domestic volleyball atmosphere is a little worse. ”

"Volleyball - 100 People" 21 issue ∣ Peking University second setter Song Da Why did he support campus volleyball for free

"In fact, volleyball is especially suitable for this kind of communication, everyone plays in a smaller field, because the net is relatively friendly than other games. I would love to see chinese campus volleyball have such a form of communication. I feel that my money also comes from society, and although I can't do anything big, I want to do something useful or practical at the moment to promote the development of campus volleyball. Song Da added.

It is with such an original intention that Song Da began to fund campus volleyball competitions in 2016, and in just three years, the scale of the competition has been expanded from the original capital universities to national colleges and universities, and the successful holding of the UVCB for three consecutive years and the UVCC that has set sail are the best proof of all song da's efforts.

"Volleyball - 100 People" 21 issue ∣ Peking University second setter Song Da Why did he support campus volleyball for free

"Campus is closer to life"

Song Da said: "Now I didn't think about what the bottom would look like, after all, a person's strength is limited. But I just love the sport to do such a thing. Amateur college volleyball is an untapped field, and although the level is not so high compared to professional volleyball, it is closer to campus life, and students can really participate in it. ”

For the campus volleyball tournament they are holding now, Song Da believes that if this model is good, they will strive to invite more schools to Peking University every year to exchange and participate. Other things related to volleyball will be done as long as he can. In his view, China's campus volleyball is not a bad development, in fact, there are many schools playing, but the gap is that there are too few organizers of volleyball events, which directly leads to less exchanges and competitions between schools.

"Volleyball - 100 People" 21 issue ∣ Peking University second setter Song Da Why did he support campus volleyball for free

"No matter what sport can not be improved without communication, only by communicating with more teams, the players have the enthusiasm and enthusiasm to do this, and we still have fewer games now." The cultural atmosphere of the team is to be cohesive through the game, and the event activities make everyone have a sense of participation and goals, so that the players have the motivation to struggle, which can promote more students to devote themselves to volleyball. There is no room for display without the game, even if there are many people playing, the players who have not gone out of the school gate still cannot intuitively feel the level of each team, so the space for improvement will have a great compression. In addition, the domestic infrastructure is not as good as that of foreign countries, so the development of campus volleyball is still difficult. Song Da said.

"Volleyball - 100 People" 21 issue ∣ Peking University second setter Song Da Why did he support campus volleyball for free

"Do not forget the original intention of the persistence"

In the face of the difficult situation and the original intention of wanting to develop campus volleyball, Song Da chose to stick to it!

"Peking University provides such good conditions and environment, I hope that the campus volleyball tournament can be held and strive to do better than the first." The next step is to increase the attention of the event and attract more spectators, and finally make a campus volleyball brand; and our ultimate goal is to let more schools participate in volleyball, and the teams can have more communication like in Europe. Song Da said.

In the scale of the competition, Song Da wants to make the UVCB more abundant, so he initially plans to invite more schools to participate in the competition next year, and if there are more teams, he can hold sub-stations in various schools, and finally do a final at Peking University. In turn, on the basis of the capital university volleyball tournament, this scale can be expanded to the whole country.

"Volleyball - 100 People" 21 issue ∣ Peking University second setter Song Da Why did he support campus volleyball for free
"Volleyball - 100 People" 21 issue ∣ Peking University second setter Song Da Why did he support campus volleyball for free

In order to enrich the format of the competition, they plan to try to invite some professional teams to do exchanges, Song Da believes that their arrival can improve the scope of communication in the campus volleyball circle on the one hand, and on the other hand, it can also attract more students to pay attention to campus volleyball. "With a better competition and cultural atmosphere, volleyball can be better promoted." Song Da said.

"In fact, the campus volleyball game can get to this day step by step, and what I want to say most is thanks." Thanks to The coach of Peking University, Mr. Huang Binbin, for his tireless efforts, Professor Zhang Rui, Secretary of the Department of Sports and Education, and Director Li Ning for their continuous support and help; and teammates Xu Ziyang, Hao Harvey, and Peng Yingqi for their consistent cooperation for five years. Because of their selfless help to help us, the game can be held and started to go from the capital to the whole country. Finally, Song Da said affectionately and emotionally.


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