
Song Da, a member of the Communist Party: The leader of the Chengdu labor movement, he has successively engaged in underground struggles in Guanxian Andian and other places

author:Human fireworks know the taste

In 1931, the Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China was betrayed by traitors in Chongqing, the party organization was seriously damaged by the Kuomintang warlords, and Comrades Li Weixin, Liu Yuan'an and other comrades were killed. Later, the party organization moved to Chengdu to rebuild the Provisional Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China in Sichuan. One day, two young people secretly joined hands with the Christian Improvement Association in Shaanxi Street, Chengdu, they were underground members of the Ccp, one was called Che Yaoxian, and the other was named Song Weijing. Song Weijing was my grandfather, who later changed his name to Song Da.

Song Da, a member of the Communist Party: The leader of the Chengdu labor movement, he has successively engaged in underground struggles in Guanxian Andian and other places

Che Yaoxian martyr

In 1909, Song Da was born in Chengdu to a family of merchants and landlords. In 1927, Chiang Kai-shek of the Kuomintang rebelled against the revolution and massacred communists in a frenzied manner, and white terror enveloped the whole country. At this time, the 18-year-old Song Dayi joined the student revolutionary organization "ShiXi Society" of the provincial no. 1 Middle School without hesitation. The following year, through the introduction of communists Chen Jin'en and Zhang Dekai, Song Da joined the Communist Youth League. Dispatched by the party organization, Song Da successively launched a student movement at Chengdu Minjiang University and Minzhu University, and at the same time launched a labor movement in the Arsenal and the Mint. The continued general strike of the workers angered the Kuomintang warlord Deng Xihou, who ordered the arrest of Song Da, the organizer of the labor movement. Zeng Zixiao, the head of the secret service, led a large number of gendarme agents to surround the arsenal and launch a large-scale search and arrest. The workers revolted and covered Song Da's successful evacuation of the factory. The gendarme agents who did not catch Song Da were willing to give up, and they rushed into Song Da's house and grabbed Song Da's father. Intimidated by the gun muzzle of the gendarmerie agents, Song Da's father was forced to publish a notice in the newspaper "Awakening people" and sever his father-son relationship with Song Da.

Song Da, a member of the Communist Party: The leader of the Chengdu labor movement, he has successively engaged in underground struggles in Guanxian Andian and other places

Workers' movement

The brutality of the Kuomintang warlords did not frighten Song Da. In 1930, under the presidency of Luo Shiwen, director of the Propaganda Department of the Sichuan Provincial CPC Committee, Song Da solemnly swore an oath in front of the bright red party flag and gloriously joined the Communist Party of China, thus embarking on a difficult journey of saving the country and the people and rejuvenating the Chinese nation. The party organization transferred Song Da to the "dog fighting team" to deal with traitors sent by the Kuomintang warlord Liu Xiang from Chongqing to Chengdu to collect information on underground party activities. The comrades of the dog fighting team, when they talked about traitors, were filled with righteous indignation and shook their fists. They found the opportunity to take the initiative to attack, beat the traitors to flee in all directions, and ran back to Chongqing to report the funeral. Liu Xiang was furious when he heard the news, and led a large number of gendarme agent traitors into Chengdu and immediately imposed martial law throughout the city. They threatened to completely wipe out the chengdu underground party within half a month. Faced with the grim revolutionary situation, the provincial party committee instructed the underground party to change to a single-line contact and arrange for Che Yaoxian to connect with Song Da.

Song Da, a member of the Communist Party: The leader of the Chengdu labor movement, he has successively engaged in underground struggles in Guanxian Andian and other places

Warlord Liu Xiang

One day, Che Yaoxian hurried to find Song Da. He told Song Da that the organization had decided to stop the dog fighting team and asked him to leave Chengdu for Shanghai immediately. Song Da said that he would go home and arrange to leave. Che Yaoxian hurriedly said that he could not go home, first took a car to Chongqing, where there were comrades to pick up, and then took a boat to Shanghai, and immediately left. Without further ado, Song Da nodded in agreement and disappeared into the crowd.

At that time, Chengdu cars were driven by burning charcoal. Song Da's car had just failed on the newly built Chengdu-Chongqing Highway. In desperation, Song Da had to return to Chengdu, and was discovered by traitors before he arrived home. That night, the secret agent traitors surrounded Song Da's home in North Street.

Song Da, a member of the Communist Party: The leader of the Chengdu labor movement, he has successively engaged in underground struggles in Guanxian Andian and other places

Charcoal cars

At dawn the next day, they attacked together, shouting loudly: "Brothers, rush in, capture the communist bandit Song Weijing alive, and there will be a heavy reward!" "Bang bang bang, seeing that the door is about to be smashed open, in a critical moment, Grandma is in a hurry, she and her brother Song Chang both work together to support Song Da, over the roof and into the next door neighbor's sandwich wall to hide, only to escape this disaster." Zhang Liangbi (Zhang Xiu's mature sister), who was living in Song Da's house at the time, recognized three traitors at a glance, namely Li Song, Han Chang, and Song Yuping. The gang of secret agent traitors did not catch Song Da, and their leader ordered his brother Song Changjun to be taken captive, and after being severely tortured by the executioners, Song Changjun never said where his brother was hiding. In the end, Song Chang, who was covered in scales and dying, went crazy. This time, during Liu Xiang's large-scale search, Comrade Tan Kewen, Song Da's superior who had done propaganda work, was killed in Neijiang Street.

Song Da, a member of the Communist Party: The leader of the Chengdu labor movement, he has successively engaged in underground struggles in Guanxian Andian and other places

Strive to eat the ruins of a Sichuan restaurant

In 1937, in a room upstairs of the "Effort Meal" restaurant on Ancestral Hall Street in Chengdu, Che Yaoxian, Song Da, and several other comrades were gathering. Comrade Liu Wenze briefed everyone on the situation in which the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China began negotiations in February on the reorganization of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army and its march to the anti-Japanese front. Comrades conscientiously studied the article "The Tasks of the Communist Party of China in the Period of Resistance Against Japan." Everyone had a unified understanding ideologically and clearly defined the tasks of their future work in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. After the July 7 Incident, the all-out War of Resistance broke out, and the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China fought against Japan and the National United Front. Liu Wenzhe informed Song Da that, through the introduction of Che Yaoxian and Rao Shiwen, he would go to Liu Xiang's army as a "national salvation congress" to do the work of the anti-Japanese united front. Soon after, through the introduction of Comrade Zhou Junlie, the organization sent Song Da to Pan Qingzhou's army to carry out the anti-Japanese national salvation education work for party members. Later, the Sichuan Special Committee of the CPC arranged for Song Da to work in the office of the Eighth Route Army in Chongqing.

Song Da, a member of the Communist Party: The leader of the Chengdu labor movement, he has successively engaged in underground struggles in Guanxian Andian and other places

Chongqing Eighth Route Army Office

After the Dragon Boat Festival in 1939, Song Da returned to Chengdu from Chongqing, and after Chen Junqing of the Chuanxi Special Committee talked to him, he sent Song Da to Guanxian County to do the party's organizational clean-up and rectification work, participate in the county party committee and be responsible for organizational responsibilities. Chen Junqing said in particular: "I heard that there are many problems with the Guanxian County Party Committee, so after you go to understand it clearly, the special committee will deal with it well." After you go to Guanxian County, work as a shop assistant, but be sure to pay attention to safety. In addition, when I return to Chengdu, I will go to No. 108 Jinhe Street to find me. Song Da took the letter of introduction handed by Chen Junqing and said that he would definitely complete the tasks assigned by the organization.

When he arrived in Guanxian County, Song Da, as a clerk in the "Taiji Silk Cloth Shop" opened by his brother Song Heshou, handed over a letter of introduction at the underground party contact point "Guanyi Cultural Society," Song Da had a conversation with Zhong Jialin, then secretary of the Guanxian County CPC Committee, and conveyed the instructions of the Chuanxi Special Committee to clean up and rectify the party organization in Guanxian County. Sure enough, in the later work, with the deepening of the investigation, Song Da found that the problems in the Guanxian County Party Committee were very serious. Zhong Jialin not only took drugs and gambled, but also arbitrarily squandered the money of a cultural society. There was a party member named Yin Naixiu in Pucun who served as the director of the joint security, did a lot of bad things, and often stayed overnight in the homes of Wang xxx and Xie xx, which had an extremely bad influence on the party members.

Song Da, a member of the Communist Party: The leader of the Chengdu labor movement, he has successively engaged in underground struggles in Guanxian Andian and other places


At this time, it coincided with Zou Fengping, deputy secretary of the Chuankang Special Committee of the CPC, who came to Guanxian County to inspect the work. Song Da promptly reported zhong Jialin's corruption and degeneration to Secretary Zou, and Zou Fengping decided to transfer Zhong Jialin after verification. Under the organization of Zou Fengping, a meeting of the Guanxian County PARTY Committee was held to announce that Song Da had officially taken over the work of the secretary of the Guanxian County CPC Committee. Before leaving, Zou Fengping said to Song Da: "Comrade Song Weijing, the Guanxian Party organization will use the pseudonym Zhang Mingxuan to contact the special committee in the future, and the location is still No. 108 Jinhe Street. ”

After Zhong Jialin was transferred, the work of cleaning up and rectifying the party organization in Guanxian County was carried out smoothly. Song Da divided the county into three work points: Chengguan, Hedong and Hexi, and there was no longer a district committee, and the county party committee also reduced its establishment. Song Da, secretary of the county party committee, Xi Fangjian, member of the organization committee, Li Yajun, member of the mission committee, and Zhang Chongyi, alternate member of the financial committee. Chengguan traffic officer, alternate member Fan Lifu, Hedong traffic officer Chen Shuping, Hexi traffic officer Zhong Qingtian. The newly formed county party committee resolutely purged four people, including Yin Naixiu, who violated party discipline and degenerated, and recruited six new party members.

Song Da, a member of the Communist Party: The leader of the Chengdu labor movement, he has successively engaged in underground struggles in Guanxian Andian and other places


Just as the work was being carried out in an orderly manner, he suddenly received a notice from his superiors saying that Zhong Jialin needed more attention when he ran back to Guanxian County without permission. When Zhong Jialin was staying at the Guanxian Cultural Society, he was caught by the clerk for stealing property and sent to the police station. When Fan Lifu found that he wanted to save, it was too late for Fan Lifu to immediately report this emergency to Song Da. Suddenly, Song Da immediately convened a county committee meeting, and Xi Fangjian said that Zhong Jialin was very addicted to drugs and suggested sending some money. Zhang Chongyi believes that it is necessary to quickly report to the superiors, and the situation is serious. Song Da asked Fan Lifu to send two yuan immediately, and asked Zhang Chongyi to tell Zhong Jialin that he must not talk indiscriminately, and will definitely try to ensure that he comes out.

Song Da, a member of the Communist Party: The leader of the Chengdu labor movement, he has successively engaged in underground struggles in Guanxian Andian and other places


Not long after Zhang Chongyi left, Fan Lifu returned to report that the money was useless, and an officer of the Kuomintang county party department gave Zhong Jialin five yuan, and he had already drawn up a list of more than a dozen party members. Song Da was very shocked after hearing this, and he said to Fan Lifu, "You must find a way to get that blacklist." Now immediately inform all party members in Chengguan, Hedong, and Hexi to prepare for evacuation. Fan Lifu was ordered to go. After the end of the county party committee, Song Da rushed back to Chengdu overnight to report to the special committee on Zhong Jialin's betrayal of the organization. Chen Junqing's eyebrows tightened after listening, and he considered finding another person to go to the county party committee to clean up the aftermath, but there was no suitable candidate for the time being. Song Da said to Chen Junqing, who was very anxious to walk around: "Old Comrade Chen, I still want to go back to Guan county, I am afraid it will be too late!" Chen Junqing pondered for a moment, turned around and shook Song Da's hand and said, "Comrade Song Weijing, you must pay attention to safety when you return to Guanxian County, and you must return to Chengdu to see me immediately after arranging for the comrades to evacuate." ”

Song Da, a member of the Communist Party: The leader of the Chengdu labor movement, he has successively engaged in underground struggles in Guanxian Andian and other places

Dujiangyan City

Pressed for time, Song Da hurried back to GuanXian county to convey to the comrades the instructions of the special committee for all party members to evacuate immediately. Zhong Qingtian and Tian Zhichao went to Chengdu, Xi Fangjian and Li Yajun went to Zagu Brain, and Zhang Chongyi also decided to go to Chengdu. Only Fan Lifu, because the old mother in the family had no one to take care of, did not want to leave. Song Da repeatedly told him to pay attention to safety. Fan Lifu handed over to Song Da the underground party blacklist that Zhong Jialin had managed to copy to the Kuomintang Guanxian County Party Department. After returning to Chengdu, Song Da handed over the blacklist to Chen Junqing, the special commissioner, and reported on the evacuation of underground party members in Guanxian County. After hearing this, Chen Junqing said: "Comrade Song Weijing, the organization is very sure of the work you have done in Guanxian County, but you are the first on the blacklist, and now hurry home, go out as little as possible, and wait for the notice of the special committee." Song Da shook Chen Junqing's hand and said, "I obey the organizational arrangement!" ”

After receiving the notice from the Chuankang Special Committee, Song Da went to the Office of the Eighth Route Army in Chongqing. Half a year later, through the introduction of Kong Yuan, the Organization Department of the Southern Bureau, and Xu Dixin of the Propaganda Department, Song Da was sent to work in the newly established Grain Department of the Kuomintang. During this period, due to the unfortunate arrest of another comrade working in the Ministry of Grain, the Southern Bureau urgently recalled Song Da. After that, he arranged for Song Da to go to Tian Jiaying to work and study.

Song Da, a member of the Communist Party: The leader of the Chengdu labor movement, he has successively engaged in underground struggles in Guanxian Andian and other places


One day in May 1946, Tian Jiaying said to Song Da: "Chiang Kai-shek has left Chongqing for Nanjing, and the Southern Bureau will also be moved." Organizationally, it was decided that you should still return to Chengdu to persist in the underground struggle, and your organizational relations have now been transferred to Comrade Yu Jiangzhen, director of the organization department of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee, and another thing, for the sake of safety, I will give you a pseudonym Wang Hu. In the future, if someone comes to you, use the pseudonym Jiayin to contact you. Old Song, how do you think it is? Song Da nodded after listening to it and said, "If you want to get it, I obey the decision of the Southern Bureau, Lao Tian, your pseudonym is good." After Song Da returned to Chengdu, he actively threw himself into the struggle against hunger and civil war, and was soon discovered by Kuomintang agents, who were informed by the organization to leave Chengdu immediately and go to other places.

Song Da, a member of the Communist Party: The leader of the Chengdu labor movement, he has successively engaged in underground struggles in Guanxian Andian and other places

Chengdu Tea Garden

So Song Da took his eldest son and went to An County to hide as a teacher. While teaching in class, he entered the tea house and visited the liquor store to understand the local customs and customs. Inadvertently, he heard from the locals that there was a local armed group of peasants, whose personnel were distributed in the townships of Hua Tsu, Loess, Straw Shoes, and Xingren in An County. Song Da took the time to visit these townships and towns, and gained a preliminary understanding of the number and equipment of this peasant armed force. He thought that if I could master this team for my use, the liberation of An County might play a certain role in the future. Thinking of this, Song Da thought that the situation should be reported to the organization.

So three days later, Song Da returned to Chengdu and walked into a tea house in Zhonglianchi. Just after taking a seat, a middle-aged man wearing a long shirt and a top hat walked to Song Da's tea table and sat down. He picked up the tea bowl, poured the tea into the tea boat, dipped his index finger in the tea, and wrote two words on the table - "Wang Hu". Song Da looked at his heart with a chill, but on the surface he still very calmly dipped in tea and wrote two words "good sound". The middle-aged man looked at him with a happy look on his face, looked up and looked around, and whispered, "You are Comrade Wang Hu, my name is Chen Xiyao." After picking up the head, Song Da introduced the existence of a peasant armed force called the People's Self-Defense Army in An County and talked about his ideas.

After listening, Chen Xiyao said: "The situation you are talking about is very important, and I will report it to my superiors." Chen Xiyao then informed Song Da of an emergency situation, saying: "According to the information from our comrades in the inner line, there is a female comrade in An County who has been targeted by Kuomintang agents and will soon be attacked." The organization ordered that they quickly try to cover the female comrade and evacuate An County. ”

Song Da, a member of the Communist Party: The leader of the Chengdu labor movement, he has successively engaged in underground struggles in Guanxian Andian and other places

Cover the bowl of tea

As soon as Song Da heard this, he immediately stood up, nodded silently to Chen Xiyao, and turned away. After returning to An County, Song Da immediately took action, using various familiar connections and personnel to secretly inquire around to find the unknown female comrade. After unremitting efforts, he finally found the female comrade in another school, and it turned out that he was Sha Ting's daughter named Yang Gangjun. Pressed for time, Song Da quickly arranged for his eldest son Song Ziping to quickly go to the school to replace Yang Gangjun's position, and then personally escorted Yang Gangjun out of An County. Although within two days, several Kuomintang agents from Mianyang searched every school in An County for several days, and the result was naturally fruitless.

After the mission was completed, Song Da returned to Chengdu to meet Comrade Fang Zhou at the MyoGaolou Tea House on Frozen Qingshu Street. After the meeting, Fang Zhou led Song Da to his home on Fangzheng Street and introduced a comrade named Tang Huichang to Song Da. Fang Zhou said that Old Tang was sent by his superiors to arrange the task. Tang Huichang said: "Organizationally, in order to crush Hu Zong's plan for the Nancheng Metropolitan War, it was decided to launch an underground armed uprising in various places controlled by ourselves. Old Comrade Song, you are more familiar with the situation in An County, and organizationally you are considering sending you to the work of the peasant armed uprising. ”

Song Da, a member of the Communist Party: The leader of the Chengdu labor movement, he has successively engaged in underground struggles in Guanxian Andian and other places

Old tea shop

After Song Da listened, he felt that he did not understand the military and was a little hesitant. Tang Huichang saw the situation and encouraged: "Old Song, you don't have any worries, the party organization is your strong backing, bold work, we all believe that you have the ability to succeed." Song Da continued: "Thank you for the trust of the comrades, since the organization has decided that I will be responsible for this operation, I will definitely go all out, and then they will study the specific uprising plan and determine the time and place of the next meeting."

Half a month later, in the tea house at the Tantian Place on Zaojunmiao Street in Chengdu, a meeting was held hosted by Tang Huichang, Fang Zhou, Song Da, and a special person from An County called Liu Zhenpin. Tang Huichang preached the name, task and purpose of the enterprise team. Song Da saw that the approval document of his superiors was printed with the name of the uprising team of the "Chuankang People's Guerrilla Detachment in Northern Sichuan", the oath of the uprising and the "three major disciplines and eight points of attention", and also printed the order that Liu Zhenpin of An County should be the commander of the uprising team and Song Da should be the political commissar. Shortly after the meeting, in Chengdu Beicheng Park, Song Da received 30 yuan from Fang Zhou to send the organization.

Song Da, a member of the Communist Party: The leader of the Chengdu labor movement, he has successively engaged in underground struggles in Guanxian Andian and other places

Ann County

Song Da shouldered the organizational mission and just came to An County. After entering the city, he suddenly saw that the street wall was posted with a notice from the Anti-Communist National Salvation Army in An County, personally issued by the Kuomintang Governor Of An County, inciting local armed personnel to openly oppose the People's Liberation Army and enter the city, and the name of Liu Zhenpin, who had just been appointed commander of the rebel team, also appeared on the notice. Song Datun felt that the situation in An County was turbulent. After calmly thinking, he decided to ask Liu Zhenpin about the situation.

Years later, Grandpa was still excited when he talked about that experience. He said: "Alone and deep into the dangerous situation, it is doubtful whether Liu Zhenpin, the secretary of the Kuomintang's AnXian Senate and secretary of the Three Youth League, is sincerely willing to revolt." To say that there is no fear at all, it must be false. There is no turning back arrow in the start of construction, and the more difficult and dangerous it is, the more forward it is, and only then does the true character of the Communists be revealed. Song Da quickly found Liu Zhen and asked, "You said that the anti-communist National Salvation Army notice on the street, why does it have your name?" Liu Zhenpin quickly explained that he had just returned from Chengdu and did not know about the announcement, and he also swore that if he had two hearts for the uprising, there would be no good end.

Song Da, a member of the Communist Party: The leader of the Chengdu labor movement, he has successively engaged in underground struggles in Guanxian Andian and other places

An County Jushui Pass

Considering the current complex and changeable situation in An County, Song Da immediately made a decision, and the uprising immediately began. He ordered Liu Zhenpin to urgently combine the peasant armies in various places to predetermined places within half a day. In accordance with the action plan formulated organizationally, Song Da, who had always participated in the uprising, read aloud the name, declaration and purpose of the uprising, and ordered all those who participated in the uprising to strictly abide by the "three major disciplines and eight attentions". The congress of the uprising was successfully convened. After the liberation of An County, Song Da handed over the rebel procession to the nascent Red regime.

On December 3, 1949, Song Da and his comrades-in-arms raised the red flag to welcome the People's Liberation Army into Chengdu. In the welcoming procession, when someone took off their masks, they were very excited and asked, "It was you!" After the liberation of Chengdu, Song Da entered the work of the Municipal Military Control Commission and threw himself into the new journey of building a new China. In August 1978, Song Da died of illness in Chengdu at the age of 69. (Song Xu/Text)

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