
Chen Mo, vice president of the Chinese Wuxia Literature Society: Jin Yong and Yang Guo have a very similar growth experience and personal temperament

author:Beiqing Net
Chen Mo, vice president of the Chinese Wuxia Literature Society: Jin Yong and Yang Guo have a very similar growth experience and personal temperament

Legal Evening News (reporter Zhang Enjie) "Mr. Jin Yong introduced a person's growth model into the creation of martial arts novels, and wrote him as a very important clue. The male protagonist Yang Guo in his "Condor Heroes" has many shadow projections of his adolescent growth period. On the afternoon of November 29, nearly a month after Mr. Jin Yong's death, Chen Mo, vice president of the China Wuxia Literature Society, said in his keynote speech on "Life Projection - Jin Yong and His Martial Arts World" at the recording site of Phoenix Satellite TV's "Century Lecture Hall" in Beijing. The Legal Evening News reporter learned at the scene that Chen Mo had 35 years of experience in studying Jin Yong's literature, and Jin Yong had also invited him to write a biography of him.


The Legend of the Archery Hero that my roommate gave me broke my stereotype of martial arts novels

In his speech that afternoon, Chen Mo talked straight to the point about his association with martial arts novels. He said that when he first went to college, he did not read martial arts novels, thinking that this was garbage and had no better ideological content; later, when he was in graduate school, his roommate forced him to give him a copy of Jin Yong's novel "The Legend of the Eagle Hero", and he had to read it hard, and the result of this reading broke his stereotype of martial arts novels.

"I was surprised to find that martial arts novels are also part of the literary ecology, so I continued to study Jin Yong's martial arts works and began to think about its enlightenment to life." Chen Mo said. He said that for each of Jin Yong's martial arts novels, he read them 10 times and as many as 20 times. He has rarely seen the Jin Yong martial arts film and television dramas that he adapted and remade.

In his opinion, Jin Yong's 15 martial arts works are all fine works. Every time he wrote a film, he always had a good self-expectation, until after writing "Deer Ding", he found that he had no better expectations and could not go further. In addition, the editorial management tasks of the Hong Kong Ming Pao he founded were very heavy, so he stopped writing martial arts novels.


Integrating personal growth experience into novel creation Two dropout experiences are reflected on Yang Guo

Chen Mo said that to understand Jin Yong's works, we must understand Jin Yong as a person. He introduced a person's growth experience and model into the creation of martial arts novels, and wrote him as a very important clue. For example, "The Legend of the Archery Hero" is a "stupid child growth record", the male protagonist Guo Jing grew up with his mother Li Ping in the Mongolian steppe since he was a child, herding cattle and sheep This is his childhood life. He rarely comes into contact with other people, so his language function is slow to develop, and he does not start speaking until the age of 4 or 5, and communicates with people simply.

Later, The Six Monsters of Jiangnan became Guo Jing's "primary school" teacher, and took the method of "full classroom irrigation" to teach him martial arts, but found that his intelligence was relatively stupid. The teachers were very worried about how he participated in the 18-year-old "college entrance examination" - a competition. It was not until a fortuitous coincidence that Ma Yu, the master of quanzhen Dao, came to the Mongolian steppe to open a "small stove" for Guo Jing alone, and after pointing through his "acupuncture points", his martial arts improved greatly. "This shows that children who are stupid in their qualifications can succeed as long as they work hard and find a way to learn." Chen Mo said.

In his research, he found that Jin Yong cleverly integrated his experience as a teenager into the role of Yang Guo, the male protagonist in "Divine Eagle Man". For example, Jin Yong is greedy and mischievous when he is young, has great courage, and likes to work against people. In 1941, when he was in middle school, he offended the school leaders by writing an article in the poster satirizing the capitulationism of the director of the school, "Alice's Wanderings", and was expelled, so he transferred to Quzhou; then, Jin Yong was admitted to the Department of Foreign Affairs of Chongqing Central Chengchi University in 1944, and then complained to the school authorities because of his dissatisfaction with the behavior of the student party members on the campus, and was withdrawn from school, so that the diplomat's dream was broken. Fortunately, after dropping out of school, Jin Yong went to the Central Library to work, during which he read a large number of Chinese and foreign books, laying a solid foundation for his literary creation.

In Chen Mo's view, Yang Guo's experience of learning art from his teacher in his youth also encountered two "dropouts", and at first Guo Jing and his wife took him to Peach Blossom Island and taught him martial arts. He was at odds with the Wu brothers and Guo Fu, and often had conflicts. Later, he also spoke ill of guo jing, offended Guo Jing's master Ke Zheng and was forced to leave Peach Blossom Island, and Guo Jing sent him to the Quanzhen Sect of Zhongnan Mountain to learn art and worship Zhao Zhijing. Zhao Zhijing was narrow-minded and made it difficult for Yang Guo everywhere, only teaching him to recite oral tips, not martial arts. Yang Guo was dissatisfied again, and opposed him, and eventually the master and apprentice did not match, and Yang Guo was "withdrawn" again.


Modern deconstruction of ancient history not only follows the spirit of traditional martial arts but also highlights the personality temperament of the characters

It is worth mentioning that in the speech of the day, Chen Mo also analyzed Jin Yong's martial arts thought. In his view, after Jin Yong's death, the news media's interpretation of his traditional Chinese martial arts spirit of "the great hero and the people for the country" is relatively correct, but this is only part of his martial arts thinking. In "Divine Eagle Hero", Yang Guo's master-apprentice love with his aunt Xiaolongnü, although in the context of feudal etiquette, is considered to be an unethical love and a great rebellion, which is opposed by the world. However, Yang Guo Xiaolongnü still goes her own way, their love has nothing to do with others, which reflects the independent and free personality, and Yang Guo also has the most affectionate and self-realizing side when inheriting Guo Jing's spirit of defending the family and defending the country and righteousness.

"Through martial arts novels, Jin Yong is a modern deconstruction of ancient history, and the historical figures in his pen are full of flesh and blood." Chen Mo said that in his view, the historical biographical novel about Li Zicheng, the leader of the peasant uprising in the late Ming Dynasty, either portrays him as a chaotic party thief or a revolutionary hero, but in Jin Yong's "Green Blood Sword", there is both the Karisma temperament of the leader of the uprising (Note: This is a concept introduced by the German sociologist Weber from the early Christian concept of political sociology. Weber argues that Karisma is a personality trait of a type of person who possesses supernatural, superhuman strength or qualities, and the ability to draw some people around him to become followers, believers, who see these leaders with a sincere attitude. There are also grass heroes, the cultural and psychological limitations of small peasant consciousness, which presents the soul of this historical figure. The wild song of "Yesterday's Great Wall, Today's Heroic Soul" has gained insight into the old wounds of a thousand years of political culture.

After his speech, Chen Mo answered the audience's question about whether Jin Yong recognized his interpretation of Yang Guo's character before his death. Chen Mo said that after Jin Yong saw the article he published in a monthly magazine commenting on Yang Guo, he only said three words, "Interesting." In Chen Mo's view, this is the meaning of more recognition. He also said that in Jin Yong's martial arts works, Yang Guo's personality temperament is most similar to Jin Yong's. That is, Yang Guo is inside a calm appearance, has a fiery heart, and a kind of arrogant wildness, he is too self-righteous in his youth, too insistent on his feelings and ideas, so that people worry that he is going to the evil road. And Mr. Jin Yong's heart was the same when he was young; after Yang became a god eagle hero in middle age, he made a mask for himself, and he did not want to see people in his true face, because the jianghu said that he "saw Yang mistakenly for life", so Guo Xiang asked him for a needle in exchange for the opportunity to see his true face.

"Well, Mr. Jin Yong also has an invisible mask outside the inner world, and when I interact with him, his answer is always generous and decent, the standard answer." This is often some distance from his inner feelings of the real world. Chen Mo said that it is true that everyone plays a role in social life, and they must say the lines prescribed by this society for this role. Jin Yong is even more so, he will be divided into occasions, in the most appropriate language to express. Therefore, in order to find the real side behind Mr. Jin Yong's mask, we must dissect it from the inner world of the characters he portrays in his novels, and this real personality is more brilliant than his verbal expression on the scene.


Regrettably, he was unable to complete the interview with Jin Yong's biography and apply the same Chinese framework to work

Regarding the fact that Jin Yong had invited Chen Mo to write a biography of him, Chen Mo said that Jin Yong was a relatively low-key person and had always refused to let others write a biography for him. The People's Publishing House once asked Chen Mo to write a biography of Jin Yong, but at first he was rejected by Jin Yong. Later, in 2003, Jin Yong took the initiative to invite Chen Mo to his home to talk. However, it is also said that it is inconvenient to write the contents of his talks with the national leader and his personal emotional life into a biography and disclose them to the public. In this regard, Chen Mo felt more embarrassed, and hoped that Jin Yong could reconsider and be able to announce his life to the greatest extent.

A few months later, Jin Yong wrote again, saying that he could be interviewed. However, Chen Mo was busy with the work at hand, and he could not open his body, so he has been delayed until now that Mr. Jin Yong has passed away, chen Mo has not completed the interview with his biography. For Chen Mo, there are no regrets. However, in his opinion, Mr. Jin Yong's martial arts works before his death are already the best records and expressions of his personal biography, which are too rich and wonderful.

It is worth mentioning that the reporter of the Legal Evening News asked Chen Mo how to evaluate mr. Jin Yong's two work resumes when he was not only a martial arts novelist, but also a generation of newspapermen, who had decades of news media career, and participated in the drafting of the Hong Kong Basic Law? In this regard, Chen Mo said that Jin Yong is not only a literati running a newspaper, he also has a very great business acumen. He bought stocks in his early years, in high school, when he was in college, he co-founded newspapers with his classmates, and he understood the combination of news concepts and business operations early on, plus he had an international perspective in his long-term news review work, which complemented his news brushstrokes, and it can be said that Jin Yong is a very beautiful banner in the history of Chinese journalism.

Similarly, Jin Yong is also active on both sides of the Taiwan Strait as a social activist and observes the world situation. Based on patriotic goals, he was able to put forward some non-governmental suggestions to the leaders of the two sides of the strait, and creatively and effectively linked legal ideals and political reality through participating in the drafting of the Hong Kong Basic Law. This is a remarkable kind of thinking that needs to be further studied by relevant scholars. Jin Yong's contribution should not be forgotten. "Before the handover, he was a Chinese in Hong Kong, and after the handover, he was a Hong Kong native of China, and he always applied the big thinking framework of the same China to his martial arts creation, news media and political ambitions, which is worth learning and commemorating for future generations." Chen Mo said.

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