
Lookout | With 80% of the mission target completed in one year, how did Beijing achieve this report card? ——Interview with Yin Yong, member of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and vice mayor

author:Xinhua News Agency client
Lookout | With 80% of the mission target completed in one year, how did Beijing achieve this report card? ——Interview with Yin Yong, member of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and vice mayor

Yin Yong, member of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and vice mayor

In the past year, Beijing has steadily promoted the construction of the "two districts", planned the layout with the first good standard, and vigorously grasped the implementation with the spirit of nails, and in the first year, it completed 80% of the task target, running out of the acceleration of Beijing's opening up

In the past year, Beijing has formed 34 national first or first batch of policy innovation achievements, as well as the first batch of 10 best practice cases, which have been replicated and promoted nationwide, reaching 40% of the number of cases replicated and promoted to the whole country during the comprehensive pilot period of expanding the opening up of the service industry in the past five years.

From January to July this year, 1803 foreign-funded enterprises (including branches) were newly established in Beijing, an increase of 74.2% year-on-year, and the growth rate far exceeded the national year-on-year growth rate. Among them, the pilot free trade zone contributed 7% of the increase in market entities and 28% of the increase in foreign-funded enterprises with an area of 7 ‰ of the city, which provided strong support for attracting international factors to gather and build an international open and innovative highland

Wen | Tu Ming, Ji Ning, Wang Xiaojie, reporter of the "Lookout" news weekly

At the recently opened China International Fair for Trade in Services, Beijing's focus on the construction of the "two regions" demonstrated the new look of Beijing under the opportunity of opening up, which aroused widespread concern around the world.

"Two zones" refers to the national service industry expansion and opening up comprehensive demonstration zone, China (Beijing) pilot free trade zone. The construction of the "two regions" is an important measure for China to declare to the world to expand opening up, and it is also a key sub-son of the "five-sub-linkage" at the beginning of Beijing's "14th Five-Year Plan", which plays an important role in accelerating the construction of a new development pattern with the domestic cycle as the main body and the domestic and international dual cycles promoting each other.

On the occasion of the first anniversary of the construction of Beijing's "two districts", a reporter from the "Lookout" news weekly interviewed Yin Yong, member of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and vice mayor. He said that Beijing Municipality conscientiously implemented the decision-making and deployment of the party Central Committee and the State Council on Beijing's high-level opening up, steadily promoted the construction of the "two regions", planned the layout with the first good standard, and vigorously grasped the implementation with the spirit of nails, that is, 80% of the task target was completed in the first year, and the acceleration of Beijing's opening up ran out.

Strengthen the three overall plans and accelerate the construction of the "two regions" in an all-round way

"Lookout": In the past year, how has Beijing created the "two districts" construction of this open gold business card?

Yin Yong: In the past year, the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government have attached great importance to the construction of the "two districts", taking it as a strong support for Beijing to fully implement the new development concept, take the lead in exploring and building a new development pattern, adhere to the needs of national strategic development, adhere to the strategic positioning of the capital city, adhere to the benchmarking of international advanced rules and practices, and explore an effective path for expanding opening up at a high level.

The first is to coordinate the construction of "two zones" and fully release the superposition advantages of "industrial opening + park opening". Based on the development advantages of the capital's service industry, around the opening up of the industry, the introduction of nine major areas of science and technology, finance, cultural tourism and other areas of opening up plan, to build a new open system covering the advantageous formats of the service industry in Beijing. Pay attention to the mobilization of superior resources, and establish and improve a comprehensive element support system such as talents, intellectual property rights, finance and taxation, and customs clearance. Give full play to regional endowments, focus on building a "3+1" free trade area of nearly 130 square kilometers, namely the three areas of scientific and technological innovation, international business services and high-end industries in the Beijing Pilot Free Trade Zone, the Daxing International Airport Area (Beijing Area) of the Hebei Pilot Free Trade Zone, and the Beijing Sino-German Economic and Technological Cooperation Pilot Demonstration Zone and the Beijing Sino-Japanese Innovation cooperation Demonstration Zone that serve the strategic needs of opening up to the outside world, forming a new pattern of opening up in the city, with the coordinated linkage and multi-point support of the pilot free trade zone and key functional parks.

The second is to coordinate the "inventory management + project-based promotion" and consolidate the construction of the "two districts". The "two regions" plan approved by the State Council is refined into 251 policy tasks in the form of a list, clarifying responsibilities, inverting the construction period, and wall chart operations, and establishing working mechanisms such as "weekly reports" on work progress, "weekly scheduling" for policy tasks and project promotion, "weekly feedback" on research issues, and "looking back" combined with self-assessment and other evaluations, to ensure that the completion progress of tasks is faster than the time schedule. Taking the project landing as an important criterion for testing the effectiveness of the construction of the "two districts", the implementation of the policy list, the space resource list, and the target enterprise list "three single management", a total of 331 policy lists, 82.38 million square meters of space resources, and 948 target enterprises; the service guarantee is in line with the strategic positioning of the capital city, with a total of 2406 projects in the warehouse, and 1047 projects have been landed through the project promotion mechanism combined with "soft service + hard reform", providing new support for the high-quality development of the capital's economy.

The third is to coordinate the "opening up of the whole industrial chain + the whole process of reform", and strive to explore an institutionalized and integrated reform path. On the basis of fully implementing the State Council's approval plan, we will focus on further enhancing the systematic integration of reform and opening up, enhance the high-quality development level of the capital's economy, focus on strategic and advantageous industries such as scientific and technological innovation, digital economy, biomedicine, and green finance, and promote the opening up of the whole industrial chain. Focusing on key elements such as talents and intellectual property rights, a package of reform measures will be formulated through the whole process. Focus on the comprehensive bonded zone and the Beijing Sino-German Sino-Japanese Industrial Park, enhance the level of international development, strive to expand opening up from a single point breakthrough to an integrated system innovation and upgrading, and explore a new path of reform and opening up that adapts to the development of the capital, reflects the first good standards, and has the characteristics of the capital.

Create a "two-zone" construction model to enhance the leading nature of opening up

"Lookout": How can the construction of the "two districts" boost Beijing's opening up to the forefront of the country? What results have been achieved?

Yin Yong: In the past year, Beijing has taken institutional innovation as the starting point and replicable and generalizable as the requirement, and promoted the construction of the "two districts" and achieved remarkable results.

The first is to implement a number of first-mover policies, and the degree of openness and leadership has been significantly enhanced. In the past year, we have insisted on boldly exploring and innovating, achieving new breakthroughs in opening up and reform, benchmarking international advanced rules and best practices, and promoting a number of innovative measures such as corporate venture capital enterprise income tax incentives, technology transfer income tax preferences, international vocational qualification recognition, intellectual property insurance pilots, data cross-border flow safety management pilots, and financial technology regulatory sandboxes to accelerate the landing, forming 34 national first or first batch of policy innovation achievements.

The second is to form a number of institutional innovation cases, and the degree of open contribution has been continuously improved. In the past year, focusing on the construction of a scientific and technological service system, the improvement of quality and upgrading of cultural and tourism services, financial service innovation and entrepreneurship, and the optimization of regional cooperation models, we have formed the first batch of 10 best practice cases such as building a full-chain service ecosystem for scientific and technological innovation, equity investment and innovation in the innovation of venture capital transfer share transfer models, which have been copied and promoted to the whole country, reaching 40% of the number of cases replicated and promoted nationwide during the comprehensive pilot of expanding the opening up of the service industry in the past five years. In addition, the first batch of 24 pilot cases, such as the networked cloud-controlled autonomous vehicle industry development service model, have been formed, which have been replicated and promoted throughout the city.

The third is to land a number of landmark projects, and the market activity continues to rise. In the past year, we have promoted the continuous release of the synergistic spillover effect of "industrial opening + park opening". In the field of scientific and technological information, A number of Chinese and foreign institutions such as SMC China Headquarters, Sanogan Asia Pacific Headquarters, Schneider R&D Center, Apple Advertising, and Huawei China Headquarters have settled in Beijing. In the financial field, breakthrough projects such as the national major financial infrastructure - financial gateway, the country's first wholly foreign-owned insurance asset management company, a wholly foreign-owned licensed payment company, the third pillar national pension insurance company, and the Galaxy Asset Management Company have been landed, and since the construction of the "two districts" was launched, 68 domestic and foreign financial institutions have been landed. In the field of education and medical care, Deloitte (China) University landed, building the country's first international research hospital, cell medicine industrialization base, etc., with 20 Internet hospitals. In terms of the opening of the park, the status of the main position of the free trade group is prominent, and the world's largest hydrogen refueling station, the decentralized clinical trial (DCT) project, and the first five-flight route since the construction of the "two zones" have landed. Driven by the construction of the "two districts" and under the highly tense situation of epidemic prevention and control in the capital, from January to July this year, 1803 foreign-funded enterprises (including branches) were newly established in the city, an increase of 74.2% year-on-year, and the growth rate far exceeded the national year-on-year growth rate. Among them, the pilot free trade zone contributed 7% of the increase in market entities and 28% of the increase in foreign-funded enterprises with an area of 7 ‰ of the city, which provided strong support for attracting international factors to gather and build an international open and innovative highland.

The fourth is to build a number of key platforms, and the agglomeration of elements has been continuously enhanced. In the past year, we have landed 38 functional and service-oriented platforms such as Beijing's first global-oriented new-generation original innovative drug discovery platform, the BRICS Vaccine Research and Development China Center, the National Institute of Financial Standardization, and the National Fintech Certification Center, opening up the domestic and international dual-cycle links of resource elements and expanding new space for building new advantages in international cooperation and competition.

The fifth is to create a number of visualization results, and the degree of open display continues to increase. In the past year, we have combined intangible institutional innovation with the construction of tangible carriers, and built more than 2,000 square meters of "two districts" exhibition and living room; relying on key demonstration parks, we have launched a number of "two districts" punching places such as Shougang Park and China Film Capital; we have completed a number of integrated service carriers such as the "two districts" construction one-stop service center of the city sub-center, the innovation service center of the Beijing Pilot Free Trade Zone, and the CBD investment service center; and launched the International Film and Television Film and Television Production Service Center of the China (Huairou) Film and Television Industry Demonstration Zone. A number of intuitive and susceptible achievements, such as the first international hydrogen energy exchange center in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, and the exhibition center of the Beijing-China Innovation and Cooperation Demonstration Zone, have further created a model room for expanding opening up.

Plan policy innovation and continue to enhance the sense of enterprise acquisition

"Lookout": What policy dividends has the "two districts" construction sent to enterprises?

Yin Yong: Beijing is the city with the most developed service industry and the best business environment in China. The construction of the "two districts" locks in the pain points and difficulties of enterprise development, innovates institutional mechanisms, responds to the concerns of enterprises, frequently produces characteristic policies, and provides accurate service guarantees, further improving enterprise satisfaction and enhancing the sense of enterprise acquisition.

First, cross-border financing of funds is more convenient. The first batch of policies such as the pilot of the integration of local and foreign currencies of multinational companies and the pilot of the settlement account system of the local and foreign currency banks broke the ice in Beijing; deepened the reform of foreign debt facilitation, the pilot quota was increased to 10 million US dollars, and the average interest rate of beneficiary enterprises borrowing foreign debt was only 0.51%; the pilot quota of overseas investment of QDLP (qualified domestic limited partners) increased to 10 billion US dollars; and the amount of the pilot business of trade foreign exchange and capital account facilitation exceeded 77 billion US dollars Take the lead in upgrading the pilot project of facilitating cross-border RMB settlement business for high-quality and honest enterprises in the field of foreign contracting projects.

Second, talent support is more powerful. In terms of access facilitation, it took the lead in landing the past qualification recognition mechanism of the securities and futures industries; opened the first batch of 35 vocational qualification examinations to overseas personnel, and nearly 100 Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and foreign personnel participated in the examination; launched the first batch of 82 overseas vocational qualification recognition catalogues to attract international talents to gather in Beijing; won the support of the State Immigration Administration for 10 new policies for the entry and exit of foreign talents in Beijing, and pioneered the mechanism of recommending talents and recommending talents with talents; the implementation of the joint office of two certificates for foreigners' work permits and work residence permits shortened the processing time by 1/ 3, the number of processing times has been reduced by half. In terms of living convenience, 19 international schools are stepping up construction, the unified settlement of international commercial insurance and medical insurance is actively exploring, and the pace of international talent community construction is accelerating. In terms of entrepreneurial convenience, we will support offshore innovation and entrepreneurship, support foreign scientists to take the lead in undertaking government-supported science and technology projects, and promote foreign talents holding permanent residence permits to establish science and technology enterprises to enjoy national treatment.

Third, the flow of data is more secure and orderly. It is one of the first to participate in the pilot project of cross-border data flow security management in the country, study and formulate internal work guidelines and declaration guidelines for the security assessment of personal information export, pay attention to data security, explore the development of data market supervision sandbox mechanism, promote international cooperation in digital trade, and explore the formation of an international cooperation mechanism by building a digital trade port.

Fourth, the service guarantee is more perfect. Thoroughly implement the deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, deepen the reform of the New Third Board, set up the Beijing Stock Exchange, and create the main front for serving innovative small and medium-sized enterprises; set up a one-stop diversified dispute resolution center for international commercial disputes between the Beijing Financial Court and the Beijing Court; implement the same standard for government service colleagues in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Pilot Free Trade Zone, and the linkage mechanism of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei regional general office, etc., and the institutional innovation framework for high-level opening up is accelerating.

Lookout | With 80% of the mission target completed in one year, how did Beijing achieve this report card? ——Interview with Yin Yong, member of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and vice mayor

Looking at the capital (photographed on September 21) Photo by Yang Le/This issue

Strengthen institutional innovation and escort the construction of the "two regions" to go deep and solid

"Lookout": In the future, how to plan the construction of the "two regions" to achieve more breakthroughs, vitality, and practical results of reform and opening up?

Yin Yong: In the next step, Beijing will deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches at the China International Fair for Trade in Services Global Service Summit twice, resolutely shoulder the important mission and major responsibilities entrusted to Beijing by the Party Central Committee and the State Council, further promote the first-mover demonstration with a more positive attitude, do a good job in the construction of functional areas such as digital trade demonstration zones and free trade groups, introduce and cultivate a number of landmark leading projects, and create a market-oriented, rule-of-law and international business environment. Strive to build a model for Beijing in reform and opening up.

The first is to re-benchmark the standard and expand the new path of first-in-first-1 trial reform implementation. Focusing on international high-standard economic and trade rules, in-depth benchmarking research, combined with Beijing's "four centers" positioning and advantageous industries, actively exploring trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, cross-border service trade, e-commerce, intellectual property protection, etc., formulating a Beijing plan for forming a "demonstration zone for pioneering cooperation in international high-standard economic and trade rules"; highlighting the advantages of digital economy and digital trade, continuing to exert efforts in terms of rules, systems, service systems, application scenarios, and bearing areas, accelerating the construction of digital trade ports, and building digital trade demonstration zones Give full play to the advantages of service industry and service trade, actively strive to build a national service trade innovation and development demonstration zone, continue to explore around the reform of financial opening up, assist in the establishment and operation of the Beijing Stock Exchange, continuously improve the energy level of the national financial management center, and better serve the country's participation in the governance of the global financial system.

The second is to position and then accurately plan the whole industry chain and system innovation. Focusing on the strategy of opening up to the outside world and Beijing's own advantages, we will further conduct in-depth research and coordinate systematicness and accuracy. Focus on key industries such as digital economy, biomedicine, green finance, talents, intellectual property rights and other key links, under the guidance of the development direction of the global industrial chain, benchmark global benchmark cities, take problems as the guide, take pain points and difficulties as the entry point, further in-depth research around the opening of the whole industry chain and the reform of the whole link, find out their own comparative advantages, continue to empower and empower, smooth the circulation system, and constantly enrich the beneficial experience of the first to try, so as to create a better environment for the global high-quality resources to settle in Beijing.

The third is to re-rationalize the mechanism and smooth the city's open reform and innovation system. In the process of promoting the construction of the "two regions", it is necessary to always plan the reform and innovation of the system and mechanism. At the municipal level, we will further improve the "two districts" management system and mechanism, pay close attention to the introduction of the regulations of the pilot free trade zone, formulate the decision to expand the opening up of the service industry comprehensive demonstration zone, and provide legal guarantees for the reform of the system and mechanism; at the group level, we will explore more effective management models, give each group greater autonomy in reform, and fully stimulate the innovative vitality and motivation of each group.

The fourth is to make the grip clear and create a new space for differentiated industrial agglomeration. Adhere to the high-point plan, open up a new layout of first-mover trials, and fully release the advantages of the dual policy superposition of the expansion and opening up of the service industry and the pilot free trade zone. Relying on key parks, with functional reengineering and policy consultation as the starting point, further clarify the bearing area and subdivision direction of key industries, form a differentiated development path for the characteristics of each park, and create a number of "two districts" construction model rooms; further improve the project service guarantee mechanism, focus on the leading projects of the industrial chain and the supplementary chain projects, and form an effect that drives a batch of people; promote the innovation and upgrading of the comprehensive insurance area, and accelerate the construction of a comprehensive insurance area development pattern with reasonable layout, perfect functions, distinctive characteristics and strong guarantees.

Fifth, cooperation is pragmatic and explore new models for deepening interregional cooperation. In Beijing, we will explore the establishment of a linkage mechanism between key parks, improve the benefit sharing mechanism of industrial chain transfer, and form a dislocation cooperation; in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, further deepen collaborative opening up, explore the linkage of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Pilot Free Trade Zone as the starting point, and form a new pattern of complementary regional advantages and coordinated development; strengthen exchanges with sister provinces and cities, establish an open cooperation mechanism, and carry out linkage innovation. ■

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