
A 1.5-year-old baby coughed for a week and had a "long-legged" foreign body in his lungs, which turned out to be a small light bulb for the holidays

Recently, a baby YangYang (pseudonym), who is only 1 and a half years old, was sent to Shanghai Children's Medical Center by his parents for a week because of his persistent cough and continuous aggravation of his condition, and even severe cough and wheezing.

"In winter, it is very common for children to have coughing and wheezing symptoms of respiratory infections, but there is also an unbelievable scene on this child's chest x-ray. In the left lobe of his lung was a strangely shaped metallic high-density shadow, considered a foreign body, and the object also had two 'long legs' stuck in the airway separately. On January 5, Yin Yong, director of the respiratory medicine department of the hospital, revealed to the surging news ( reporter.

A 1.5-year-old baby coughed for a week and had a "long-legged" foreign body in his lungs, which turned out to be a small light bulb for the holidays

Imaging studies show. The pictures in this article are all courtesy of Shanghai Children's Medical Center

Yin Yong asked the parents: "Is the hairpin, pin, or toy in the child's body?" "In the face of inquiries, parents are also confused. According to further chest CT, this metallic foreign body is located in the opening of the lower lobe of the left lung, just below the mediastinal aortic arch.

"The nature of this foreign body is not clear, the tip of the metal-like foreign body is sharp, it is likely to pierce the bronchial wall with the breathing movement, the pneumothorax, mediastinal emphysema, etc., plus the child has a violent cough, once the foreign body pierces the blood vessels, the consequences are unimaginable." Yin Yong said.

Subsequently, the Department of Respiratory Medicine of the hospital launched the emergency plan of "Airway Foreign Body Green Channel", and on the basis of formulating the endoscopic plan, invited the cooperation of multiple disciplines such as the Department of Anesthesiology to jointly carry out foreign body removal surgery.

Considering the young age of the child and the far smaller tracheobronchial lumen than in adults, endoscopists chose the thinnest 2.8 mm tracheoscope with an outer diameter, leaving only 1.2 mm of the operating lumen for the instrument that grabbed the foreign body.

A 1.5-year-old baby coughed for a week and had a "long-legged" foreign body in his lungs, which turned out to be a small light bulb for the holidays

Remove the toy bulb

During the operation, the doctor will go deep into the child's airway with a tracheoscope to look for a foreign body at the opening of the bronchi in the lower lobe of the left lung, at which time one of the wires is suspected of having pierced into the bronchial wall, and the endoscopic doctor uses foreign body forceps and a mesh basket to gradually release it. After 15 minutes, a light-emitting diode about 1.2 cm long was removed from the child's airway. All the paramedics breathed a sigh of relief.

After removing the foreign body, the doctor asked the parents, and the parents suddenly realized: it turned out that this was a small light bulb on the toy lamp that was used at home for the holiday not long ago, and I didn't know how to "run" into the child's trachea.

The Respiratory Medicine Team of Shanghai Children's Medical Center reminds parents that the care of children in early childhood is very important, do not let children play with small objects or toys with small parts alone, etc., to avoid accidental injuries at home.

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