
10 amazing facts about Komodo dragons| Museum Travel Indonesia

author:Small Earth travel
10 amazing facts about Komodo dragons| Museum Travel Indonesia
10 amazing facts about Komodo dragons| Museum Travel Indonesia
10 amazing facts about Komodo dragons| Museum Travel Indonesia

Here are 10 pieces about this dragon

Facts you may not know yet



Super high IQ, lively and interesting

10 amazing facts about Komodo dragons| Museum Travel Indonesia

Komodo dragons are not only the largest dragons, but recent studies have shown that they also have a super high IQ and a lively and active personality. Kraken, the "dragonman" who lives at the National Zoo in Washington, D.C., is slowly changing the way scientists think about reptiles. Over the years, as she growled in daily contact with animal caretakers, she had learned and could recognize her exclusive caregivers.

10 amazing facts about Komodo dragons| Museum Travel Indonesia

And that's not all, Kraken even presents a more interesting side. Park rangers began to notice that she was able to carefully pull things out of employees' pockets and pull on their shoelaces. The researchers deliberately put items such as frisbees, blankets to beverage cans in their pockets, and Kraken became interested in all of them, leading some scientists to conclude that as a mammal, her behavior was humane enough.

According to psychologist Gordon Berghardt, these monitor lizards perform a specific activity in a "relatively benign" environment in order to have fun with the "game," but it must be voluntary and repetitive. Kraken's researchers found that experiments have shown that "Komodo dragons were able to tug-of-war with humans." In addition, she is "able to distinguish between prey and non-prey" and has "different reactions" to different items (rubber rings, shoes, etc.).

If the research team makes a difference, Komodo dragons will be far from the lazy stupid lizards you learned in high school biology class. Maybe we should start to think of them as curious babies with active minds and lively personalities.


The president also raises dragons

10 amazing facts about Komodo dragons| Museum Travel Indonesia

Komodo Dragon was also once a gift to the President of the United States. During his presidency, George W. Bush, 41, received a gift from the Indonesian government — a male Komodo dragon named Naga. While the idea of a dragon wandering around the Oval Office sounds great, the president chose to hand her over to the Cincinnati Zoo. The honorable little one passed away at the age of 24 after giving birth to 32 children in the zoo.


Land crocodile

10 amazing facts about Komodo dragons| Museum Travel Indonesia

Western scientists didn't discover the giant reptile until 1912, but before the results of scientific research came out, Komodo Island natives gave them the name "ora," which means "land crocodile." Looking at their appearance, they actually look really similar to crocodiles. It is a monitor lizard itself, but it is recognized as a legendary animal with "Komodo dragons", but its appearance and habits are very similar to those of crocodiles.


A strong swimmer

10 amazing facts about Komodo dragons| Museum Travel Indonesia

Although Komodo Dragon is known as the "Crocodile on Land", it is a very good swimmer. They wander between Indonesian islands, and sometimes we see them paddling on shoals.

10 amazing facts about Komodo dragons| Museum Travel Indonesia
10 amazing facts about Komodo dragons| Museum Travel Indonesia


Breaking Bad

10 amazing facts about Komodo dragons| Museum Travel Indonesia

Ten years ago, scientists thought these scavengers' saliva contained truly deadly bacteria that secreted enough saliva toxins to knock down a buffalo. But that's not the case: In 2009, biochemist Brian Fry tested this traditional understanding by finding the microbes they hunted in the mouths of several Komodo dragons.

10 amazing facts about Komodo dragons| Museum Travel Indonesia

It was learned from the study that, contrary to popular belief, they digested less ribs in their stomachs than most meat-eating mammals. In addition, Fry found no trace of particular danger. But he found venom glands located in the jaws of Komodo dragons that released a substance similar to alcohol, causing paralysis of the organism, extreme blood loss, insufficient blood clotting, tissue damage, and unbearable pain. All of this would kill poor buffalo.


Thousands of miles to taste the tongue

10 amazing facts about Komodo dragons| Museum Travel Indonesia

Like snakes, lizards have many forks on their tongues, and they can recognize subtle smells in the air. As soon as the surrounding prey is exposed to the air, they will quickly find it and use a fork on their tongue to insert it into the animal's organ located at the top of the mouth to kill them. Not only that, but this allows Komodo dragons to recognize any flavor they just pick up, and to find and taste their delicious curd dinner even two miles away.

10 amazing facts about Komodo dragons| Museum Travel Indonesia


Weird jaws

10 amazing facts about Komodo dragons| Museum Travel Indonesia

Thanks to this strange and flexible jaw, these bloodthirsty monitor lizards can be helped to crouch on the ground and devour an entire behemoth little by little. As you can see in the picture, species the size of medium-sized piglets are fine for Komodo dragons.


Virgin childbirth

10 amazing facts about Komodo dragons| Museum Travel Indonesia

The future mother dragon doesn't have to wait for some handsome male. Women who are held in captivity alone also give birth to healthy babies, even if they do not mate with the opposite sex. In fact, there are some mother dragons who may never share enclosures with a member of the opposite sex. They can reproduce on their own: when no male is around, female Komodo dragons, like some lizards, practice a skill called "parthenogenesis." This means that there will be a substance in its body that replaces sperm, and the egg cells can combine with each other to produce.


Teenagers who are unable to have close contact with their parents

10 amazing facts about Komodo dragons| Museum Travel Indonesia

Adult Komodo dragons are picky and greedy eaters, and while they don't easily devour their offspring, it's also possible. Before the young Komodo dragon babies grow up to be able to make a living on their own, they will stay away from hungry adults and climb into trees to become agile tree climbing predators (sounds a little sad). However, this is not enough. Before they needed to get up close and personal with adults, Cuomo would for years roll through the feces so that even the most voracious dragons wouldn't want to eat them.

10 amazing facts about Komodo dragons| Museum Travel Indonesia



10 amazing facts about Komodo dragons| Museum Travel Indonesia

The deaths of Komodo dragons were recorded in 1974, 2000, 2007 and 2009. The most recent attack was when a man was attacked by two Komodo dragons and fell from an apple tree, lying on the ground already stunned. In general, Komodo dragons like to plunder graves to kill people, so locals often pile stones on the graves of their loved ones as a deterrent.

10 amazing facts about Komodo dragons| Museum Travel Indonesia

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