
As the saying goes: "Tooth Wife" is originally a "living medium"

author:The grass is not yellow

As the saying goes: "Tooth Wife" is originally a "living medium"

As the saying goes, "The bowl called Hanako – there is no empty one." "Whoever begs, the bowl in front of him for money, will certainly not be empty, and there must always be a few cents, a few dollars in it." The little money was not collected, but he put it in himself. This money is the "囮", that is, the "tooth", the "duck medium", which is what the Sichuan-Chongqing people often say about the "medium", "miko", and "introduction". "Matchmakers, children."

"Armed to the teeth" was the most incomprehensible phrase I had when I was a child, and I didn't know how to arm the law. "Tooth" and "tooth" are "different for the text (analysis), and the prose (general statement) is the same", that is to say, the two "mixed up theory" is the same meaning, separate then the tooth is a tooth, the tooth is a tooth, there is a difference. "Sayonon Dental Department": "Teeth, teeth also." "Teeth": "Teeth, mouth quagmes also." "Tooth Part": "龂, tooth Ben also." "Gingivus" is the word "gingival" of the gums. "Broad Rhymes and Stop Rhymes": "Teeth, teeth." Duan Yu's commentary in the "Sayings" says: "In general, they are all teeth and teeth; in the analysis, the former lips are called teeth, and the latter is the teeth of the auxiliary car." The teeth are larger than the teeth. "Auxiliary car", Chuanyu called "azoya", "molar teeth" (not a double pointed tooth next to the tiger's tooth), "big tooth" ("azoya", immediately "tooth". "Huilin Yinyi" Volume V "Gongya" notes from the "Cut Rhyme": "Gong, Tooth Ben also." "Yesterday ho che."

Words such as "tooth", "tooth wife", "tooth line (háng)" are associated with teeth.

"Water Margin" 24th time:

Wang Po smiled and said, "The old man is a matchmaker, and he can also be a dentist." ’”

[Shi Bi] left his daughter and adoptive mother-in-law to sell them, and they were not allowed to sell them to the officials and pay the officials for the price. ("Awakening to the Everlasting Word, Two Counties Orders To Compete for The Marriage of Orphan Girls")

What is a "dentist"? "Women who profit from the introduction of human trafficking". Obviously, the "teeth" of the "tooth" and the teeth of the "teeth" have nothing to do with each other. Associated words include "tooth man, tooth squire, tooth row" and so on.

Tooth Man: On the occasion of the Ning Wang Fang gathering guests Yan Dialect, the Horse Tooth Man Qu God Slave, please present the erma Yan. (Tang Xue used the weak "Ji Yi Ji Ji Ning Wang")

Stop the Shanghai People's trip to the north, and set up a merchant ship to the boundary of Tianjin anchorage. (Qing Weiyuan's "Daoguang Chengjiao Shipping Record")

The toothman solicits buying and selling, negotiating prices, negotiating between the government and the merchant, and sometimes making the toothman come forward. (Fan Wenlan, Cai Meibiao, et al., General History of China, Part III, Chapter 2, Section 5)

Tooth Servant: For several months, there were tooth servants, there were Cui widows who were very poor, and there were four prostitutes. (Tang Gu Shenzi,"Bo Yizhi Zhang Bu Doubt")

You stay in the Wind Moon Field for the tooth servant, he has a female deep boudoir, you do the Yuling Plum to send spring, and the Dragon Palace Stone that leads the iron. (The second fold of Ming Ye Xianzu's "Tuan Hua Feng")

There are also dental merchants, dental shops, tooth langs, teeth" and so on.

Or think: the "teeth" of the dentist and the tooth man are related to the teeth: these people eat by selling their mouths and moving their tongues to make a living, so they are related to the "teeth". Imaginary reasonable but unexplainable. Let me ask you: Why not call it "Tooth Lady"? Sophistry: teeth, teeth in front; teeth in general.

Or think that "tooth" is the same as "mutual", the tooth market is the mutual market, the tooth person is the mutual person, which means the person who communicates with each other and has no goods. The Old Book of Tang and the Biography of An Lushan: "And long, xie liubo, for the mutual market yalang", is this not the saying "mutual market yalang"?

From the "Old Book of Tang Dynasty Food and Goods Chronicle" "From now on, there are people who owe money to strangers for customs clearance, but it is advisable to let the head of the bank and the owner of the residence, the tooth person, etc., the procurator and the official" know that "tooth" should mean "intermediate, medium". The phonetic character of the word "囮" is immediately used.

囮: "Shuwen 囗部": "Translation also... The person who leads the bird is the one who has been born with the bird, and the name is called 囮. Read it. 㘥, 囮 or 從繇. (Wuhe Cut)

"Tamaki Tsutomu": "Bird Medium Also." ”

"Absolutely to the mediator" Hu San province note: "Hey, bird medium also." (Zizhi Tongjian Sui Ji III)

Those who hear temptation and anger are also cursed; those who see fame and joy are also the medium of Yu. (Ibid.)

The pious woman heard him sniffling and asked for money. (The Fifty-fourth History of Ru lin wai shi)

"Rate", "Broad Rhymes to Rhymes": "Bird Net." "Rate birds", catching birds with nets also. Bird hunting must have a seductive "medium", which is called "囮". Therefore, "tooth" has the meaning of "seduction, seduction". Chuanyu calls those who are tempting and deceived called "matchmakers"; people or witnesses who can prove something are called "living mediators", which is equivalent to "childcare" in the north. So the evolution chain is —

Fei: "Analects of The Little Son" "Ji Zi is a slave" He Yan Ji Xie Quoted Ma Yue "Ji Zi pretended to be a slave" Liu Baonan Justice: "Pseudo-also. "Jade Chapters and Humanities": "Deception also." (with Zhang Che), Pingyang to. Yangbu.

Yang: Xuanying Yinyi, vol. 15 , "Yang Disease" notes from the Book of Zhou: "Deception also. ”

Shadow Concealment: Journey to the West Fifty-seventh Time: "You have come to shadow the Bodhisattva again." ”

Shadow, deception; deception. The Hanyu Da Zidian interprets the "shadow" of "shadow concealment" as "hidden", which is only a neutral statement.

傆: "Shuwen Renbu", "Jade Chapter Renbu": "黠也." Duan Yu cut note: "黠, the history of the so-called 桀黠也." Li, Gai is called the countryside. (The fish is willing to cut).

Fake: Fake, fake.

Citations: Primers; Medicine Primers. entice.

The inset word is "iniquity". Pass "rice dumplings". Matchmaking.

Now the matter is not right, and the courtier who protects his wife with all his body follows the shortness, and the servant is sincere and selfish. (The Book of Han and the Biography of Sima Qian)

Bait: Bait.

Akane: Bait for fishing, sticky mouse boards, etc.

Teeth: What is the benefit of the half-time wind flow, the general taste does not need to be exaggerated. Once the disaster arose inside the Xiao Wall, the loss of the royal wife first made teeth. (Wanli Ben "Golden Plum Words" the sixth time)

The bait used to trap wild ducks is called "duck medium". Although it is based on "duck" as the medium, in fact, "duck" implies the meaning of "seduction" of "tooth (囮)", that is, "囮媒" and "tooth media", so there is a saying that "duck medium is really tiger". See Wei Xiuliang, "Duck Media" and "Huang'er" (Today's Gaomi Digital Newspaper, 2018.11.20)

Chuanyu said that the bait is called "Azandra", "taste" is immediately "pseudo", and the lure is also said: those on the Internet who sit at the head of the house to find money, many of them are the flavor seeds given to you first, step by step, you are hooked!

Why is the "tooth" of the tooth woman and so on bounded with the "mutual"? One way of saying that "reciprocity" is written as "㸦", which is similar to "tooth" and its shape. In addition, this is a kind of "mutual market" behavior, so "teeth" is "mutual". It's a bit of a "reading" flavor. After reading the above explanation, I am afraid that I will not believe the previous statement.