
Nourish yin and face soup Drink glutinous rice stewed carp in spring to nourish yin and nourish blood


Today I recommend a health soup water glutinous rice stewed carp, spring health should solidify the essence, nourish the yang qi, the essence of the kidneys, the vitality of the blood and liquid, promote the physiological function of the organs. Glutinous rice stewed carp mellow and fragrant and delicious, with the effect of tonifying, nourishing qi, nourishing yin and nourishing blood, suitable for men and women of all ages.

Carp stew with sticky rice:

Ingredients: 50 g glutinous rice, 1 carp, 4 slices of ginger.

Glutinous rice, commonly known as yuan rice, river rice, folk have "green indica white glutinous" said, that is, the whiter the glutinous rice, the better, its sticky nature is particularly warm stomach nourishing nourishing nourishment. Chinese medicine believes that its warm and sweet taste has the effect of tonifying qi, stopping urine, sweating, and acne rash. Modern nutrition believes that it is rich in protein, fat, sugar, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin b1, b2, niacin and starch.

Nourish yin and face soup Drink glutinous rice stewed carp in spring to nourish yin and nourish blood

Carp is the earliest and most widely cultivated major fish in China and is listed as one of the best in river fish. Chinese medicine believes that it is flat and sweet, and has the effect of nourishing, stomach, water, diuretic, swelling, milk, heat, detoxification and cough and gas. Modern nutrition believes that it is rich in protein, vitamin B and various minerals and a variety of amino acids, its meat taste is good, mainly its more than 10 kinds of free amino acids in play, especially glutamic acid, glycine and histidine are the most abundant. It is a tonic fish in river fish, and is suitable for the adjuvant treatment of nephritis edema, cardiac edema, beriberi edema, lactation, fetal restlessness and gestational edema.

Cooking: Soak the glutinous rice slightly, wash it; the carp is slaughtered and washed, the gills and dirty are removed, the water is dried, and then evenly smeared inside and outside with ginger wine, and then applied again with raw oil. Put the glutinous rice into the stew cup first, then put the carp on top of the glutinous rice, add 1250 ml of cold boiled water (about 5 bowls) and ginger slices, cover and simmer for about 2 and a half hours. When drinking, add an appropriate amount of table salt, which can be used by 3-4 people.