C# 5.0 also interoperates with Windows Runtime (WinRT) libraries. WinRT is an execution interface and runtime environment for accessing libraries in a language-neutral and object-oriented fashion. It ships with Windows 8 and is (in part) an enhanced version of Microsoft’s Component Object Model or COM (see Chapter 25)
C# 5.0’s big new feature is support for asynchronous functions via two new keywords, async and await. Asynchronous functions enable asynchronous continuations, which make it easier to write responsive and thread-safe rich-client applications. They also make it easy to write highly concurrent and efficient I/O-bound applications that don’t tie up a thread resource per operation.
The features new to C# 4.0 were:
• Dynamic binding
• Optional parameters and named arguments
• Type variance with generic interfaces and delegates
• COM interoperability improvements
The features added to C# 3.0 were mostly centered on Language Integrated Query
capabilities or LINQ for short.
The C# 3.0 features added to support LINQ comprised implicitly typed local variables,
anonymous types, object initializers, lambda expressions, extension methods, query
expressions and expression trees.
C# 3.0 also added automatic properties and partial methods.
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