在三維空間中移動物體,我的最直接的想法就是改變物體的坐标,這也是我弄懂一些三維空間中坐标關系後的唯一抓手,這也是之前經常導入模型确顯示不了的根本問題,畢竟三維模型不由我控制,不過得實話實說,我真心控制不了,對 3dmax 真是一知半解,有機會一定要加強一下。
但坐标原點移動了,其它物體也有了偏 移量的增減,這也是行不通的。
glBufferSubData — 更新緩存對象資料存儲的一部分 update a subset of a buffer object's data store
<code>void glBufferSubData(</code>
GLenum target,
GLintptr offset,
GLsizeiptr size,
const GLvoid * data<code>)</code>;
<a target="_blank"></a>
Specifies the target buffer object. The symbolic constant must be <code>GL_ARRAY_BUFFER</code> or <code>GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER</code>.
Specifies the offset into the buffer object's data store where data replacement will begin, measured in bytes.
Specifies the size in bytes of the data store region being replaced.
Specifies a pointer to the new data that will be copied into the data store.
<code>glBufferSubData</code> redefines some or all of the data store for the buffer object currently bound to <code>target</code>. Data starting at byte offset <code>offset</code> and
extending for <code>size</code> bytes is copied to the data store from the memory pointed to by <code>data</code>. An error is thrown if <code>offset</code> and <code>size</code> together
define a range beyond the bounds of the buffer object's data store.
When replacing the entire data store, consider using <code>glBufferSubData</code> rather than completely recreating the data store with <code>glBufferData</code>. This avoids the cost of reallocating the data store.
Consider using multiple buffer objects to avoid stalling the rendering pipeline during data store updates. If any rendering in the pipeline makes reference to data in the buffer object being updated by <code>glBufferSubData</code>, especially
from the specific region being updated, that rendering must drain from the pipeline before the data store can be updated.
Clients must align data elements consistent with the requirements of the client platform, with an additional base-level requirement that an offset within a buffer to a datum comprising N be a multiple of N.
<code>GL_INVALID_ENUM</code> is generated if <code>target</code> is not <code>GL_ARRAY_BUFFER</code> or <code>GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER</code>.
<code>GL_INVALID_VALUE</code> is generated if <code>offset</code> or <code>size</code> is negative, or if together they define
a region of memory that extends beyond the buffer object's allocated data store.
<code>GL_INVALID_OPERATION</code> is generated if the reserved buffer object name 0 is bound to <code>target</code>.