
New release iTextSharp 3.1.1 (2006-05-25)


<a href="http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/itextsharp/itextsharp-3.1.1-dll.zip">http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/itextsharp/itextsharp-3.1.1-dll.zip</a>

<a href="http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/itextsharp/itextsharp-3.1.1.zip">http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/itextsharp/itextsharp-3.1.1.zip</a>


2006-05-22: iText 1.4.1

Changes made by Paulo

HTMLWorker: treatment of http images; made some fields protected

PdfGraphics2D: some clarification on compiling with JDK 1.3

PS: some fixes

TIFF: a compression tag was set in the wrong variable

TIFF: allow the reading of tiffs without the rowstrip tag (extra fix)

bugfix: PdfContentByte.saveState() was not making a copy of the state

PdfReader hack to read broken pfds that have nulls in the kid page array

PdfCopy: changes made to allow replacing existing images

PdfCopy.freeReader() for better memory management

Read encrypted PDF with keylength not 128 Bit and revision 3

More efficient rectangles (Mark Storer)

Changes made by Mark Hall

RtfLists in RtfListItems are now handled correctly.

Changes made by Bruno

Class Table: rowspan fix by Bruno

Class Table: bug report #1460051 concerning table split over different pages

GreekList: upper- and lowercase were switched (bug reported by Shawn Qi)

List.setListSymbol always overwrites the list symbol set with ListItem.setListSymbol (bug reported by Shawn Qi)

Removed some unused code/classes

Image alignment fix

MultiColumnText: fixed an endless loop problem and made the object more user-friendly

XML Handler: Ricardo Coutinho removed a side-effect that prevented you to define the pagesize/orientation or a document

XML Handler: basefont problem fixed after a report by Conta Matteo

XHTML parsing made case insensitive

Changes to the Toolbox

Added a tool to view images that are inside the PDF as an Image XObject (code contributed by Carsten Hammer)

It is now possible to define the opacity of a text watermark added using the toolbox plug-in (code contributed by Carsten Hammer)

Added a DirFilter for the PhotoAlbum plug-in (code contribution by Johannes Schindelin)